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Montevideo is becoming one of the best places to build a startup, but most of the early-stage entrepreneurs we speak to aren't aware of the local tech resources that are available to help them.

With applications for the Uruguay Founder Institute now open, we're excited to release the Uruguay Startup Resource Guide, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the Uruguay Founder Institute and local leaders: CeciliaRuth Kancepolsky (Founder Institute Uruguay Leader. Mentor. CMO . External Relations & Strategic Networking New Business Opportunities Manager . Storytelling / Pitch coach., Helpways & Smart Women. ), Dan Roitbarg ( Digital Transformation and Innovation Manager , DXC Technology), Horacio Cuervo (Director, Founder Institute Buenos Aires), Ivan Saubidet (CEO, Nubihome)

This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version. 

Are you looking to build a startup in UruguayThen apply to the Uruguay Founder Institute today!

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • Montevideo Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)
  1. Contxto

  2. StartUp Uruguay

  3. Uruguay Emprendedor

  • Inspirational Montevideo Startup Events: Open, inclusive startup events that often focus on ideation. (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
  1. Campus Party

  2. Mega Experiencia Endeavor

  3. MUEVE

  4. Semana de la Ciencia y Tecnología

  5. Startup Weekend Montevideo [discontinued]


  7. TEDx Montevideo

    B. Educate

    • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing tech events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire).
    1. .NET Meetup UY

    2. Abstracta Tech Talks

    3. Bitcoin & Blockchain Uruguay

    4. Blockchain

    5. FinTechs & Bitcoins Uruguay

    6. Girls in Tech

    7. MonteVIDEO Tech Meetup

    8. Startup Founder 101 Montevideo

    9. Startup Grind Montevideo

    • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development events and startup bootcamps for entrepeneurs. (Includes comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. 4Geeks Academy

    2. 1950Labs Tech Talks

    3. AgileUY

    4. Angular MVD

    5. Coderhouse

    6. Founder Institute

    7. GDG Montevideo

    8. Growth Meetup

    9. Hack Academy

    10. Holberton School

    11. IxDA Montevideo

    12. LoopStudio Talks

    13. Mercado Libre Tech Talks

    14. PHP MVD

    15. Proyecto Kanban

    16. R-Ladies Montevideo

    17. ReactJS

    18. The Lean Startup

    19. The Montevideo Javascript Meetup Group

    20. The Montevideo MySQL Meetup Group

    21. The Montevideo Python Meetup Group

    22. TRIBU Tech Latam

    23. Tryolabs Engineering Events

    C. Validate

      • Team Formation: Events for Finding Co-founders in Montevideo.  (i.e. tech networking events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
      1. AJE Uruguay

      2. CoFoundersLab

      3. Endeavor Uruguay

      4. Global Entrepreneurship Network

      5. Remote Workers Montevideo

        • Build First Product: Hackathons & product events in Montevideo.
        1. Hackspace UY

        2. IoT PARA LA AGROINDUSTRIA Makeathon

        3. La Fábrica

        4. Montevideo Web Developers

        5. NASA Space Apps Challenge

        6. Product Hunt MVD

        7. TestingUy

        2. Launch Stage

        In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

        A. Start

        • Establish: Montevideo law firms & banks for startups
        1. Andersen Tax &Law

        2. Bado, Kuster, Zerbino & Rachetti

        3. Banco República

        4. Banco Santander Uruguay

        5. Bandes Uruguay

        6. Banque Heritage Uruguay

        7. BBVA Uruguay

        8. CPA Ferrere

        9. Dentons - Jimenez de Arechanga

        10. Fernández Secco & Asociados

        11. Ferrere

        12. Fischer (now Andersen)

        13. Guyer & Regules

        14. HSBC Uruguay

        15. Itaú

        16. Legalmind Abogados

        17. LEXIN

        18. Olivera Abogados

        19. Patelin Conseil

        20. Pérez del Castillo & Asociados

        21. Scotiabank Uruguay

        22. Storace Abogados

        • Montevideo Workspaces: Co-working and flexible workspaces for startups in Montevideo.
        1. Bamboo

        2. Businessuy

        3. Co-Work Latam

        4. Conexo Cowork

        5. Copper Cowork

        6. Cowork18

        7. Del Plata Office

        8. ESPACIO Cowork

        9. Morales Cowork

        10. Nook Cowork

        11. Sinergia Workspace

        12. TodoLOGÍSTICA

        13. YouHub

        B. Develop

        • Formalize: Montevideo accounting, development and HR tools for early-stage startups.  
        1. 1950labs

        2. Bixlabs

        3. Bloque

        4. Búsquedas IT

        5. Carle & Andrioli

        6. Carlos Picos Legal Tax Accounting

        7. Cinetica Tech

        8. CodigoDelSur

        9. Conficon

        10. CPA Ferrere

        11. December Labs

        12. Entrust

        13. Friedman

        14. GlobalUY

        15. González y Asociados

        16. Infuy

        17. MRC & Asociados

        18. Naimara Software Company

        19. Nareia Software

        20. Servicios Contables

        21. Smart Talent

        22. Spacedev

        23. Switch Software Solutions

        24. VFG Consulting

        25. Xpantion

        Montevideo Incubators: Groups that prepare companies for seed investment and provide advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources)

        1. Camara de Industrias del Uruguay (CEGETEC)

        2. CIE/BIO

        3. CIE/ORT

        4. Coopera Innovation Hub

        5. Fundación Da Vinci Labs

        6. Incubacoop

        7. Incubadora Sinergia

        8. Incubaelectro

        9. Ingenio

        10. Ithaka

        11. Khem

        12. Rabbit

        C. Launch

        • Montevideo Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
        1. Coopera Accelerator

        2. Impulsa

        3. ThalesLab

        • Pitch & Demo Events: Tech events that showcase Montevideo startups for investment.
        1. #ElBigPitch

        2. Founders Live

        3. Seedstars Montevideo

        3. Growth Stage

        Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

        A. Recognition

        • Montevideo Investor Networking:  Events and groups that connect professional investors with founders.
        1. Red Uruguaya de Inversiones

        2. Xcala

          • Major Media: Mainstream local business press that often showcase local startups.
          1. 180

          2. Agencia Uruguaya de Noticias

          3. Alfa FM

          4. Diario La R

          5. El Observador

          6. El País

          7. En Perspectiva (RadioMundo)

          8. La Diaria

          9. LARED21

          10. Montevideo Portal

          11. Subrayado

          12. The News Uruguay

          13. Radio Carve

          14. Radio El Espectador

          15. Radio Sarandi

          B. Funding

          • Montevideo Angel Investors: Seed-stage investors and micro-vcs.
          1. Henrik Hansen

          2. Jorge Corral

          3. Liber Fernández Gribov

          4. Marcelo Roca

          5. Martin Larre

          6. Santiago Pehar

          • Montevideo Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
          1. Alcor

          2. Bora Ventures

          3. Ficus Capital

          4. Kaszek

          5. LAB+ Venture Builder

          6. Patria Investments

          7. Prospéritas Capital Partners

          8. Tokai Ventures

          9. URUCAP

          C. Growth

          • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
          1. Advice

          2. BSE

          3. Capital Humano RRHH

          4. Deloitte

          5. Improve

          6. InfoCasas

          7. Instant Offices

          8. MAPFRE

          9. Office Freedom

          10. Porto Seguro

          11. Regus

          12. Sancor

          13. Santander Seguros

          14. SBI Seguros

          15. Seguros SURA

          16. Workplace Uruguay

          • Expansion: Montevideo Growth accelerators and consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
          1. Aon

          2. Avanza Consulting

          3. BCI Consulting

          4. Beyond Partners

          5. CE Consulting

          6. Deloitte

          7. Ecovis

          8. Endeavor

          9. Ernst & Young

          10. Grant Thornton

          11. Hill+Knowlton Strategies

          12. Hughes & Hughes

          13. KPMG

          14. MVD Consulting

          15. PwC

          16. Tata Consultancy Services

          17. Tokai Consulting

          18. Willis Towers Watson

          19. xternum

            4. Montevideo Startup Success Stories

            Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

            1. AstroPay

            2. Bankingly

            3. dLocal

            4. GeneXus

            5. Meitre

            6. MonkeyLearn

            7. Nocnoc

            8. Nowports

            9. PedidosYa

            10. Satellogic

            11. Scanntech

            12. Technysis

            13. Tuna

            14. Vopero


            To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

            1. Montevideo Startup Leaders

            Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

            1. Álvaro Pérez Silvera

            2. Analía Migues Camps

            3. Anna Chiara Ortolani

            4. Cecilia R. Kancepolsky

            5. Dan Piestun

            6. Deborah Szwedzki

            7. Diego Passadore

            8. Enrique Topolansky

            9. Fernanda Lanzari

            10. María Martha Passadore

            11. Mikaela Pisani Leal

            12. Pablo Tiscornia

            13. Sara Goldberg

            14. Sergio Delgado

            2. Montevideo Government Startup Resources

            Public organizations that facilitate local economic development

            1. Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII)

            2. AmCham Uruguay

            3. ANDE

            4. Cámara de Comercio y Servicios del Uruguay

            5. Cámara Uruguaya de Tecnologías de la Información (CUTI)

            6. Dirección Nacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología

            7. Laboratorio de Innovación Social en Gobierno Digital (LAB)

            8. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay (LATU)

            9. Montevideo Lab

            10. Uruguay Emprendedor

            11. Uruguay XXI

            3. Talent

            Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

            • Local Uruguay Tech Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
            1. Universidad Católica del Uruguay

            2. Universidad de la Empresa

            3. Universidad de Montevideo

            4. Universidad ORT Uruguay

            5. Universidad de la República

            6. Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay

            • Montevideo Tech Employers
            1. ANTEL

            2. Claro

            3. Ericsson(?)

            4. Globant

            5. IBM

            6. Mercado Libre

            7. Microsoft

            8. NetSuite

            9. Oracle

            10. PedidosYa

            11. Sabre

            12. Telefónica Movistar

            13. Verifone


              *  *  *

              Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Montevideo Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)

              Are you looking to build a startup in Montevideo? Then apply to the Uruguay Founder Institute today

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