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New Zealand is becoming one of the best places to build a startup, but most of the early-stage entrepreneurs we speak to aren't aware of the local tech resources that are available to help them.

With applications for the New Zealand Founder Institute now open, we're excited to release the New Zealand Startup Resource Guide, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the New Zealand Founder Institute.

This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version. 

Are you looking to build a startup in New Zealand? Then apply to the New Zealand Founder Institute today!

Text version included below, for ease of searching:

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • New Zealand Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)
    1. bizEDGE New Zealand
    2. Business Scoop
    3. FKA News
    4. NZ Entrepreneur
    5. NZTech
    6. Startup Daily
    7. Startup Digest New Zealand
    8. Startupanz
    9. Stuff
    10. TechDay New Zealand
    11. The Icehouse Blog
    12. The Spinoff - Tech
  • Inspirational New Zealand Startup Events: Open, inclusive startup events that often focus on ideation. (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
    1. Auckland Tech Innovation Forum (Auckland)
    2. CreativeMornings (Wellington)
    3. Female Fuel'd: Tech Talks (Wellington)
    4. NZ Startup Bootcamp (Hamilton)
    5. Startup Weekend COVID-19 New Zealand (Auckland)
    6. TechTalk (Auckland)
    7. Techweek NZ (Auckland)
    8. Women Techsplorers (Auckland)

B. Educate

  • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing tech events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire).
    1. ABSIL (Auckland)
    2. Ask Angels Anything (Auckland)
    3. Auckland Lean Coffee (Auckland)
    4. Auckland Startup Founder 101 (Auckland)
    5. Big Data Analytics Meetup (Auckland)
    6. Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Technology (Christchurch)
    7. Blockchain Startup (Auckland)
    8. ExpertTalks (Auckland)
    9. IoT Waikato Tech Meetup (Hamilton)
    10. Lean Coffee (Wellington)
    11. Product Talks (Auckland)
    12. Startup Grind Auckland (Auckland)
    13. Startup Grind Wellington (Wellington)
    14. Tech for Good New Zealand (Auckland)
    15. Wāhine in Tech Wellington (Wellington)
    16. Women in Tech (Auckland)
    17. Women in Tech (Christchurch)
  • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development events and startup bootcamps for entrepeneurs. (Includes comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. Agile Auckland (Auckland)
    2. Agile Hamilton (Hamilton)
    3. AgileWelly (Hamilton)
    4. Athena X Ventures (Auckland)
    5. Auckland AI Developers Group (Auckland)
    6. Auckland Business Strategy (Auckland)
    7. Auckland Founders' Lab (Auckland)
    8. Canterbury Tech (Christchurch)
    9. Code Camp Wellington (Wellington)
    10. COIN South (Invercargill)
    11. Creative HQ (Wellington)
    12. EdTechNZ Auckland Meetup (Auckland)
    13. Enspiral Dev Academy
    14. Enspiral Dev Academy Meetup (Auckland)
    15. Enspiral Dev Academy Meetup (Wellington)
    16. Founder Institute
    17. Future of Work New Zealand (Auckland)
    18. How to Get Traction for Your Product and Startup in New Zealand (Auckland)
    19. JungleGym Digital Startup Bootcamp (Auckland)
    20. JuniorDev (Auckland)
    21. Lean Startup Machine (Auckland)
    22. New Zealand DataOps Meetup Group (Auckland)
    23. New Zealand Startup: Idea to IPO (Auckland)
    24. North Shore .NET User Group (Auckland)
    25. NZ Startup Bootcamp (Hamilton)
    26. ProductTank (Auckland)
    27. ProductTank (Wellington)
    28. Rewired Meetup (Auckland)
    29. Startup Christchurch (Christchurch)
    30. Startup Dunedin (Dunedin)
    31. Startup Garage Wellington (Wellington)
    32. Startup NZ Entrepreneurs Programme (Wanaka)
    33. Tauranga Dev Meetup (Tauranga)
    34. The Happy Startup School Auckland Meetup (Auckland)
    35. The Icehouse (Auckland)
    36. The Programming Group (Auckland)
    37. User Experience Auckland (Auckland)
    38. Venture Up (Wellington)
    39. Victoria Entrepreneur Bootcamp (Wellington)
    40. Women Entrepreneurship Centre (Auckland)

C. Validate

  • Team Formation: Events for Finding Co-founders in Location Forthcoming.  (i.e. tech networking events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
    1. 4 Hour Work Week Auckland (Auckland)
    2. Auckland Entrepreneur - Co Founders (Auckland)
    3. Auckland Tech Startups (Auckland)
    4. Business Mentors NZ
    6. CoFoundersLab
    7. Entrepreneurs Organization New Zealand (Auckland)
    8. Founder Finder NZ/AUS
    9. FounderDating
    10. Global Entrepreneurship Network New Zealand
    11. NZ Business Network (Auckland)
    12. NZ Entrepreneur Club (Auckland)
    13. NZ Entrepreneur Club (Wellington)
    14. NZ Tech Startups Ecosystem
    15. StartUs
    16. Techvana Computers, Gaming, Telecommunications & Robotics Meetup (Auckland)
    17. The Startup Kitchen (Tauranga)
    18. UX Breakfast (Auckland)
  • Build First Product: Hackathons & product events in Location Forthcoming.
    1. AgTech Hackathon (Palmerston North)
    2. Auckland Indie Hackers (Auckland)
    3. Auckland Software Leaders Group (Auckland)
    4. Auckland XR(AR/VR/MR) Meetup Group (Auckland)
    5. Code Craft Dunedin (Dunedin)
    6. Design Sprints NZ Auckland Meetup (Auckland)
    7. DSpace (Dunedin)
    8. HackerNest Auckland Tech Socials (Auckland)
    9. Hackland (Auckland)
    10. Hardware Meetup AKL (Auckland)
    11. IOT Auckland (Internet of Things) (Auckland)
    12. Kiwi Code Retreat (Auckland)
    13. Legal Hackers NZ (Wellington)
    14. Makerspace NZ (Auckland)
    15. Product Hunt (Auckland)
    16. The AKLgamedev Meetup (Auckland)
    17. Ultraworking Auckland (Auckland)

2. Launch Stage

In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

A. Start

  • Establish: New Zealand law firms & banks for startups
    1. ANZ Bank
    2. ASB Bank
    3. Avid Legal (Wellington)
    4. Bank of Baroda
    5. Bank of New Zealand
    6. Buddle Findlay
    7. Chapman Tripp
    8. Couch Harlowe Kovacevich
    9. Dentons
    10. DLA Piper
    11. HSBC
    12. Hudson Gavin Martin (Auckland)
    13. Kindrik Partners
    14. Kiwibank
    15. Lowndes (Auckland)
    16. Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
    17. Potter IP (Auckland)
    18. Quantum Law (Auckland)
    19. Rabobank
    20. SBS Bank
    21. Simpson Grierson
    22. Tompkins Wake
    23. TSB Bank
    24. Westpac Bank
  • New Zealand Workspaces: Co-working and flexible workspaces for startups in New Zealand.
    1. Alike (Auckland)
    2. ARGO Co-Working (Christchurch)
    3. Bad Company Workspace (Tauranga)
    4. BizDojo
    5. C-lab (Christchurch)
    6. CHAIRS (Auckland)
    7. CLOUD39 (Auckland)
    8. Credenza (Wellington)
    9. Digital Nomad (Wellington)
    10. Drunken Octopus (Wellington)
    11. FrontRoom (Queenstown)
    12. Generator (Auckland)
    13. GridAKL (Auckland)
    14. Impact383 (Tauranga)
    15. INNOV8HQ (Dunedin)
    16. Ministry of Awesome (Christchurch)
    17. Mountain Club (Queenstown)
    18. Movers & Shakers (Auckland)
    19. Nau Mai (Hamilton)
    20. Petridish (Dunedin)
    21. Qb Studios
    22. Saltworks (Christchurch)
    23. Shared Space NZ
    24. Soda (Hamilton)
    25. The Cell (Wanaka)
    26. THE COLLECT (Christchurch)
    27. The Crate (Auckland)
    28. The Distiller
    29. The Kollective (Tauranga)
    30. The Meteor (Hamilton)
    31. The Settlement (Wellington)
    32. The Workshop (Auckland)
    33. Thinkspace (Auckland)

B. Develop

  • Formalize: New Zealand accounting, development and HR tools for early-stage startups.  
    1. Accountech (Auckland)
    2. Bare Bones Accounting (Auckland)
    3. Beyond Recruitment
    4. Cactuslab (Auckland)
    5. E3 Business Accountants (Christchurch)
    6. Firebrand (Dunedin)
    7. FURM Group (Auckland)
    8. Green Accounting Services (Auckland)
    9. Intel Accountants (Auckland)
    10. Isobar (Auckland)
    11. Media Suite (Christchurch)
    12. Moa Creative (Auckland)
    13. Orchid (Auckland)
    14. Pattern (Auckland)
    15. Phosphor (Auckland)
    16. Putti Apps (Auckland)
    17. Rice Consulting
    18. Sidecar HR Consulting (Wellington)
    19. Sidekick CA
    20. Stagler (Auckland)
    21. SUSH Mobile
    22. The Hive (Auckland)
    23. WE Accounting (Auckland)
    24. Zeevo (Christchurch)
  • New Zealand Incubators: Groups that prepare companies for seed investment and provide advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources)
      1. ASTROLAB (Auckland)
      2. Click (Queenstown)
      3. COIN South (Invercargill)
      4. Creative HQ (Wellington)
      5. ecentre (Auckland)
      6. Flux Accelerator (Auckland)
      7. Lightning Lab (Wellington)
      8. Northland Tai Tokerau Incubator Programme (Whangarei)
      9. Soda (Hamilton)
      10. Startup Christchurch (Christchurch)
      11. Startup Dunedin (Dunedin)
      12. Startup Queenstown Lakes (Queenstown)
      13. The Factory (Wanganui-Manawatu)
      14. The Settlement Startup Incubator (Wellington)
      15. Xstart (Christchurch)

C. Launch

  • New Zealand Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
    1. 0.Sprint Accelerator (Wellington)
    2. GovTech Accelerator (Wellington)
    3. Kiwi FinTech Accelerator
    4. Kōkiri (Hamilton)
    5. Lightning Lab (Wellington)
    6. Mahuki (Wellington)
    7. New Zealand Health Innovation Hub (Christchurch)
    8. Sprout Accelerator (Wanganui-Manawatu)
    9. Startmate
    10. VentureUp (Wellington)
    11. Vodafone xone (Christchurch)
    12. Wharf42 Meteoroid Program (Tauranga)
  • Pitch & Demo Events: Tech events that showcase Location Forthcoming startups for investment.
    1. Flux Accelerator Demo Day (Auckland)
    2. GovTech Accelerator Demo Day (Wellington)
    3. iDEAStarter (Auckland)
    4. Innes48 Business Startup Competition
    5. MYOB Head Start for Start Ups
    6. NZ Startup Bootcamp Ptich Competition (Hamilton)
    7. ON: Pitch (Auckland)
    8. Technovation Challenge New Zealand (Auckland)

3. Growth Stage

Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

A. Recognition

  • New Zealand Investor Networking:  Events and groups that connect professional investors with founders.
    1. Angel Association New Zealand
    2. Angel HQ (Wellington)
    3. ArcAngels (Auckland)
    4. Canterbury Angels (Christchurch)
    5. Enterprise Angels (Tauranga)
    6. Flying Kiwi Angels (Auckland)
    7. HB Angels (Hawkes Bay)
    8. Ice Angels
    9. Impact Investing Network
    10. Mainland Angel Investors
    11. MIG Angels (Wanganui-Manawatu)
    12. Nelson Angels (Nelson)
    13. New Zealand Investment Network
    14. Otago Angels (Otago)
  • Major Media: Mainstream local business press that often showcase local startups.
    1. BusinessDesk
    2. Hawke's Bay Today (Hastings)
    3. Idealog
    4. National Business Review
    5. New Zealand Herald
    6. Newshub
    7. Newsroom
    8. NZ Business Magazine
    9. Otago Daily Times (Dunedin)
    10. Radio New Zealand
    11. Scoop
    13. The Dominion Post (Wellington)
    14. The Press (Christchurch)
    15. The Southland Times (Invercargill)
    16. Waikato Times (Hamilton)

B. Funding

  • New Zealand Angel Investors: Seed-stage investors and micro-vcs.
    1. Adnan Khan
    2. Anake Goodall
    3. Ben Kepes
    4. Bill Murphy
    5. Brian Cartmell
    6. Charlie James
    7. Chintaka Ranatunga
    8. Daniel Alexander
    9. Dave Moskovitz
    10. Ilya Venske
    11. Jeffrey Lai
    12. Jenny Sutton
    13. Lance Wiggs
    14. Nicola Mitchell
    15. Nina Le Lievre
    16. Nader Luthera
    17. Paul Spinks
    18. Philip Fierlinger
    19. Robbie Paul
    20. Rudi Bublitz
    21. Sacha Judd
    22. Shayne Shepherd
    23. Shaveer Mirpuri
    24. Suse Reynolds
    25. Tip Piumsomboon
  • New Zealand Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
    1. 0.Ventures (Wellington)
    2. Aera VC (Auckland)
    3. BioPacific Partners (Auckland)
    4. Blackbird Ventures (Auckland)
    5. Blockchain Funds (Auckland)
    6. Cure Kids Ventures (Auckland)
    7. Direct Capital (Auckland)
    8. Elevation Capital (Auckland)
    9. Endeavour Capital (Wellington)
    10. Global From Day One (Auckland)
    11. Icehouse Ventures (Auckland)
    12. K1W1 (Auckland)
    13. Matū
    14. Maui Capital (Auckland)
    15. Movac (Wellington)
    16. New Zealand Growth Capital Partners
    17. Northington Partners
    18. NZ Equity Partners (Auckland)
    19. Pacific Channel (Auckland)
    20. Pan Pacific Capital (Auckland)
    21. Powerhouse Ventures (Christchurch)
    22. Punakaiki Fund (Auckland)
    23. Rangatira Investments (Wellington)
    24. Sparkbox Ventures (Auckland)
    25. Tuhua Ventures (Auckland)
    26. WNT Ventures (Tauranga)
    27. Zino Ventures (Auckland)

C. Growth

  • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. AA Insurance
    2. AMI New Zealand
    3. EQ Consultants
    4. Hello Monday NZ (Auckland)
    5. HR Associate (Auckland)
    6. HR Connect
    7. ICIB (Auckland)
    8. Instant Offices
    9. JLL New Zealand
    10. NZ Commercial
    11. NZbrokers (Auckland)
    12. Positive People (Auckland)
    13. QBE New Zealand
    15. Regus
    16. Rothbury Insurance Brokers
    17. Sharedspace
    18. State Insurance
    19. The People Project (Auckland)
    20. Tower Insurance
    21. Vero Insurance
  • Expansion: New Zealand Growth accelerators and consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. Accenture
    2. Aon
    3. Boston Consulting Group (Auckland)
    4. Deloitte
    5. Ernst & Young
    6. Gartner (Wellington)
    7. Grant Thornton
    8. Kantar Millward Brown
    9. Kantar TNS Global (Auckland)
    10. KPMG
    11. MartinJenkins
    12. McKinsey & Company (Auckland)
    13. Mercer
    14. Nexia New Zealand (Christchurch)
    15. PwC
    16. Tata Consultancy Services (Auckland)

4. New Zealand Startup Success Stories

Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. AskNicely
  3. Chatterize
  4. CloudCannon
  5. CodeLingo
  6. Crimson Education
  7. Ethique
  8. Evnex
  9. Farmote Systems
  10. Jasper
  11. Kami
  12. MARS Bioimaging
  13. Narrative
  14. Orion Health
  15. Parkable
  16. PredictHQ
  17. Pushpay
  18. RedShield
  19. SaferMe
  20. Sharesight
  21. Silver Fern Farms
  22. Soul Machines
  23. Timely
  24. Trade Me
  25. Vend
  26. Xero


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

1. New Zealand Startup Leaders

Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Andrew Barnes
  2. Andrew Hamilton
  3. Angela Lim
  4. Carmen Vicelich
  5. Cassie McAdams
  6. Dan Khan
  7. Dave Meaney
  8. Dave Moskovitz
  9. David Hallett
  10. Dil Khosa
  11. Frances Valintine
  12. Grant Finer
  13. Jackie Young
  14. Jamie Newth
  15. Jeffrey Ling
  16. Jenna Ash
  17. John Holt
  18. Mark Hurley
  19. Michael Murphy
  20. Nader Luthera
  21. Nick Kovacevich
  22. Prashant K Chaddha
  23. Priti Ambani
  24. Richard Liew
  25. Rod Drury
  26. Rod B. McNaughton
  27. Rowan Yeoman
  28. Shane O'Connell
  29. Shay Wright
  30. Vic Crone
  31. Wendy Kerr
  32. Wendy Thompson

2. New Zealand Government Startup Resources

Public organizations that facilitate local economic development

  1. American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand (Auckland)
  2. Auckland Chamber of Commerce (Auckland)
  3. Business Mentors NZ
  5. Callaghan Innovation
  6. Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce (Christchurch)
  7. Economic Development New Zealand
  8. Innovation Fund
  9. Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
  10. New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
  11. NZ Digital Government
  12. NZ Innovation Council
  13. NZTech
  14. Otago Chamber of Commerce (Dunedin)
  15. Queenstown Chamber of Commerce (Queenstown)
  16. Science for Technological Innovation
  17. Southland Chamber of Commerce (Invercargill)
  18. Tauranga Chamber Of Commerce (Tauranga)
  19. Waikato Chamber of Commerce (Hamilton)
  20. Wellington Chamber of Commerce (Wellington)

3. Talent

Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

  • Local New Zealand Tech Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
    1. Auckland University of Technology (Auckland)
    2. Lincoln University (Lincoln)
    3. Massey University (Palmerston North)
    4. The University of Auckland (Auckland)
    5. University of Canterbury (Christchurch)
    6. University of Otago (Dunedin)
    7. University of Waikato (Hamilton)
    8. Victoria University of Wellington (Wellington)
  • New Zealand Tech Employers
    2. Apple
    3. Cisco
    4. Datacom
    5. Facebook
    6. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    7. Huawei
    8. IBM
    9. Microsoft
    10. Oracle
    11. PredictHQ
    12. Pushpay
    13. Rocket Lab
    14. Soul Machines
    15. Spark
    16. Trimble
    17. Vend
    18. Vodafone
    19. Xero 
*  *  *

Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the New Zealand Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)

Are you looking to build a startup in New Zealand? Then apply to the New Zealand Founder Institute today

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