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Mexico City is truly a GREAT place to build a startup, but most of the early-stage entrepreneurs are not aware of the local resources that are available to help them.

With applications for the  Mexico City Founder Institute  now open, we are excited to release the Mexico City Startup Ecosystem Canvas, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the  Mexico City Founder Institute  and local leaders Lorena Sanchez Garcia  and José Antonio Tena Sendra .

This is just a DRAFT, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this  collaborative Google document  to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version. 

Are you looking to build a startup in Mexico City? Then apply to the Mexico City Founder Institute today !

Text version included below, for ease of searching:

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (ie startup blogs / publications / lists / FB groups / newsletters32)
    1. 500 Startups Mailing List
    2. Spaghetti code
    3. Latin American VC / Diego Serebrisky
    4. Digital World - Blog
    6. Startup Digest Mexico City
    7. Startups List Mexico City
    8. Mexico City
    9. One zero
    10. Ventura Mexico
    11. Xataka Mexico
  • Inspirational Events: Open, inclusive, beginner startup events (ie Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetings)
    1. Blockchain Meetup CDMX
    2. IoT Community Mexico
    3. Creative Mornings
    4. Girls in Tech Mexico City
    5. Global Ventures Summit
    6. Google Developer Group UNAM
    7. Meetup We-Co Mexico
    8. Mexico City IoT Meetup
    9. Mexico City JVM Group
    10. MUKTEK
    11. MUTEK MX
    12. NodeBots Mexico
    13. Startup Week Mexico City
    14. Startup Weekend Back2Basics
    15. Startup Weekend Education Mexico
    16. Startup Weekend FinTech Mexico City
    17. The Data Pub
    18. Women Who Code Mexico City

B. Educate

  • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing events. (ie beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire, like 1 Million Cups, Startup Grind, Startup Founder 101, etc).
    1. Agile Mexico Meetup
    2. Big Data Developers Mexico City
    3. Docker Friends Mexico City
    4. Eventloop Mexico City
    5. Growth Hack Mexico City
    6. Mexico City Startup Entrepreneurs
    7. Mexico City Startup: Idea to IPO
    8. PHP Mexico
    9. ProductTank Mexico City
    10. National Network Mexico Emprende
    11. Startup Founder 101 Mexico City
    12. Startup Grind Mexico City
  • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development. (Ex. Bootcamps and comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. Amazon Web Services Mexico
    2. BEDU
    3. Business Coaching Firm
    4. Code Ninja
    5. CodeaCamp
    6. CodingNomads
    7. Collective Academy
    8. DATA Management Mexico
    9. DataCivica
    10. DigitalOcean Mexico
    11. Dev F.
    12. Epic Queen
    13. Founder Institute
    14. Ironhack
    15. Laboratory
    16. Lean Startup Machine
    17. Startupbootcamp FinTech Mexico City
    18. Verbo Mata Carita
    19. World Tech Makers

C. Validate

  • Team Formation: Resources for teaming up. (ie events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
    1. CoFoundersLab
    2. Community of Socially Responsible Startups
    3. Meeting of Entrepreneurs and Networkers CDMX
    4. Endeavor® Mexico
    5. Entrepreneurs' Organization
    6. FounderDating
    7. FuckUp Nights
    8. GirlPower
    9. Innohub Mexico
    10. Freelance and Entrepreneur Meetup in Mexico City
    11. Startup Teams in the Historic Center
    12. Makers afternoons
    13. The Founding Moms' Exchange
    14. The Pool Mexico Entrepreneurs Club
  • Build First Product: Hackathons & resources to build. (ie hackathons and other builder-focused events and resources)
    1. 2017 Mexico City Mobile Health Hackathon
    2. AngelHack Global Hackathon Series: Mexico City
    3. Avaya Hackathon Developers 2017
    4. Fishackathon
    5. Girls in Tech Mexico City Hackathon
    6. CDMX hack
    7. HACK UNAM 2017
    8. Hack the World Mexico City Virtual Hackathon
    9. Hackathon Telcel Infinitum
    10. HackerNest Mexico City Tech Socials
    11. HackrobotsMX
    12. Hacks / Hackers Mexico City
    13. Indigitous Hack
    14. IoT Hackathon
    15. MXHacks
    16. Talent Fest CDMX Hackathon

2. Launch Stage

In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

A. Start

  • Establish: Law firms & banks for startups
    1. Baker McKenzie
    2. Banorte
    3. Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton
    4. CitiBanamex
    5. Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP
    6. DLA Piper
    7. Duane Morris LLP
    8. Garrigues
    9. Haynes and Boone, LLP
    10. Hogan Lovells
    11. HSBC Mexico
    12. Jones Day
    13. Santander PyME Mexico
    14. Scotiabank Mexico
    15. White & Case LLP
  • Workspace: Co-working and flexible workspaces (note: "official" office space goes in 3.1.a. Infrastructure)
    1. Coworking Village
    2. Cardolin Coworking
    3. Centraal
    4. Co-work
    5. Collab & Play
    6. CoWorking by SACH
    7. central District
    8. The 3rd space
    9. FLYLAB
    10. Homework
    11. Impact Hub DF
    12. Public
    13. Coworking Point
    14. Sona Center
    15. Spaces
    16. Spacioss Coworking
    17. Startup Mexico Coworking
    18. Terminal 1
    19. The Pool
    20. Urban Station
    21. We-Co.
    22. WRK
    23. WeWork

B. Develop

  • Formalize: Accounting, development and HR for early-stage startups.  
    1. Alia
    2. Mobile Apps Mexico
    3. BE Consultants
    4. Benipa Accountants
    5. EPI Consultants
    6. Study spore
    7. Accounting Strategy
    8. Evenplan
    9. Accountants Tax
    10. Pixel Engineering
    11. Luelmo Contadores
    12. MobileLab360
    13. Pixzelle Studio
    14. RedRing
    15. Corporate Services in Accounting and Administration
    16. Sparklabs
    17. Tr3sco
  • Prepare for Seed: Incubators and advanced mentorship. (ie advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources for startup TEAMS)
    1. Alcazar & Company
    2. Catapult
    3. ITESM Business Incubator
    4. Business Incubator UVM - UVM
    5. Incubator Startblueup
    6. NUMA Mexico
    8. Reinvent
    9. Startup Mexico
    10. Startup Next Mexico City
    11. The Pool
    12. Victoria 147

C. Launch

  • Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
    1. 500 Startups
    2. IDEARSE-Anáhuac Business Accelerator
    3. Accelerator Startblueup
    4. Finnovista
    5. Drive
    6. IPN Business Accelerator
    7. Innovation Garden
    8. MassChallenge
    9. Network of Business Accelerators ITESM
    10. Smart Impact Accelerator
    11. Techstars Mexico
    12. Wayra Mexico
  • Pitch & Demo: Show local startups for investment (ie demo days for companies seeking seed investment)
    1. 500 Demo Day
    2. Citi Tech for Integrity Challenge- Mexico Demo Day
    3. Demo Day NUMA Batch 15
    4. Demo Day Smart Impact Accelerator
    5. Demo Day Startup Garage 2017
    6. FINNOSUMMIT 2017
    7. Public Nights
    8. Startupbootcamp FinTech Mexico City Demo Day
    9. Talent Fest CDMX Demo Night

3. Growth Stage

Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

A. Recognition

  • Investor Networking: Connect professional investors with founders. (ie events or groups that facilitate connections with professional investors)
    1. Angel Investment Network
    2. Angel Investor Summit
    3. Angel Ventures
    5. GoVenture
    6. Investo
    7. Play Business
    8. Soldiers Field Angels
    9. Startup Angels
  • Major Media: Mainstream local business press. (ie major local or regional publications that frequently local businesses)
    1. Aristegui News
    2. CNN Mexico
    3. The Economist
    4. The universal
    5. Excelsior
    6. Expansion
    7. Forbes Mexico
    8. The chronic
    9. The Journey
    10. The Press
    11. Millennium
    12. MVS News
    13. Televisa News
    14. Reform

B. Funding

  • Angels / Micro-VCs: Seed-stage investors
    1. Abel Bezares
    2. Alberto Alcaraz
    3. Alejandro Diez Barroso
    4. Alejandro Galvez Rico
    5. Alejandro Rocha Bracamontes
    6. Alessandro Paganini
    7. Alex Rossi
    8. Alvaro Rodriguez Arregui
    9. Andres Chico
    10. Andres Gavito Aspe
    11. Anna Raptis
    12. Antonio Osio
    13. Armando Badillo
    14. Benjamin Garcia
    15. Bismarck Lepe
    16. Caribou Honig
    17. Carlos Paz
    18. Christian Hauswaldt
    19. Cristobal Perdomo
    20. David Garcia
    21. Debasish Karmakar
    22. Emilio Manchón
    23. Enrique Vera del Castillo
    24. Erik Wallsten
    25. Fabricio Pettená
    26. Fernando Fabre
    27. Francisco Flores G.
    28. Francisco Velazquez de Cuellar
    29. Gabriel Mizrahi
    30. Grant Taylor
    31. Guillermo Zambrano
    32. Gustavo Trevino Milling
    33. Heberto Taracena
    34. Hector Sepulveda Reyes Retana
    35. Hernan Fernandez
    36. Israel Cerda
    37. JP Duque
    38. Jacques T'S
    39. Javier Arrechea
    40. Javier Chavez Ruiz
    41. Jonathan Lewy
    42. Jorge A. Ortiz
    43. Jorge Gonzalez Gasque
    44. Jose Bolaños
    45. Jose Eduardo Guraieb Monroy
    46. Juan Franck
    47. Juan Pablo Gonzalez Gasque
    48. Juan Pablo Zorrilla
    49. Luis Cervantes
    50. Luis X Barrios
    51. Manolo Atala
    52. Maria Ariza
    53. Marianela Molina
    54. Nazar Yasin
    55. Paul Ahlstrom
    56. Per se Capital
    57. Ramon Garcia Quintana
    58. Renzo Casillo
    59. Ricardo Elizondo
    60. Ricardo Laborin
    61. Rodrigo Ocejo
    62. Rogelio De los Santos
    63. Sandra Sainz
    64. Santiago Fossatti
    65. Sebastian Carducci
    66. Sebastian Miralles
    67. Tony Jimenez
  • Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
    1. Acon Investments
    2. Adobe Capital
    3. Advent International
    4. ALLVP
    5. Alta Growth Capital
    6. Alta Ventures Mexico
    7. Angel Ventures
    8. Angel Nest
    9. Asenza Capital
    10. Avalanche Ventures
    11. Axon Partners Group
    12. B37
    13. Beamonte Investments
    14. Brainstorm Ventures
    15. Indigo Capital
    16. Capitalinvent
    17. Carao Ventures
    18. Capital Cube
    19. Dalus Capital
    20. DaVinci Capital
    21. Dila Capital
    22. EMX Capital
    23. Endeavor Catalyst
    24. Enture
    25. Scale
    26. Evercore Partners
    27. Fund of funds
    28. Founders Into Funders
    29. General Atlantic
    30. Gerbera Capital
    31. Global Proteus
    32. HIG Capital
    33. Ideas and Capital
    34. IGNIA
    35. Innovateur Capital
    36. Investo
    37. Jaguar Ventures
    38. Linzor Capital Partners
    39. LIV Capital
    40. Lottus Capital Partners
    41. Mountain Nazca
    43. New Ventures Mexico
    44. Nexxus Capital
    45. Northgate
    46. NXTPLABS
    47. OnVentures
    48. Paul & Co. Capital Advisors
    49. PC Capital
    50. Pedralbes Partners
    51. PineBridge Investments
    52. Social Promoter Mexico
    53. QED Investors
    54. Richmond Global Ventures
    55. Rise Capital
    56. Seaya Ventures
    57. Planting Capitals
    58. Spectron Development
    59. Stella Maris Partners
    60. SV Latam Capital
    61. Temasek
    62. Tempest Capital
    63. Tera Capital
    64. Trebol Capital
    65. Variv Capital
    66. Vento Capital
    67. WAMEX
    68. XBVentures
    69. Xochi Ventures

C. Growth

  • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (ie office space / HR / insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. AXA Seguros
    2. Capital + Human Resources
    3. Evolution
    4. Excellence
    5. GMCRH
    6. GNP Insurance
    7. Properties24
    8. Instant Offices
    9. LoopNet
    10. Cubic meters
    12. Regus
    13. Search Office Space
    14. MAPFRE Insurance
    15. Insurance SURA
    16. Umbrella Insurance
    17. Zurich
  • Expansion: Growth accelerators / consultants. (ie programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. Accenture
    2. Alvarez & Marsal
    3. Aon
    4. AT Kearney
    5. Bain & Company
    6. Boston Consulting Group
    7. Capgemini
    8. Deloitte
    9. Ernst and Young
    10. Feher & Feher
    11. Frost & Sullivan
    12. FTI Consulting
    13. Gartner
    14. Grant Thornton
    15. Hay Group
    16. INSITUM
    17. KPMG
    18. McKinsey & Company
    19. Mercer Consulting
    20. Millward Brown
    21. Protiviti
    22. PwC
    23. Willis Towers Watson

4. Success Stories

Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. Appli
  2. Bitso
  3. Boletia
  4. Ben & Frank
  5. Cabify
  6. Clip
  7. CompareGuru
  8. Conekta
  9. Collective Culture
  10. Cornershop
  11. Enlight
  12. Gaia Design
  13. Grin
  14. Hostspot Analytics
  15. Konfio
  16. Kueski
  17. Kavak
  18. kubo.financiero
  19. Linio
  20. Luuna
  21. Mimoni
  22. Miora
  23. Nexu
  24. Nubity
  25. Petsy
  26. Rappi
  27. Rocket
  28. SinDelantal
  29. Mr. Payment
  30. TiZKKA
  31. Uniko
  32. Wizeline
  33. weex


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

1. Evangelists

Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Amanda Jacobson
  2. Angel Ramirez
  3. Antoine Cocle
  4. Cristian Lloret
  5. Eduardo Alvarez
  6. Eduardo Morelos
  7. Guillermo Garcia Vivanco
  8. Jaime Lezama Elguero
  9. Jair Ziranda Angel
  10. Joel Cano
  11. Jorge A. Ortiz
  12. Jose Antonio Tena Sendra
  13. Juan Carlos Cardoso Riveroll
  14. Juan Francisco Del Cerro
  15. Juan Jose Roesel
  16. Laura Curiel Piña
  17. Laura Gonzalez Yepez
  18. Lorena Sanchez
  19. Luis X Barrios
  20. Marcus Dantus
  21. Maria Fernanda Gandara
  22. Maria Fernanda Ramirez Castillo
  23. Newton Davis
  24. Oscar Velazquez
  25. Pablo Lascurain
  26. Rene Lomeli Ojeda
  27. Santiago Zavala

2. Government

Public organizations that facilitate local economic development  

  1. CDMX Government Innovation Agenda
  2. American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico
  3. Australia, New Zealand & Mexico Business Council
  4. British Chamber of Commerce in Mexico
  5. Chamber of Commerce of Canada in Mexico
  6. Chamber of Commerce of the City of Mexico
  7. Conacyt
  11. Laboratory for the City
  12. Mexico Emprende
  13. Mexico IT
  14. Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation CDMX
  15. Secretary of Economic Development CDMX
  16. United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce

3. Talent

Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

  • Local Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
    1. National Polytechnic Institute
    2. Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
    3. Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Campus CDMX
    4. University of the Americas
    5. Anahuac University
    6. Autonomous University of Mexico City
    7. Autonomous Metropolitan University
    8. Ibeoamerican University
    9. La salle university
    10. National Autonomous University of Mexico
    11. University panameric
    12. Technological University of Mexico
    13. University of the Valley of Mexico
  • Local Employers (Major technical employers, like Microsoft or Google or large local companies, with large local offices)
    1. Amazon
    2. Manzana
    3. AT & T
    4. Cisco
    5. Dell
    6. Facebook
    7. General Electric
    8. General Motors
    9. Google
    10. Huawei
    11. HP
    12. IBM
    13. Infosys
    14. Intel
    15. Microsoft
    16. Oracle
    17. Samsung
    18. SAP
    19. Siemens
    20. Telcel
    21. Telefonica
    22. Telmex
    23. Uber


* * *

Learn more about the  Startup Ecosystem Canvas here , and leave us your thoughts on the Mexico City Canvas on this  collaborative Google document  (This is just a DRAFT, and more input is needed!)

Are you looking to build a startup in Mexico City? Then apply to the Mexico City Founder Institute today

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