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Luxembourg is truly a GREAT place to build a startup, but most of the early-stage entrepreneurs we speak to are not aware of the local resources that are available to help them.

With applications for the Luxembourg Founder Institute now open, we are excited to release the Luxembourg Startup Ecosystem Canvas, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the Luxembourg Founder Institute and local leaders Anna Radulovski and Ivo Radulovski

This is just a DRAFT, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version. 

Are you looking to build a startup in LuxembourgThen apply to the Luxembourg Founder Institute today!

Text version included below, for ease of searching:

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters, Startup Digest)
    1. IT One Startups
    2. ITnation Startup
    3. Silicon Canals (covers Benelux region)
    4. Silicon Luxembourg
    5. Startup Digest Luxembourg
    6. Startup Guide Luxembourg
    7. Startus Magazine Guide for Luxembourg
  • Inspirational Events: Open, inclusive, beginner startup events (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
    1. Arch Summit Luxembourg
    2. Blockchain Luxembourg
    3. Coding Girls
    4. European Entrepreneurs 2018
    5. FINSight
    6. Girls in Tech Luxembourg
    7. ICT Spring Europe
    8. Interaction Design Foundation - Luxembourg
    9. Luxembourg Blockchain Meetup
    10. Luxembourg Startup Weekend Community Meetup
    11. Meetup Bitcoins Blockchains Luxembourg
    12. Startup Weekend Luxembourg
    13. Silicon DrinkAbout Luxembourg
    14. Startup Apero
    15. Tech Entrepreneurs & Startups Community
    16. WIDE | Women in Digital Empowerment

B. Educate

  • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire, like 1 Million Cups, Startup Grind, Startup Founder 101, etc).
    1. Advanced Crypto-Assets Meetup
    2. Big Data, Luxembourg
    3. bitFlyer Europe Meetup Nights
    4. Digital Finance - Blockchain Action Group
    5. Golang Luxembourg
    6. JavaScript Luxembourg
    7. LëtzBlock - Luxembourg Blockchain & DLT Association
    8. Luxembourg Drupal Users and Developers Community
    9. Luxembourg Rancher Meetup
    10. Luxembourg Testing & Quality Assurance Group
    11. Mobile Apps Luxembourg (iOS / Android)
    12. Modern C++ Luxembourg
    13. Startup Founder 101 Luxembourg
    14. Startup Grind Luxembourg
    15. Tezos, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto for Beginners.
  • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development. (Ex. bootcamps and comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. .NET User Group - Luxembourg
    2. Agile Luxembourg
    3. Antenne AFUP Luxembourg : PHP
    4. AWS User Group Luxembourg
    5. CoderDojo
    6. CoderDojo Meetup
    7. Data Science Luxembourg
    8. Deeper PHP
    9. DevOps Luxembourg
    10. Docker Luxembourg
    11. Founder Institute
    12. GDG Luxembourg
    13. Girls in Tech Luxembourg Bootcamp
    14. Growth Hackers Luxembourg
    15. IOTA Chapter Luxembourg
    16. Lean Startup Machine Luxembourg
    17. Luxembourg Active-Happiness Group
    18. Luxembourg Data Analytics Meetup
    19. Luxembourg and Greater Region PHP Meetup Group
    20. Luxembourg Scrum Master Meetup
    21. Luxembourg Tech School
    22. Machine Learning Luxembourg
    23. Meetup Cryptomonnaie Luxembourg
    24. Meteor Luxembourg
    25. MICSE Luxembourg Professional Development Meetup
    26. Nyuko Meetup
    27. Open Innovation Luxembourg
    28. ReactJS Luxembourg
    29. Startup Pitch Bootcamp Luxembourg
    30. WordPress Meetup Luxembourg

C. Validate

  • Team Formation: Resources for teaming up. (i.e. events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
    1. 1,2,3 GO
    2. Artificial Companions, Chatbots and Robots Luxembourg
    3. Café Strangers
    4. CoFoundersLab
    5. DevOps Café Luxembourg
    6. Founder Night Out: Network with Local Entrepreneurs
    7. Founder2be
    8. FounderDating
    9. Founders United
    10. Luxembourg Bitcoin Meetup
    11. Luxembourg Business Networking Group
    12. Luxembourg Entrepreneurs and CoFounders
    13. Luxembourg Open Innovation Club
    14. Luxembourg Product Manager Meetup
    15. Mac User Luxembourg Group
    16. Startup Apéro
    17. StartupBlink Luxembourg
    18. StartupBlink Monthly Networking Event
    19. The NETWORK
    20. UX FLUPA Luxembourg
    21. Women In Business
    22. WomenHack
  • Build First Product: Hackathons & resources to build. (i.e. hackathons and other builder-focused events and resources)
    1. ActInSpace Hackathon
    2. Base 1 Makerspace
    3. Bee creative
    4. Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg
    5. Consciousness Hacking Luxembourg
    6. Digital Luxembourg @AI Hackathon
    7. Elastic Luxembourg User Group
    8. Game of Code Hackathon
    9. Game Creators
    10. Hackathon Lux4Good
    11. JavaScript Lab Luxembourg
    12. Level2
    13. LTS AI Hackathon
    14. Open Source Security Software Hackathon 2018
    15. syn2cat
    16. Test my App - Europe
    17. Testing Talks
    18. Wearable Wednesday Luxembourg
    19. WIDE Coding Workshops

2. Launch Stage

In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

A. Start

  • Establish: Law firms & banks for startups
    1. Bank of China
    2. Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL)
    3. BGL BNP Paribas
    4. Bonn Steichen & Partners
    5. Clifford Chance
    6. Danske Bank
    7. Dentons
    8. DLA Piper
    9. DNB Luxembourg
    10. Elvinger Hoss Prussen
    11. Hance Law
    12. Hogan Lovells
    13. HSBC Luxembourg
    14. ING Luxembourg
    15. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg
    16. Kaufhold and Reveillaud
    17. Linari Law Firm
    18. Luther
    19. Moyal & Simon
    20. Nordea Private Banking
    21. RCB Bank
    22. RJ GAITO
    23. Simmons & Simmons
    24. UniCredit International Bank
    25. Wildgen
  • Workspace: Co-working and flexible workspaces (note: “official” office space goes in 3.1.a. Infrastructure)
    1. 1535° Creative Hub
    2. Bamhaus
    3. Collaborate
    4. Greenlab
    5. House of Startups
    6. LHoFT
    7. Maison Breedewee
    8. Nyuko
    9. Silversquare
    10. Silversquare
    11. Technoport
    12. The Office LU
    13. Urban Office
    14. wishbox

B. Develop

  • Formalize: Accounting, development and HR for early-stage startups.  
    1. Avencor Luxembourg
    2. Badenoch and Clark Luxembourg
    3. ECOVIS Luxembourg
    4. Eurolux Consulting
    5. Explose
    6. FinCorp by Finimmo
    7. FMS Luxembourg
    8. GALUX
    9. IntuituPartners
    10. LuxApps
    11. Memola & Partners
    13. Neopixl
    14. The Recruiter
    15. TMF Group
    16. VO Consulting Luxembourg
  • Prepare for Seed: Incubators and advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources for startup teams)
    1. 6zero1
    2. Deloitte Boost
    3. House of BioHealth
    4. House of Entrepreneurship
    5. House of Startups
    6. Innovation Hub Dudelange
    7. LHoFT
    8. Lux Future Lab
    9. Luxembourg-City Incubator
    10. Neobuild
    11. NEOFACTO
    12. Nyuko
    13. Paul Wurth InCub
    14. Technoport
    15. The GreenHouse
    16. Incubator

C. Launch

  • Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
    1. Fit 4 Start
    2. InnoHub Luxembourg
    3. Orange Fab Belgium & Luxembourg
    4. Proptech Capital
    5. PwC's Accelerator
    6. Tomorrow Street
  • Pitch & Demo: Show local startups for investment (i.e. demo days for companies seeking seed investment)
    1. Pitch Craft 4 Entrepreneurs
    2. Pitch Your Startup
    3. Startup Office Hours
    4. Startup World Cup

3. Growth Stage

Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

A. Recognition

  • Investor Networking:  Connect professional investors with founders. (i.e. events or groups that facilitate connections with professional investors)
    1. Angel Investment Network
    2. Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry
    3. EBAN Winter Summit Luxembourg 2018
    4. Luxembourg Business Angel Network (LBAN)
    5. Luxembourg | Private Equity & Venture Capital
  • Major Media: Mainstream local business press. (i.e. major local or regional publications that frequently champion local businesses)
    1. Agefi Luxembourg
    2. Chronicle
    3. d'Lëtzebuerger Land
    4. Delano
    5. InFinance
    6. L'essentiel
    7. Le Quotidien
    8. Lëtzebuerger Journal
    9. Luxembourg Times
    10. Luxemburger Wort
    11. Merkur
    12. Paperjam

B. Funding

  • Angels / Micro-VCs: Seed-stage investors
    1. Alain Rodermann
    2. Anil Hansjee
    3. Chuck Stoops
    4. Cyrille Foillard
    5. Fabrice Testa
    6. Jonathan Cordero
    7. Josep Duran i Priu
    8. Laurent Kratz
    9. Mark Kukolus
    10. Michael Jackson
    11. Muriel Devillers
    12. Nicolas Valaize
    13. Ivo Radulovski
    14. Val Mendeleev
  • Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
      1. Adara Ventures
      2. Alpha Group
      3. Bain Capital
      4. Blackstone
      5. BlueOrchard
      6. Brighteye Ventures
      7. btov Partners
      8. Castik Capital
      9. Chameleon Invest
      10. Cipio Partners
      11. CVC Capital Partners
      12. Digital Tech Fund
      13. EQT Partners
      15. Genii Capital
      16. H.I.G. Capital
      17. IK Investment Partners
      18. Kharis Capital
      19. Luxembourg Future Fund
      20. Mangrove Capital Partners
      21. Mojo Capital
      22. NAC Partners
      23. Oaktree Capital
      24. Paladin Capital Group
      25. Proptech Capital
      26. Redalpine Ventures
      27. Simile Venture Partners

C. Growth

  • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. AIG Insurance
    2. Ajilon
    3. Alcor Executive
    4. atOffice
    5. AXA Luxembourg
    6. AXIS Group
    7. Egon Zehnder
    8. Foyer
    9. HR Services
    10. IMMOTOP
    11. Instant Offices
    12. JLL Property
    13. LALUX
    14. Randstad
    15. RealCorp
    16. Regus
  • Expansion: Growth accelerators/consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. Accenture
    2. Akeance Consulting
    3. Aon
    4. Aurexia Consulting
    5. CGI
    6. Deloitte Luxembourg
    7. Ernst & Young Luxembourg
    8. Escent
    9. Exigo
    10. EYnovation
    11. Finimmo Luxembourg SA
    12. Grant Thornton Luxembourg
    13. InnoHub
    14. Kantar TNS
    15. The KHUBE
    16. KPMG
    17. McKinsey & Company
    18. PwC
    19. Sia Partners
    20. Simon Kucher & Partners
    21. Sogeti Luxembourg
    22. Tata Consultancy Services
    23. Tomorrow Street

4. Success Stories

Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. AIVA
  2. Algoreg
  3. CoinPlus
  4. Doctena
  5. Etix Everywhere
  6. Evtiko
  7. GFS
  8. Global Fashion Group
  10. Job Today
  11. Kleos Space
  12. Passbolt
  13. Scorechain
  14. Simpleshow
  15. Skype
  16. Tadaweb
  17. Talkwalker
  18. Travelsify
  19. Ujet Electric Scooter
  20. Yotako
  21. Ziggu


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

1. Evangelists

Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Adis Sabanovic
  2. Anna Radulovski
  3. Bastien Berg
  4. Cedric Rochet
  5. Charles-Louis Machuron
  6. Cyrille Foillard
  7. Daniela Clara Moraru
  8. Daniela Ragni
  9. Diane Tea
  10. Diego de Biasio
  11. Fabrice Testa
  12. François Légaré
  13. Frédéric Weimerskirch
  14. Gosia Kramer
  15. Ivan Cardoso
  16. Ivan Deschamps
  17. Ivo Radulovski
  18. James Hickson
  19. Laurent Kratz
  20. Laurent Marochini
  21. Laurent Rapin
  22. Márton Fülöp
  23. Nicolas Buck
  24. Nicolas Fries
  25. Olus Kayacan
  26. Philippe Linster
  27. Pierre-Yves Meert
  28. Stefan Berend
  29. Thibault Milan
  30. Xavier Buck

2. Government

Public organizations that facilitate local economic development  

  1. American Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg
  2. British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg
  3. Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
  4. Digital Luxembourg
  5. Government IT Centre
  6. House of Entrepreneurship
  7. LHoFT
  8. Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
  9. Luxembourg Trade and Invest
  10. Luxinnovation

3. Talent

Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

  • Local Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
    1. Luxembourg School of Business
    2. Sacred Heart University
    3. University of Luxembourg
  • Local Employers (Major technical employers, like Microsoft or Google or large local companies, with large local offices)
    1. Amazon
    2. Cisco
    3. Etix Everywhere
    4. Fujitsu
    5. HP
    6. Huawei
    7. IBM
    8. Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
    9. Microsoft
    10. Millicom
    11. Oracle
    12. PayPal
    13. POST Group
    14. SES
    15. Skype
    16. Tango
    17. Telindus
    18. Vistra
    19. Vodafone


*  *  *

Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Luxembourg Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a DRAFT, and more input is needed!)

Are you looking to build a startup in Luxembourg? Then apply to the Luxembourg Founder Institute today

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