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Guadalajara is becoming one of the best places to build a startup, but most of the early-stage entrepreneurs we speak to aren't aware of the local tech resources that are available to help them.

With applications for the Guadalajara Founder Institute now open, we're excited to release the Guadalajara Startup Resource Guide, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the Guadalajara Founder Institute and local leaders: Cindy Blanco, Javier Garcia Lemus, and Neil Shah.

This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version. 

Are you looking to build a startup in Guadalajara? Then apply to the Guadalajara Founder Institute today!

Text version included below, for ease of searching:

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • Guadalajara Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)
    1. Contxto
    2. LatamList
    3. Startup Digest Guadalajara
  • Inspirational Guadalajara Startup Events: Open, inclusive startup events that often focus on ideation. (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
    1. Business & Beers
    2. Fuckup Nights Guadalajara
    3. INC Crowded
    4. Social Valley
    5. Startup Weekend Guadalajara
    6. TechWo
    7. The Big Stories
    8. Toastmasters GDL

B. Educate

  • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing tech events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire).
    1. Angel Ventures Guadalajara Meetup
    2. Building & Scaling Startups: A FinTech Perspective in LATAM
    3. Crypto & Beers Meetup
    4. Entrepreneurs in Cannabis
    5. Innogyzer
    6. Project Managers GDL
    7. Startup Founder 101 Guadalajara
    8. Startup Grind Guadalajara
  • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development events and startup bootcamps for entrepeneurs. (Includes comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. Access Silicon Valley (Guadalajara)
    2. Agile Minds GDL
    3. AWS User Group Jalisco
    4. BEDU
    5. CIRO: Design Innovation Meetup
    6. Founder Institute
    7. Golang Guadalajara
    8. Google Cloud Developer Community Zapopan
    9. Guadalajara Startup: Idea to IPO
    10. Guadalajara Startup Businesses Meetup
    11. IJALTI
    12. Laboratoria
    13. Lean Startup Machine Guadalajara
    14. Product School Guadalajara
    15. StartupGDL
    16. Tec Gurus
    17. Tech Talk GDL
    18. Technovation Challenge Mexico
    19. Tiempo Development. Technology Meetup.

C. Validate

  • Team Formation: Events for Finding Co-founders in Guadalajara.  (i.e. tech networking events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
    1. CoFoundersLab
    2. Entrepreneurs' Organization Guadalajara
    3. Founder2be
    4. Founders Nation
    5. Hackers/Founders
    6. iTuesday
    7. M&T Network After Work
    8. Networking for a Remote Startup Co-Founder
    9. Talent Land 2021
    10. Tech Walks
    11. WeWork Guadalajara Meetup
  • Build First Product: Hackathons & product events in Guadalajara.
    1. Agave Lab
    2. Fundamentos de Angular
    3. Guadalajara Hack Nights
    4. Hackathon ITX
    5. HackerGarage
    6. Innovaction Gym Makerspace
    7. IoT FabLab
    8. Makers GDL
    9. Space Apps Challenge
    10. Steren Makers
    11. Talent Hackathon 2021
    12. Teaching Tech GDL
    13. Tech Meetups by Pentalog

2. Launch Stage

In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

A. Start

  • Establish: Guadalajara law firms & banks for startups
    1. Aguilar Zank
    2. Banorte
    3. Banregio
    4. BBVA
    5. Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton LLP
    6. CIBanco
    7. Citibanamex
    8. Diz Abogados
    9. HSBC
    10. Inbursa
    11. Intercam Banco
    12. Mata & Asociados
    13. Romero Velázquez Abogados
    14. Santander
    15. Scotiabank
    16. Singular Law Group
  • Guadalajara Workspaces: Co-working and flexible workspaces for startups in Guadalajara.
    1. Colabora
    2. Colmena Cowork
    3. Cowork-IN
    4. CoWorking 120
    5. CREATE
    6. Epicnest
    7. ESPAZ Coworking Space
    8. Gravity
    9. Guadalajara Connectory
    10. HOSPICIO Coworking
    11. iidea work center
    13. Labra
    14. maia Coworking
    15. Metta Coworking
    16. Mohuan
    17. MUTUO
    18. Nevermind
    19. Piso 4
    20. SACH
    21. WeWork
    22. Wip Offices
    23. WorkBox

B. Develop

  • Formalize: Guadalajara accounting, development and HR tools for early-stage startups.  
    1. Alder Koten
    2. Altomobile
    3. Amplemind
    4. Bull Tax Contadores Publicos
    5. Ceballos Consultores
    6. Element RH
    7. EVO RH
    8. GIO Consultores
    9. JA Del Río
    10. Jasso Contadores
    11. Lava Studio
    12. Pixan Apps
    13. Salgado Contadores
    14. Sapiram
    15. Start Up Solutions
    16. Tejuino
    17. Wizeline
  • Guadalajara Incubators: Groups that prepare companies for seed investment and provide advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources)
    1. Angel Ventures Incubator
    2. Enlace+
    3. Fashion Forward MX
    4. Guadalajara Connectory
    5. Incubadora de Emprendedores
    6. Incubadora de Empresas UVM
    7. Incubadora UAG
    8. Spark UP
    9. TECLEAN Launch

C. Launch

  • Guadalajara Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
    1. Aceleradora Empresarial
    2. Agave Lab
    3. Infinity
    4. ITESO Business Accelerator
    5. Rampa!
    6. TECLEAN Growth
  • Pitch & Demo Events: Tech events that showcase Guadalajara startups for investment.
    1. Founder Showcase: Pre-Seed Startup Pitch & Networking Event
    2. Hult Prize
    3. JalisCup 2020
    4. TECLEAN Demo Day

3. Growth Stage

Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

A. Recognition

  • Guadalajara Investor Networking:  Events and groups that connect professional investors with founders.
    1. Guadalajara Angel Investor Network
    2. Red Mexicana de Inversiones
  • Major Media: Mainstream local business press that often showcase local startups.
    1. Economia Hoy
    2. El Diario de Guadalajara
    3. El Economista
    4. El Financiero
    5. El Informador
    6. Milenio

B. Funding

  • Guadalajara Angel Investors: Seed-stage investors and micro-vcs.
    1. Alejandro Gonzalez
    2. Andy Kieffer
    3. Angel Bañuelos
    4. Cesar Agustin Medina Guerrero
    5. Gustavo Murillo López
    6. Hugo Blum C
    7. Javier Sánchez Aldana
    8. José Vielma
    9. Marco Villasenor
    10. Rodrigo Ramírez Organista
    11. Victor Aguilar
  • Guadalajara Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
    1. Angel Ventures
    2. Balero Ventures
    3. FW Ventures
    4. GlobalProteus
    5. Polígono Capital
    6. Redwood Ventures
    7. Siembra Capitales
    8. Sipi Fund
    9. Zulu Ventures

C. Growth

  • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. Afirme
    2. AXA Seguros
    3. CENTURY 21 Global
    4. Chubb Seguros
    6. GNP Seguros
    7. Human Services 21
    8. LiquidSpace
    9. MAPFRE
    10. MatchOffice
    11. Regus
    12. Seguros Citibanamex
    13. Seguros Zurich
    14. SURA
    15. TAO RH
    16. TargetOffices
  • Expansion: Guadalajara Growth accelerators and consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. 757 Business Consulting
    2. Aon
    3. Balanced Process
    4. Cognizant
    5. Deloitte
    6. Ernst & Young
    7. Grant Thornton
    8. KPMG
    9. Mazars
    10. Mercer
    11. PwC
    12. Tata Consultancy Services

4. Guadalajara Startup Success Stories

Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. 100 Ladrillos
  2. Contxto
  3. Digitt
  4. Getabed Suite
  5. Inkuvi
  6. Isibit
  7. Kueski
  8. Mifiel
  9. Paystand
  10. Truekx
  11. VoxFeed
  12. Wepow
  13. Wizeline


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

1. Guadalajara Startup Leaders

Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Bismarck Lepe
  2. Carlos Calderón Cosío
  3. Cindy Blanco Ochoa
  4. Cristina Carvallo
  5. Daniel Pandza
  6. Diana Rodríguez
  7. Gustavo Adolfo Acosta Montiel
  8. Israel García Ballesteros
  9. Javier García Lemus
  10. Jovanna Nathalie Cervantes Guzman
  11. Mak Gutierrez
  12. Martin Moscosa
  13. Neil Shah
  14. Ruy Cervantes
  15. Victor Cortés
  16. Victor Treviño

2. Guadalajara Government Startup Resources

Public organizations that facilitate local economic development

  1. Cámara de Comercio de Guadalajara
  2. Ciudad Creativa Digital
  3. Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de Jalisco
  4. Fondo Nacional Emprendedor
  5. Plataforma Abierta de Innovación
  6. Programa Startup Building
  7. Reto Zapopan
  8. Secretaría de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología

3. Talent

Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

  • Local Guadalajara Tech Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
    1. ITESO
    2. Tecnológico de Monterrey Guadalajara
    3. UNITEC Guadalajara
    4. Universidad de Guadalajara
    5. Universidad del Valle de México
    6. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
    7. Universidad Cuauhtémoc Guadalajara
    8. Universidad Panamericana Guadalajara
    9. Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco
  • Guadalajara Tech Employers
    1. Cisco
    2. DXC Technology
    3. EPAM
    4. HCL Technologies
    5. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    6. HP
    7. Huawei
    8. IBM
    9. Integrated Micro-Electronics
    10. Luxoft
    11. NXP Semiconductors
    12. Oracle
    13. Siemens
    14. Telmex
    15. Uber
    16. Wizeline


*  *  *

Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Guadalajara Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)

Are you looking to build a startup in Guadalajara? Then apply to the Guadalajara Founder Institute today

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