The FI Network is celebrating 15 Years of empowering entrepreneurs worldwide! Learn more.
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As the world's largest pre-seed accelerator, the Founder Institute has been growing startup ecosystems and helping talented entrepreneurs to build companies across Europe since 2010. Today, the Founder Institute operates chapters in 35+ cities in Europe, and has to date graduated more than 700+ alumni whose portfolio companies have raised more than USD $80M collectively. 

Over the past year, European FI portfolio companies have raised millions of dollars in financing, been acquired by industry leaders, been featured across national media outlets, and served tens of millions of customers around the world. This report highlights some of the top FI companies making waves across the region, as well as some of our featured investors, social and environmental impact companies, world-class program leaders, and tremendous supporting partner organizations. Take a look at the infographic below for insights from Founder Institute portfolio companies headquartered across Europe!

If you want to learn more about the Founder Institute, check out these FI events being hosted in cities across Europe (and around the world), or apply to join the next program cohort!

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Graduates of the Founder Institute are creating some of the world's fastest growing startups, having raised over $1.8BN in funding, and building products people love across over 200 cities worldwide.

See the most recent news from our Grads at, or learn more about their stories at

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