North America is becoming one of the best places to build a startup, but most of the early-stage women entrepreneurs we speak to aren't aware of the local tech resources that are available to help them.
With applications for the Founder Institute now open, we're excited to release the Female Founder Startup Ecosystem Resource Guide, which is currently in Draft v2 below! It was developed by the Founder Institute's Female Founder Initiative and it's co-creators, Rachel Sheppard, and Megan Todd.
This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version.
Are you are a Female Founder looking to build a startup? Then apply to the Founder Institute today!
Text version included below, for ease of searching:
Startup Stages
There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.
1. Idea Stage
This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.
A. Inspire
- Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)
- Elegant Entrepreneur
- Female Founder Initiative Newsletter
- Female Founder Space
- Female Founders Alliance Blog
- Female Founders Fund Blog
- Ladies Who Launch Newsletter
- Startup Digest (Diversity & Inclusion)
- Startup Digest (Women Entrepreneurship)
- Tech.co - Diversity
- TechCrunch Include
- Women 2.0
- Women Tech Founders Blog
- Women Who Startup - Blog
- Women Who Tech Newsletter
- Y Combinator - Female Founders
- Inspirational Startup Events: Open, inclusive startup events that often focus on ideation. (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
- BlackByte
- Cosmopolitan Lesbian Society
- Creative Female Entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneur in High Heels
- Fearless Female Founders
- Feminist Hack ATX
- Future Founders Conference
- Lesbians Who Brunch - LWT NYC
- Project Entrepreneur
- Startup & Startout HackOut
- Startup Weekend Women
- StartupChicks
- Startups In High Heels
- TC Sessions: Justice 2021
- TechFam
- Techqueria
- WiSE24
- Women in Product Conference
- Women Techmakers
- WomenTech Global Conference
- Women's Entrepreneurship Day
- Young Female Professionals & Entrepreneurs
B. Educate
- Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing tech events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire).
- Brown Girls in Tech
- ChickTech
- Detroit Black Tech
- Female Founders
- Founder Institute’s Female Founder Initiative
- Founders
- Ladies Who Launch
- Mentorkind
- PyLadies
- Startup Grind
- Tech Inclusion
- The Business of Women Entrepreneurs
- Women Entrepreneurs of Los Angeles
- Women Founders Network
- Women in Tech
- Women Tech Founders
- Women Tech Leaders
- Women Who Startup
- Women Who Tech
- Women's Startup Lab
- Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development organization that are either 100% focused on women, or have specific programs geared towards increasing women in entrepreneurship. (Ex. bootcamps and comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
- 500 Female Forces
- Ada Developers Academy
- Advancing Women in Technology
- App Camp for Girls
- Black Female Founders
- Black Girls Code
- Bloc New Relic Bootcamp Diversity Scholarship
- Code Fellows
- Codebar
- CodeChix
- Coffee & Coded
- Data Science Women
- Dev Bootcamp
- Django Girls
- Female Founder School
- Female Founder Space
- Female Innovators Lab
- Founder Institute (Female Founder Fellowship)
- Galvanize
- General Assembly
- Girl Develop It
- Girls in Tech
- Girls Who Code
- Grace Hopper Fullstack Academy
- Grand Circus
- Hack Reactor/Optimizely: I/Own It
- Hackbright Academy
- Hear Me Code
- Immersion: Women Founders
- Launch Academy
- Lesbians Who Tech
- Metis
- MotherCoders
- NYU Female Founders Fellowship
- Pipeline Angels Bootcamp
- Rails Girls
- RailsBridge
- She's Coding
- Skillcrush
- TechGirlz
- We Can Code IT
- Women in Big Data
- Women in Product
- Women in Tech Allies
- Women Who Code
- WomenLaunch
- Women's Venture Summit Ad Astra Bootcamps
- Women's Voices in Tech
C. Validate
- Team Formation: Resources for teaming up. (i.e. tech networking events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
- Beacon
- Black Business Women Rock
- Black Career Women's Network
- Black Female Founders
- Ellevate
- eWomenNetwork
- Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide
- Female Founders Network
- Girls in Tech
- Hive Founders
- National Association of Women Business Owners
- Network of Entrepreneurial Women
- NYC Fintech Women
- Seattle Latino/a Networking Professionals Meetup Group
- Sophisticated Women with Alternative Goals
- The Female Entrepreneurs Network
- The Queens Business Networking Group
- The Women's Entrepreneurial Network
- TheLatinaPro: The Latina Professional Network in Miami
- WiNGs
- Women 2.0
- Women Who Cowork
- WomenTech Network
- Women's Power Networking
- Build First Product: Hackathons & resources to build (i.e. hackahons and other builder-focussed evens and resources).
- AthenaHacks 2021
- Black Girls CODE Hackathon
- Brown Girls in Tech Hackathons
- Double Union
- FemmeHacks
- Hack The Paygap
- Hackermoms
- Hacking for Diversity & Inclusion in Tech
- Inclusive Tech Hub
- Pearl Hacks
- Prototype PGH
- Tech Lady Hackathon
- Technica All Women Hackathon
- The Women's Center for Creative Work
- UA Women's+ Hackathon
- WiCHacks
- WiCS Hacks 2021
- WiDS 2021 Datathon
- Women Techmakers Hackathons
- Women Who Code Hackathon Atlanta
2. Launch Stage
In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.
A. Start
- Establish: Law firms & banks for startups with programs specifically targeting minorities in startups
- Adrienne B. Haynes ESQ
- Baker Donelson
- Chung, Malhas & Mantel, PLLC
- Cooley
- Davis Wright Tremaine
- DLA Piper
- Dorsey and Whitney
- Hanson Bridgett LLP
- Herwitz Law
- Hinshaw and Culbertson
- Hogan Lovells
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- Kabbage
- KMR Law Group
- Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP
- Lewis Rice
- LiftFund
- Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Meyer Law
- Paladin
- Quarles & Brady LLP
- Reed Smith LLP
- Richards, Layton & Finger
- Schiff Hardin LLP
- Sidley Austin LLP
- Silicon Valley Bank
- Smith Shapourian Mignano PC
- SRD Legal Group
- SunTrust Bank
- Union Bank
- TD Bank
- The Law Offices of Kelly D. Shapiro
- WE Legal
- White & Case LLP
- WilmerHale
- Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
- Workspace: Co-working and flexible workspaces with programs specifically targeting minorities in startups
- Charley Co.
- Collective615
- coworkHERS
- Double Union
- EvolveHer
- Hera Hub
- Impact Hub
- JoyCo
- Modernwell
- New Women Space
- Paper Dolls
- Sesh Coworking
- She Works Collective
- SheSpace
- Sky Oro
- The Assembly
- The Coven
- The Emerald
- The Hivery
- The Nook
- The Perlene
- The Riveter
- The Wing
- The Women's Center for Creative Work
- Thrive
- WeWork
- Women in Tandem
B. Develop
- Formalize: Accounting, development and HR tools for early-stage startups, with programs sspecifically targeting minorities in startups
- AccountHer
- Amy Northard, CPA
- And One Marketing
- Andiamo Creative
- Bechtel CPA
- Blue Daring
- Brainchild Studios
- Carminati Consulting
- Creative Juice
- Crossfire Consulting
- Denny Mountain Media
- Employers Advantage
- Enthuse Marketing
- FlexProfessionals
- JLM HR Consulting
- Kruze Consulting
- Marcum
- Metalogix
- Moxy Accounting
- Navitance
- Pacific Crest Group
- Redhead Web Design
- Singlebrook
- Spinelli CPA
- Tech Ladies
- The Sax Agency
- Weller Consulting
- Witty Kitty
- Prepare for Seed: Incubatorss and advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources for startup TEAMS)
- AccelerateHER
- Beam
- Bridge for Billions
- Change Catalyst
- Connect All
- digitalundivided
- Female Founders First
- FemGems Club
- Halo Incubator
- HerCorner
- Kota Alliance
- Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
- The Refinery
- Women's Business Incubator
- Youngstown Business Incubator Women in Entrepreneurship Program
C. Launch
- Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
- 1871 Women Influence Chicago Accelerator
- Aviatra Accelerators
- DivInc
- EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women
- Female Founders Alliance Accelerator
- Female Founders Fund
- Get Sh!t Done Accelerator
- Google for Startups: Women Founders Accelerator
- Hello Alice
- MergeLane
- NewME
- Prosper
- Springboard
- Stella Labs Business Accelerator
- Techstars
- The Capital Network Fellowship for Female Founders
- Women's Startup Lab Accelerator
- Y Combinator
- Pitch & Demo Events: Tech events that showcase startups for investment.
- 1776NY’s Women’s Demo Day
- Equalize 2021
- Golden Seeds Office Hours
- KiwiTech Female Founders Demo Day
- Pipeline Angels Pitch Summit
- The Capital Network Female Founders Demo Day
- WiSE24
- Women 2.0 Female Founder Pitch Competition
- Women Founders 2021
- Women Founders Network Fast Pitch Competition
- Women Founders Represent
- Women's Venture Summit Pitch Competition
3. Growth Stage
Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.
A. Recognition
- Investor Networking: Events and groups that connect professional investors with founders.
- 37 Angels
- Allraise
- Beam Angel Network
- Broadway Angels
- Elpha
- Female Angel Investor
- Female Funders
- Girl Capital
- Golden Seeds
- Impact America Fund
- JumpFund
- Northern New England Women's Investor Network
- Pipeline Angels
- Portfolia
- SoGal
- Startup Runway
- The Marathon Foundation
- Topstone Angels
- Women Investors & Founders Summit
- Women's Capital Connection
- Women's Venture Summit
- Major Media: Mainstream local business press that often showcase local startups.
- Advocate
- Bizwomen
- Black Enterprise Magazine
- Bustle
- Diversity Inc.
- Diversity Woman
- Enterprising Women
- ForbesWomen
- Girlboss
- Latin Business News
- Lean In
- Lioness Magazine
- Minority Business Entrepreneur Magazine
- Professional Woman's Magazine
- Refinery29
- Sass Magazine
- The Everygirl
- Women Entrepreneur
- Women Leadership Magazine
- Women's Business Daily
- YFS Magazine
B. Funding
- Women Angel Investors: Seed-stage investors and micro-vcs.
- Aileen Lee
- Alicia Syrett
- Allison Thoreson Bhusri
- Alyse Killeen
- Amy Banse
- Amy Lameyer
- Amy Nam McCullough
- Ana Díaz-Hernández
- Anarghya Vardhana
- Andrea Barrica
- Andrea Zurek
- Angela Lee
- Ann Lamont
- Ann Miura-Ko
- Anu Duggal
- Arian Simone
- Arlan Hamilton
- Beth Seidenberg
- Bonnie Beeman
- Brianne Kimmel
- Caterina Fake
- Christine Hahn
- Christine Lu
- Christine Tsai
- Deborah Jackson
- Edith Dorsen
- Elizabeth Galbut
- Hope Cochran
- Jenny Lee
- Jess Lee
- Julianne Brands
- Kirsten Green
- Lauren Flanagan
- Martina Welkhoff
- Mary Meeker
- Masha Drokova
- Megan Quinn
- Pocket Sun
- Rebecca Lynn
- Sandra Stone
- Sarah Kunst
- Shradha Agarwal
- Stephanie Palmeri
- Talia Goldberg
- Theresia Gouw
- Tina Eskridge
- Tina Sharkey
- Trish Costello
- Vivy Chao
- Xandra Laskowski
- General/ Other Diversity Angels
- Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond (Women Organizations)
- 11.2 Capital
- AmplifyHer Ventures
- Aspect Ventures
- Aviatra Accelerators
- Backstage Capital
- BBG Ventures
- Belle Capital
- Bumble Fund
- Chloe Capital
- Cleo Capital
- Cowboy Ventures
- Day One Ventures
- Female Founders Fund
- Fika Ventures
- Forerunner Ventures
- Glasswing Ventures
- Halogen Ventures
- Illuminate Ventures
- Intel Capital
- January Ventures
- JumpStart Focus Fund
- Merian Ventures
- New Voices Fund
- Plum Alley Investments
- Rethink Impact
- Rev1 Ventures
- SoGal Ventures
- StarVest Partners
- The WXR Venture Fund
- Urban Innovation Fund
- Valor Ventures
- Women’s VC Fund II
- Worklife Ventures
- General/ Other Diversity Organizations
C. Growth
- Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance, with programs specifically targeting minorities in startups.
- 42Floors
- Allstate
- Astron Solutions
- Athena Alliance
- Atlanta Life
- Breather
- Cigna Health Insurance
- Esurance
- General Liability Insurance
- Globalization Partners
- Instant Offices
- JER HR Group
- LoopNet
- MetLife
- Nationwide Insurance
- New York Life Insurance Company
- OfficeFinder
- Out2Enroll
- Phillip Rush Center
- Regus
- Sava Insurance Group
- SF LGBT Center
- Shaw HR Consulting
- State Farm
- TechSpace
- The Hartford
- Turnkey Office Space
- Expansion: Growth accelerators and consultants, with programs sspecifically targeting minoritiess in startups (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
4. Female Founder Success Stories
Notable technology companies that were founded by women, or currently have a female CEO.
- Accompany
- Affectiva
- AppDynamics
- Apple Pie Capital
- Bebo
- Before Brands
- Birchbox
- Buddy Media (acquired by Salesforce)
- Bumble
- Care.com
- Cisco
- ClassPass
- Ellevest
- Eventbrite
- ezCater
- Fashwire
- Femasys
- Fetch Robotics
- Flickr
- Front
- General Dynamics
- Glossier
- Grokker
- inDinero
- Instacart
- LearnVest
- Linkshare (acquired by Rakuten)
- Lively
- Lockheed Martin
- Lola
- Maven
- Meebo
- Nasty Gal
- Rent the Runway
- Revel Systems
- Shippo
- SlideShare
- Spanx
- Stitch Fix
- Tala
- TaskRabbit
- The Muse
- The Real Real
- TheSkimm
- Thrive Global
- Tinder
- Uncharted Power
- Vida Health
- VMware
- Wildfire Interactive
- Zola
To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.
1. Evangelists
A list of potential advisors. Successful female founders who lead the ecosystem and frequently mentor newbies. (i.e. Female leaders who have taken a leadersship position, speak at alot of startup events, mentor all the programs, etc.)
- Amanda Bradford
- Angela Duckworth
- Anjali Sud
- Anne Wojcicki
- Anu Hariharan
- Arianna Huffington
- Ashley Merrill
- Emily Weiss
- Erika James
- Erin Flynn
- Ginni Rometty
- Iman Abuzeid
- Jasmine Crowe
- Jennifer Hyman
- Jess Mah
- Jessica Alba
- Jessica Livingston
- Katia Beauchamp
- Katrina Lake
- Kimberly Bryant
- Lisa Barnett
- Lisa Lewin
- Marissa Mayer
- Megan Todd
- Meg Whitman
- Melinda Gates
- Natalia Oberti Noguera
- Oprah Winfrey
- Payal Kadakia Pujji
- Rachel Sheppard
- Reshma Saujani
- Sallie Krawcheck
- Sara Blakely
- Shar Dubey
- Sheryl Sandberg
- Susan Wojcicki
- Whitney Wolfe Herd
2. Government Startup Resources
Public organizations that facilitate local economic development (Women organizations)
- Grants For Women
- InnovateHER: Innovating for Women Business Challenge
- National Women’s Business Council
- SBA Office of Women's Business Ownership
- SBA Women's Business Center
- U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce
- United State of Women
- Women Impacting Public Policy
- Women and Minority Entrepreneurship
- Women Presidents' Organization
- Women's Business Enterprise National Council
Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the female founder Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)