Founder Institute Image

Denver, Boulder, and the Colorado Front Range is fast becoming one of the best places in the world to build a startup. There are an extraordinary number of resources to help entrepreneurs and founders in the region. 

To help make all of these resources easier to find, we're excited to release the Front Range Colorado Startup Resource Guide, which is currently in v3 below! It was developed by the Colorado Founder Institute in partnership with Colorado Startups, and Local Leaders Craig Swiatek (Investment Advisor, Red Arrow Capital), Diane Bailey (Founder,, and Jonathan Greechan (Co-Founder, Founder Institute). It has been edited with input from the community, and the resource was inspired by Brad Feld's Startup Communities

This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version, and the goal is to make it as exhaustive as possible. 

Are you looking to build a startup in Colorado? Then apply to the Colorado Founder Institute pre-seed startup accelerator.


Access the doc above here, and we have also listed all the links below for ease of browsing. 

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.


This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

  1. Inspire

    1. Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)

      1. Built in Colorado

      2. BusinessDen Startups (Denver)

      3. Colorado Inno

      4. Colorado Startups

      5. Colorado Startups Slack

      6. Colorado TechCast

      7. Feld Thoughts

      8. Innosphere News (Fort Collins)

      9. Startup Colorado Blog

      10. Startup Digest Boulder-Denver (Boulder, Denver)

      11. Startup Digest Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

      12. Startup Week Fort Collins Blog (Fort Collins)

      13. Techrockies

      14. Xconomy (Boulder and Denver)

  1. Inspirational Events: Open, inclusive, beginner startup events (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)

    1. Boulder Startup Week (Boulder)

    2. Built In Colorado Meetup (Denver)

    3. Denver Startup 101 (Denver)

    4. Denver Startup Week (Denver)

    5. Denver Founders (Denver)

    6. Fort Collins Startup Week (Fort Collins)

    7. Fuckup Nights (Denver)

    8. HexagonUX (Boulder and Denver)

    9. House of Genius (Boulder and Denver)

    10. Ignite Denver (Denver)

    11. Startup Colorado Events Calendar (Rural Colorado)

    12. Startup Week Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

    13. Startup Weekend Boulder (Boulder)

    14. Startup Weekend Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

    15. Startup Weekend Denver (Denver)

    16. Startup Weekend Fort Collins (Fort Collins)

    17. TEDx

    18. TiE Denver Events (Denver)

    19. Women Who Startup (Denver)

  1. Educate

    1. Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspirate)

      1. 1 Million Cups

      2. Boulder FoodTech (Boulder)

      3. BoulderFitTech (Boulder)

      4. Boulder Startup Traction and Funding Network (Boulder)

      5. CannaTech Denver (Denver)

      6. Colorado Springs Blockchain (Colorado Springs)

      7. Colorado Springs Open Source Users Group (Colorado Springs)

      8. Denver LGBTQ in Tech (Denver)

      9. Fort Collins Internet Pros (Fort Collins)

      10. IoT Nation (Boulder)

      11. LaunchNo.CO (Fort Collins)

      12. Rocky Mountain Blockchain (Denver)

      13. SheSays (Boulder)

      14. Startup Founder 101 (Denver)

      15. Startup Grind Boulder (Boulder)

      16. Startup Grind Denver (Denver)

      17. TiE Denver Events (Denver)

      18. Women in Tech (Denver)

    1. Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development. (Ex. bootcamps and comprehensive training programs) 

      1. Access Silicon Valley (Boulder)

      2. Agile Denver (Denver)

      3. Boulder Digital Arts (Boulder)

      4. Boulder Start Up Meet Up (Boulder)

      5. Cognixia (Denver)

      6. Colorado Drupal Meetups (Denver)

      7. Colorado Health and Tech Mashup (Denver)

      8. Colorado Product Meetup (Denver)

      9. coloradosprings.js (Javascript User Group) (Colorado Springs)

      10. Co<div> (Denver)

      11. DaVinci Coders (Denver)

      12. Denver Lean Startup Circle (Denver)

      13. Denver Startup: Idea to IPO (Denver)

      14. Denver Tech & Design Community (Denver)

      15. Energy Tech Hub (Denver)

      16. Flatiron School (Denver)

      17. Founder Institute

      18. Galvanize (Boulder and Denver)

      19. General Assembly (Denver)

      20. Google Developer Group (Boulder)

      21. Google Developer Group (Denver)

      22. Lean Startup Machine (Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver)

      23. Learn to Code Colorado (Denver)

      24. Learn Cybersecurity (Colorado Springs)

      25. Nucamp (Colorado Springs)

      26. Operation Code (Denver)

      27. PitchCamp (Denver)

      28. Product School Denver (Denver)

      29. ProductTank (Denver)

      30. Refresh Denver (Denver)

      31. Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute (Denver)

      32. SCORE Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

      33. SCORE Denver (Denver)

      34. SecureSet Academy (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      35. Silicon Flatirons (Boulder)

      36. Skill Distillery (Denver)

      37. Startup Denver (Denver)

      38. Tech Leaders For Good (Boulder)

      39. The Commons Business Bootcamp (Denver)

      40. The Heart of Agile (Boulder)

      41. Thinkful (Denver)

      42. Thinkful Denver Meetup (Denver)

      43. TiE Denver Meetup (Denver)

      44. Turing School (Denver)

      45. University of Denver Boot Camps (Denver)

      46. UpStart (Boulder and Denver)

  1. Validate

    1. Team Formation: Resources for teaming up. (i.e. events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)

      1. Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network (Denver)

      2. Blerd – Black Nerds in Colorado (Boulder)

      3. Boulder Beta (Boulder)

      4. Boulder Open Coffee (Boulder)

      5. CoFoundersLab

      6. Colorado Connected

      7. Colorado Entrepreneurs Network (Colorado Springs)

      8. Colorado Game Developers Association + AR/VR Group (Denver)

      9. Colorado Springs Entrepreneurs Group (Colorado Springs)

      10. Colorado Technology Association (Denver)

      11. Denver Founders (Denver)

      12. Denver Open Coffee Club (Denver)

      13. Denver Startup and Entrepreneurs (Denver)

      14. Denver Tech Happy Hour (Denver)

      15. Entrepreneurs' Organization Colorado (Denver)

      16. Flatirons LGBTQ Tech Meetup (Boulder)

      17. FounderDating

      18. Founders Network (Boulder and Denver)

      19. Hispanics and Technology (Denver)

      20. Ladies that UX (Denver)

      21. NCC Business Networking (Fort Collins)

      22. New Tech Colorado

      23. Next Level Entrepreneurs (Denver)

      24. Peak Startup (Colorado Springs)

      25. Startup Colorado

      26. StartupTree (Boulder)

      27. TiE Denver (Denver)

      28. Women Entrepreneurs and Business Owners' Network (Denver)

    1. Build First Product: Hackathons & resources to build. (i.e. hackathons and other builder-focused events and resources)

      1. 2020 Colorado Legal Diversity Hackathon

      2. All Things API (Boulder and Denver)

      3. Boulder Developer Collaborative (Boulder)

      4. Boulder Indie Hackers (Boulder)

      5. Boulder Music Tech Hackers (Boulder)

      6. Code for Boulder (Boulder)

      7. denhac (Denver)

      8. Denver AI Developers Group (Denver)

      9. Denver Indie Hackers (Denver)

      10. ETHDenver 2020 (Denver)

      11. Fort Collins Creator Hub (Fort Collins)

      12. Fort Collins Unity Developers Group (Fort Collins)

      13. Girl Develop It (Boulder and Denver)

      14. HackCU (Boulder)

      15. Hackers of Denver Meetup (Denver)

      16. Hacks/Hackers Colorado (Denver)

      17. Idea Forge (Boulder)

      18. Pikes Peak Makerspace (Colorado Springs)

      19. Pledge 1 Percent Colorado

      20. Solid State Depot (Boulder)

      21. T9Hacks (Boulder)

      22. The Lab Denver (Denver)

      23. TINKERMILL (Boulder)

      24. Women Who Code (Boulder and Denver)

      25. Women Who Code (Fort Collins)


In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

  1. Start

    1. Establish: Law firms and banks for startups.

      1. Bank of America (Boulder and Denver)

      2. Bank of Colorado

      3. Bold Legal (Denver)

      4. Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver)

      5. Chase Bank

      6. Cooley (Boulder and Denver)

      7. Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig (Fort Collins)

      8. Egan Nelson (Denver)

      9. Fairfield and Woods (Denver)

      10. Gast Johnson & Muffly (Fort Collins)

      11. Great Western Bank

      12. Hanning Law (Fort Collins)

      13. Holland & Knight (Denver)

      14. Keating and Lyden (Boulder)

      15. KO (Boulder and Denver)

      16. Larsen Law (Denver)

      17. Launch Legal (Denver)

      18. Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      19. McCarthy Garber Law

      20. Meyer Law (Denver)

      21. Pacific Western Bank (Denver)

      22. Rubicon Law (Denver)

      23. Sage Law Group (Boulder)

      24. Silicon Valley Bank (Denver)

      25. Startup IP Law (Denver)

      26. The Business Law Group (Colorado Springs)

      27. The Gillespie Law Group (Boulder)

      28. Troxel Fitch (Denver)

      29. US Bank

      30. Vectra Bank Colorado (Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver) 

      31. Wells Fargo

      32. WR Roberts (Boulder) 

  1. Workspace: Co-working and flexible workspaces.

    1. Alchemy Creative Workspace (Denver)

    2. BDA Coworking (Boulder)

    3. CAMPWORKS (Boulder)

    4. Cohere (Fort Collins)

    5. Creative Density (Denver)

    6. Denver Coworks (Denver)

    7. Enterprise Coworking (Denver)

    8. Epicentral Coworking (Colorado Springs)

    9. FANUM (Denver)

    10. Fort Collins Coworking Alliance (Fort Collins)

    11. Galvanize (Boulder and Denver)

    12. Green Spaces (Denver)

    13. Industrious Office (Boulder and Denver)

    14. INDUSTRY (Denver)

    15. Kiln (Boulder)

    16. Modworks (Denver)

    17. NiCHE Workspaces (Boulder)

    18. Novel Coworking (Boulder and Denver)

    19. Office Evolution

    20. PARK Coworking (Denver)

    21. SCP Commons (Colorado Springs)

    22. Serendipity Labs (Denver)

    23. Shift Workspaces (Denver)

    24. Spark Boulder (Boulder)

    25. The Articulate (Fort Collins)

    26. The Commons of Champa (Denver)

    27. The Enclave (Colorado Springs)

    28. The Hive (Fort Collins)

    29. The Studio (Boulder)

    30. Thrive (Denver)

    31. Uncubed (Denver)

    32. Welcome Fellow (Colorado Springs)

    33. WeWork (Boulder and Denver)

  1. Develop

    1. Formalize: Accounting, development and HR for early-stage startups.

      1. Accountingprose (Denver)

      2. Anton Collins Mitchell (Boulder and Denver)

      3. AppIt Ventures (Denver)

      4. Bradshaw & Associates (Colorado Springs)

      5. BridgeView IT (Denver)

      6. Bright Minded Media (Fort Collins)

      7. BWBacon (Denver)

      8. CFOShare (Denver)

      9. Code Denver (Denver)

      10. Colorado Technology Recruiting Coalition (Denver)

      11. Creative Alignments (Boulder and Denver)

      12. Employment Solutions (Denver and Fort Collins)

      13. Expect Technical Staffing (Denver)

      14. Front Range Staffing (Colorado Springs)

      15. Fyresite (Denver)

      16. Geoffrey Goudy CPA (Fort Collins)

      17. gooWee (Boulder)

      18. Greystone Technology (Boulder, Denver and Fort Collins)

      19. Insight Designs (Boulder)

      20. InspiringApps (Boulder)

      21. Mapleton Hill (Boulder)

      22. Monarch Digital (Colorado Springs)

      23. Neon Rain Interactive (Denver)

      24. NerdyMind (Fort Collins)

      25. NoGravity (Colorado Springs)

      26. Norm Taylor CPA (Colorado Springs)

      27. O'Dell & Company (Fort Collins)

      28. Plante Moran (Boulder, Denver and Fort Collins)

      29. ProdigyR (Denver)

      30. Rocket Jones (Fort Collins)

      31. Rodahl & Company LLC (Fort Collins)

      32. Schmidt & Associates (Denver)

      33. Simple Startup (Boulder)

      34. Traction Accounting (Denver)

      35. TriNet (Denver)

      36. Variant Studios (Fort Collins)

      37. Visionbox (Colorado Springs)

      38. Vivim (Denver)

      39. Volare Systems (Denver)

      40. Watson & Company (Denver)

      41. Wipfli LLP (Denver)

    1. Prepare for Seed: Incubators and advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources for startup teams)

      1. Blackpointe VIP (Denver)

      2. Catalyst HTI (Denver)

      3. CSU Institute of Entrepreneurship (Fort Collins)

      4. CU Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Boulder)

      5. Innosphere (Fort Collins)

      6. Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center (Colorado Springs)

      7. Rocky Mountain Innovation Partners (Colorado Springs)

      8. SCORE (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      9. Unreasonable Group (Boulder)

      10. UpRamp (Boulder)

      11. Watson Institute (Boulder)

  1. Launch

    1. Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs. (i.e. Techstars and similar programs that provide seed-funding)

      1. Black Lab Sports (Boulder)

      2. Boomtown Accelerators (Boulder)

      3. Canopy Boulder (Boulder)

      4. Catalyst HTI (Denver)

      5. Catalyst Space Accelerator (Colorado Springs)

      6. Catalyze CU (Boulder)

      7. CO.Starters at The Commons (Denver)

      8. Darkfield (Denver)

      9. Entrepreneurship for All (Boulder)

      10. Exponential Impact (Colorado Springs)

      11. GAN Accelerators (Denver)

      12. MergeLane (Boulder)

      13. RVC HyperAccelerator (Denver)

      14. Startup Colorado Community Fund (Denver)

      15. Techstars Boulder Accelerator (Boulder)

      16. Techstars Sustainability Accelerator (Denver)

      17. The Fiterator (Boulder)

      18. The Warehouse Business Accelerator (Fort Collins)

      19. TRAXION (Denver)

      20. Uncharted (Denver)

      21. Watson Institute Semester Accelerator (Boulder)

    1. Pitch & Demo: Show local startups for investment (i.e. demo days for companies seeking seed investment)

      1. 1 Million Cups

      2. Angel Capital Summit Pitch Competition (Denver)

      3. Catalyze CU Demo Day (Boulder)

      4. CSU Demo Day (Fort Collins)

      5. Denver Startup Week Pitch Competition (Denver)

      6. Denver Tech Meetup Group Startup Pitch Events (Denver)

      7. Exponential Impact Demo Day (Colorado Springs)

      8. MergeLane QuickPitch (Boulder)

      9. New Venture Challenge (Boulder)

      10. Peak Startup Pitch Night (Colorado Springs)

      11. Pitch to Developers (Boulder)

      12. Rockies Venture Club/Hispanics and Tech Pitch Night (Denver)

      13. Startup Summer Pitch Night 2020 (Boulder)

      14. Techstars Boulder Accelerator Demo Day (Boulder)

      15. The Big Idea (Colorado Springs)

      16. TiE Women of Denver Pitch Competition (Denver)

      17. Trout Tank: Virtual Pitch Event and Demo Day (Denver)

      18. UpRamp Innovation Showcase (Boulder)


Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

  1. Recognition 

    1. Investor Networking: Connect professional investors with founders. (i.e. events or groups that facilitate connections with professional investors)

      1. Angel Capital Summit (Denver)

      2. Angel Investment Network

      3. Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network (Denver)

      4. Denver Angels (Denver)

      5. High Altitude Investors (Colorado Springs)

      6. Impact Angel Group (Boulder)

      7. Keiretsu Forum (Denver)

      8. Next Wave Impact (Denver)

      9. Pipeline Angels (Boulder and Denver)

      10. Rockies Venture Club (Denver)

      11. Seed Angel Forum (Boulder)

      12. Startup Colorado Funding Database

  1. Major Media: Mainstream local business press. (i.e. major local or regional publications that frequently champion local businesses)

    1. Colorado Daily

    2. ColoradoBiz Magazine

    3. BizWest (Boulder)

    4. BusinessDen (Denver)

    5. Colorado Springs Gazette (Colorado Springs)

    6. Denver Business Journal (Denver) 

    7. Denver Post (Denver)

    8. The Colorado Springs Business Journal (Colorado Springs)

    9. The Colorado Sun

    10. The Coloradoan (Fort Collins)

  1. Funding

    1. Angels: Seed-stage investors 

      1. Bart Lorang

      2. Brad Feld

      3. Chris Franz

      4. Chris Onan

      5. Corbin Cowan

      6. Dariusz Czyszczon

      7. Dave Carlson

      8. Dave Harris

      9. David Cohen

      10. David Gold

      11. David Odom

      12. DuWayne Peterson

      13. Edward Roberto

      14. Elizabeth Kraus

      15. Izzy Murdy

      16. James Franklin

      17. Jeff Jackson

      18. Joey Davis

      19. Jose Vieitez

      20. Justin Darcy

      21. Kevin Durban

      22. Kirk Holland

      23. Lance McCollough

      24. Natty Zola

      25. Paul Foley

      26. Peter Adams

      27. Ryan McIntyre

      28. Tihan Seale

      29. Tom Ahlborg

      30. Tom Keller

    1. Venture Capitalists: Seed and beyond

      1. 3Lines Venture Capital (Denver)

      2. Access Venture Partners (Denver)

      3. AI Capital (Boulder)

      4. Alta Partners (Denver)

      5. Altira (Denver)

      6. Bigfoot Capital (Denver)

      7. Blue Note Ventures (Boulder)

      8. Boulder Food Group Partners (Boulder)

      9. Boulder Ventures (Boulder)

      10. Colorado Impact Fund (Denver)

      11. Colorado Startups Venture Capital Connect (Denver)

      12. Copley Equity Partners (Denver)

      13. Firebrand Ventures (Boulder)

      14. First Capital Ventures (Denver)

      15. FIRSTMILE VENTURES (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      16. Foundry Group (Boulder)

      17. Greenmont Capital Partners (Boulder)

      18. Grey Mountain Partners (Boulder)

      19. High Country Venture (Boulder)

      20. Hilltop Venture Partners (Denver)

      21. Infield Capital (Boulder)

      22. Innosphere Ventures (Fort Collins)

      23. Iron Gate Capital (Boulder)

      24. Konvoy Ventures (Denver)

      25. KRG Capital (Denver)

      26. Lacuna Gap Capital (Boulder)

      27. Liberty Global Ventures (Denver)

      28. Mantucket Capital (Denver)

      29. Matchstick Ventures (Boulder)

      30. Meritage Funds (Denver)

      31. MergeLane (Boulder)

      32. Montero Venture Partners (Denver)

      33. Next Frontier Capital (Boulder/ Montana)

      34. Pandemic Impact Fund (Denver)

      35. Pioneer Fund (Colorado Springs)

      36. Range Ventures (Denver)

      37. Roser Ventures (Boulder)

      38. Sequel Venture Partners (Boulder)

      39. SpringTime Ventures (Boulder)

      40. Stout Street Capital (Denver)

      41. Tahoma Ventures (Boulder)

      42. TenEleven Ventures (Boulder)

      43. The Fund Colorado 

      44. The Stage Fund (Denver)

      45. Three Leaf Ventures (Denver)

      46. Upslope Ventures (Denver)

      47. Vision Ridge Partners (Boulder)

  1. Growth

    1. Infrastructure: Office space, HR, insurance & more. (i.e. resources and service providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale) 

      1. 42Floors

      2. Bolder Insurance (Boulder)

      3. Colorado Group

      4. Colorado Insurance Broker (Denver)

      5. Compri Consulting (Denver)

      6. Courtside Consulting (Denver)

      7. CRS Insurance Brokerage (Denver)

      8. Express Employment Professionals (Colorado Springs)

      9. Fort Collins Insurance (Fort Collins)

      10. hrQ (Denver)

      11. HRx Services (Fort Collins)

      12. Human Resource Management Consultants (Boulder and Fort Collins)

      13. Instant Offices

      14. LoopNet

      15. Moody Insurance Agency (Colorado Springs and Denver)


      17. Regus

      18. SCIC (Colorado Springs)

      19. simplyHR (Fort Collins)

      20. Solve HR (Boulder)

      21. Solvere HR (Denver)

      22. Springs Insurance Brokers (Colorado Springs)

      23. Taggart Insurance (Boulder)

      24. Technical Integrity (Boulder)

    1. Expansion: Growth accelerators/consultants. (i.e. programs and consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)

      1. Accenture (Denver)

      2. Alvarez & Marsal (Denver)

      3. Aon (Denver)

      4. Booz Allen Hamilton (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      5. BrandActive (Boulder)

      6. Buck (Denver)

      7. Deloitte (Colorado Springs and Denver)

      8. Destra Consulting Group (Boulder)

      9. Ernst & Young (Denver)

      10. FTI Consulting (Denver)

      11. Gartner (Denver)

      12. Grant Thornton (Denver)

      13. Guidehouse (Boulder and Denver)

      14. KPMG (Boulder and Denver)

      15. McKinsey & Company (Denver)

      16. Mercer (Denver)

      17. Milliman (Denver)

      18. North Highland (Denver)

      19. Protiviti (Denver)

      20. Publicis Sapient (Boulder and Denver)

      21. PwC (Denver)

      22. Redstone Strategy Group (Boulder)

      23. Slalom (Denver)

      24. Stantec (Boulder and Colorado Springs)

      25. Tata Consultancy Services (Denver)

      26. The Boulder Group (Boulder)

      27. Trebuchet Group (Fort Collins)

      28. Unicycle Consulting (Fort Collins)

      29. Willis Towers Watson (Denver)

      30. XTIVIA (Colorado Springs)


Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. Ampt

  2. Associated Content

  3. BillGO

  4. BombBomb

  5. Cherwell Software

  6. Cipherpoint Software

  7. Cipher Skin

  8. Closely

  9. Convercent

  10. Datalogix

  11. Dish

  12. DispatchHealth

  13. Dizzion

  14. eBags

  15. EverCommerce

  16. Flatfile

  17. FoodMaven

  18. Full Contact

  19. GoSpotCheck

  20. Guild Education

  21. Havenly

  22. Ibotta

  23. Inspirato


  25. Julota

  26. JumpCloud

  27. LogRhythm

  28. Kindara

  29. Madwire

  30. Manatee

  31. MapQuest

  32. MycoTechnology


  34. Occipital

  35. PaySimple

  36. Parkifi

  37. Photobucket

  38. Ping Identity

  39. Pocket Outdoor Media

  40. Rally Software

  41. ReadyTalk

  42. SendGrid

  43. ShapeShift

  44. SolidFire

  45. Spectranetics

  46. Sphero

  47. Swimlane

  48. Teamsnap

  49. Techstars

  50. The Food Corridor

  51. TurboTenant

  52. Vita Inclinata Technologies

  53. Welltok


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.


Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Aaron Stachel

  2. Adam Swiecki

  3. Adolfo Perez Duran

  4. Alex Cooper

  5. Alex Shockley

  6. Alvin McBorrough

  7. Andrea Perdomo

  8. Andres Barreto

  9. Andrew Hyde

  10. Anke Corbin

  11. Anthony Palizzi

  12. Ari Newman

  13. Arjun Pillai

  14. Aubrey Boggs

  15. Barbary Brunner

  16. Becca Williams

  17. Ben Pate

  18. Bill DAlessandro

  19. Blaine Emil

  20. Bo Brustkern

  21. Bob Paulsen

  22. Brad Bernthal

  23. Brad Bickerton

  24. Brad Brown

  25. Brad Feld

  26. Brady Becker

  27. Brenton Mix

  28. Brian Brown

  29. Brian Levin

  30. Brian Pontarelli

  31. Brian Williams

  32. Bruce Dines

  33. Bryan Leach

  34. Carolyn Goltra

  35. Chad Johnson

  36. Chris Franks

  37. Chris Marks

  38. Chris McGraw

  39. Chris J Snook

  40. Christopher Sweat

  41. Chuck Blakeman

  42. Cindy Skalicky

  43. Dan Daugherty

  44. Daniel O'Brien

  45. Dave DuPont

  46. Dave Harris

  47. Dave Mayer

  48. David Cohen

  49. David Fredericks

  50. David Mandell

  51. David Markowski

  52. David Silverstein

  53. Dax Craig

  54. Denise Hulce Franklin

  55. Diane Bailey

  56. Don Golden

  57. Drew Massey

  58. Duncan McCall

  59. Ed Powers

  60. Ed Roberto

  61. Elaina McMillan

  62. Elliott Fey

  63. Eric Laughlin

  64. Eric Remer

  65. Erik Mitisek

  66. Ethan Austin

  67. Filipina Pate

  68. Frank Traylor

  69. Gary Gaessler

  70. Jacqueline M. Wicks

  71. Jacqui Dietrich

  72. Jake Nickell

  73. James P. Dunn

  74. Jason Haislmaier

  75. Jason Mendelson

  76. Jeff Herman

  77. Jeffrey Schell

  78. Jeffrey Thomas

  79. Jeremy Fabatz

  80. Jerry Jacobson

  81. Jim Brennan

  82. Jim Deters

  83. Jim Franklin

  84. Joe Bezdek

  85. John Allen

  86. John Grispon

  87. Jon Nordmark

  88. Jon Rossi

  89. Jonathan Cardella

  90. Jonathan Greechan

  91. Jordan Beckwith

  92. Josh Anderson

  93. Joshua Churlik

  94. Joshua R. Dorkin

  95. Julie Penner

  96. Julien Denaes

  97. Karen Suhaka

  98. Karl Dakin

  99. Katie Woslager

  100. Kevin Price

  101. Krista (Krista Paul) Macco

  102. Krista Marks

  103. Krista Morgan

  104. Kristie Hunziker

  105. Lizelle van Vuuren

  106. Luke Beatty

  107. Luke Norris

  108. Manny Ladis

  109. Mark Geene

  110. Mark Hopkins

  111. Mark Roebke

  112. Matt Blomstedt

  113. Matt Chambers

  114. Matt Frary

  115. Matt Galligan

  116. Matt Holmes

  117. Matt Phillips

  118. Max Miller

  119. Michael Clark

  120. Michael Kranitz

  121. Michael Tognetti

  122. Mike Biselli

  123. Mike Fleck

  124. Mike Stemple

  125. Nathan Cassell

  126. Nicholas Levich

  127. Nichole Montoya

  128. Nicole Glaros

  129. Nora Abell

  130. Otto Miguel Hanson

  131. Oza Klanjsek

  132. Pascal Wagner

  133. Patrick Riley

  134. Perry Evans

  135. Peter Adams

  136. Peter Bryant

  137. Peter Byrne

  138. Raphael Martorello

  139. Richard Grote

  140. Rick Emery

  141. Rich Maloy

  142. Rob Rusher

  143. Robert Reich

  144. Roy Bingham

  145. Ryan Arney

  146. Ryan Holoubek

  147. Ryan Finsrud Howell

  148. Ryan McIntyre

  149. Sandra Hanna

  150. Sandy Grason Kwiat

  151. Scott Caruso

  152. Scott Yates

  153. Seth Levine

  154. Stacey Kramer

  155. Stacie Shaw

  156. Steve Foster

  157. Steve Jovanelly

  158. Steve Parrish

  159. Sue Heilbronner

  160. Taylor Mclemore

  161. Theresa Szczurek

  162. Todd Kleinhans

  163. Todd E McWhirter

  164. Tom Filippini

  165. Tom Higley

  166. Tom Markiewicz

  167. Toma Bedolla

  168. Trent Martinet

  169. Tyler Kem

  170. Wael Khalifa

  171. Will Sullivan

  172. William Smith

  173. Yoav Shalev


Public organizations that facilitate local economic development

  1. Boulder Chamber (Boulder)

  2. Boulder Innovation (Boulder)

  3. Boulder Small Business Development Center (Boulder)

  4. Colorado Chamber of Commerce

  5. Colorado Enterprise Fund

  6. Colorado Governor's Office of Information Technology

  7. Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade

  8. Colorado Small Business Development Center

  9. Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC (Colorado Springs)

  10. Colorado Springs Office of Innovation (Colorado Springs)

  11. Colorado Technology Association (Denver)

  12. Colorado Virtual Digital Government Summit

  13. Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (Denver)

  14. Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce (Denver)

  15. Denver Metro Small Business Development Center (Denver)

  16. Fort Collins Area Chamber Of Commerce (Fort Collins)

  17. Fort Collins Innovation Economy (Fort Collins)

  18. Larimer Small Business Development Center (Fort Collins)

  19. Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center (Colorado Springs)

  20. SBA Colorado


Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

Local Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)

  1. Colorado College (Colorado Springs)

  2. Colorado State University (Fort Collins)

  3. CTU Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

  4. Johnson & Wales University (Denver)

  5. Metropolitan State University of Denver (Denver)

  6. Regis University (Denver)

  7. United States Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs)

  8. University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder)

  9. University of Colorado Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs)

  10. University of Colorado Denver (Denver)

  11. University of Denver (Denver)

Local Employers (Major technical employers, like Microsoft or Google, with large local offices)


  2. Apple

  3. Arrow

  4. Avaya

  5. CenturyLink

  6. Cisco

  7. Facebook

  8. Fast Enterprises

  9. Google

  10. Gusto

  11. Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  12. IBM

  13. Intel

  14. Lockheed Martin

  15. Medtronic

  16. Microsoft

  17. NetApp

  18. Palantir (coming soon)

  19. Oracle

  20. Qualcomm

  21. RingCentral

  22. Slack

  23. Trimble

  24. TriZetto

  25. VMware

  26. Zayo

  27. Zillow

  28. Zoom


*  *  *

Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Front Range Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is a perpetual work in progress, so more input is needed!)

This community resource was created by the Founder Institute Colorado, in partnership with Colorado Startups. Founder Institute Colorado is the local chapter of the world’s largest pre-seed startup accelerator. Colorado Startups is the largest online startup community in Colorado. If you are building a tech company in Colorado, learn more at and

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