California's Central Valley is becoming one of the best places to build a startup, which is why Founder Institute has partnered with the UC Merced Venture Lab to support founders and entrepreneurs in the Central Valley. However, most of the early-stage entrepreneurs we speak to aren't aware of the local tech resources that are available to help them.
With applications for the Location Forthcoming Founder Institute now open, we're excited to release the Central Valley Startup Resource Guide, which is currently in Draft v1 below! It was developed by the Location Forthcoming Founder Institute, in partnership with UC Merced Venture Lab, and local leaders:
This is just a draft, and while we spent many hours on this research, more input is needed. Please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version.
Are you looking to build a startup in California's Central Valley? Then apply to the Location Forthcoming Founder Institute today!
Startup Stages
There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.
1. Idea Stage
This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.
A. Inspire
- Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters, Startup Digest)
- Comstock's Magazine Startup of the Month (Sacramento)
- Contentment Health & Life Magazine
- KITE News (Bakersfield)
- Progress Magazine
- Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy Blog (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Startups List (Sacramento)
- Startup Digest Bakersfield (Bakersfield)
- Startup Digest Fresno (Fresno)
- Startup Digest Sacramento (Sacramento)
- StartupSac (Sacramento)
- Inspirational Events: Open, inclusive, beginner startup events (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
- Chicanna
- Health 2.0 Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Korazon Konsultants
- Modesto Elk Lodge
- Pacific Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit (Stockton)
- Sac Startup Expo (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Bitcoin Meetup (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Blockchain (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Women in Data (Sacramento)
- San Joaquin Ag Tech Summit (Stockton)
- Startup Weekend Bakersfield (Bakersfield)
- Startup Weekend Fresno (Fresno)
- Startup Weekend Sacramento (Sacramento)
- StartupSac (Sacramento)
- Women Success Builders’ Club (Sacramento)
- Women Who Code Sacramento (Sacramento)
B. Educate
- Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire, like Startup Founder 101, etc).
- 1MillionCups (Sacramento)
- ACM Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Agile Professionals of Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Aging2.0 (Sacramento)
- AWS Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Central Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Docker Sacramento (Sacramento)
- SacInteractive (Sacramento)
- SacPy (Sacramento)
- Sacramento AI Meetup (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Startup Founder 101 (Sacramento)
- Sacramento User Experience Design (Sacramento)
- Startup Grind Fresno (Fresno)
- Startup Grind Sacramento (Sacramento)
- The Sacramento Ruby Meetup (Sacramento)
- Women Techmakers Fresno (Fresno)
- Women's Success Group of the Central Valley Meetup Group
- Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development. (Ex. bootcamps and comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, etc)
- 4 Weekends Digital Transformation Training Course (Fresno)
- Academy X (Sacramento)
- Agile Cloud Institute (Sacramento)
- Agile Government Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Bakersfield Startup (Bakersfield)
- Bay Valley Tech Code Academy
- Capital Business Exchange (CAAPS) (Sacramento)
- Central Valley Tech Forum (Bakersfield)
- Central Valley Tech Forum (Fresno)
- Central Valley Tech Forum (Sacramento)
- Coder Consortium (Sacramento)
- CodeStack Academy (Stockton)
- CodeStack Academy Meetup (Stockton)
- Entrepreneurship Crash Course (Fresno)
- Founder Academy (Sacramento)
- Founder Institute
- Founders Network
- freeCodeCamp (Sacramento)
- Fresno AgTech (Fresno)
- Geekwise Academy (Fresno)
- Google Developer Group (Modesto)
- Google Developer Group (Sacramento)
- Hacker Lab Courses (Sacramento)
- Hackingtons (Sacramento)
- InnoGrove Coworking Meetup (Sacramento)
- Kids Electronics Lab (Sacramento)
- Kubernetes Sacramento (Sacramento)
- National Labs Entrepreneurship Academy (Sacramento)
- Nucamp (Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Online Startup Pitch Bootcamp: Get Advice from Top Modesto Entrepreneurs (Modesto)
- Reacto: The Sacramento ReactJS Meetup (Sacramento)
- SacMobile (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Angular Meetup (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Cyber Security for Control Systems (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Data Visualization Meetup (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Software Developers (Sacramento)
- Sacramento SQL Server User Group (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Unity Users Group (Sacramento)
- Sacramento WordPress Meetup (Sacramento)
- Square One Clubs (Sacramento)
- Square Root Academy (Sacramento)
- Startup Hustle (Sacramento)
- Startup Pitch Bootcamp: Learn How to Pitch from Top Entrepreneurs (Sacramento)
- The Sacramento JavaScript Meetup (Sacramento)
- The Sacramento Web Developers Group (Sacramento)
- The Sacramento State University - The Carlsen Center For Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- UC Davis Boot Camps (Sacramento)
- Weekend Coffee or Tea for Startups with Programmers (Merced)
C. Validate
- Team Formation: Resources for teaming up. (i.e. events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching”)
- Business Women Community, Manteca chapter
- #CoWorkingSac Meetup (Sacramento)
- CAAPS (Sacramento)
- The Central Valley California Women Conference
- CoFoundersLab
- Developers of Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Downtown Sac Business Networking (CAAPS Downtown) (Sacramento)
- Elk Grove Tech Connect (Sacramento)
- Entrepreneurs' Organization Sacramento (Sacramento)
- eWomen Network (Sacramento)
- Family Business Central Valley
- Founder Night Out with Startup Sac Happy Hour: Network with Local Entrepreneurs (Sacramento)
- Founder2be
- FounderDating
- I/O Labs Meetup (Sacramento)
- International Speaker Network (Sacramento)
- JumpStart Davis (Sacramento)
- New Business Owners Meetup Group (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Female Founders (Sacramento)
- Sacramento GIS User Group (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Software Developers (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Web & Mobile Developers (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Women Business Owners (Sacramento)
- Stockton Entrepreneur Lab Meetup (Stockton)
- Teachers n Tech (Fresno)
- The Coffee Chat (Bakersfield)
- UC Merced Venture Lab Member Roundtable (Merced)
- WeMeet Sacramento Networking (Sacramento)
- Build First Product: Hackathons & resources to build. (i.e. hackathons and other builder-focused events and resources)
- Android's 3D (Bakersfield)
- Apps for Ag Hackathon (Sacramento)
- Cesar Chavez Central Library MakerSpace (Stockton)
- Code for Hood (Sacramento)
- Code for Sacramento (Sacramento)
- CSU Bakersfield Fab Lab (Bakersfield)
- Davis Makerspace (Sacramento)
- Fresno Ideaworks (Fresno)
- Hack Attack (Sacramento)
- Hacker Lab (Sacramento)
- HATCH Workshop (Stockton)
- Inventopia (Sacramento)
- Makers Gonna Make (Sacramento)
- Makerspace @ SCC (Sacramento)
- ReCreate (Sacramento)
- Root Access (Fresno)
- SacHacks (Sacramento)
- Sacramento / Placer Users of DotNet (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Developer Collective (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Public Library Makerspace (Sacramento)
- The Makers Place (Sacramento)
- The Pi Shop (Fresno)
- Valley Software Developers (Stockton)
- Valley Hackathon
- Women Tech Makers Modesto
2. Launch Stage
In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.
A. Start
- Establish: Law firms & Banks for startups
- American River Bank (Sacramento)
- AW Law Group (Stockton)
- BAC Community Bank (Modesto and Stockton)
- Bank of America
- Bank of Stockton (Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Bank of the West (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Banner Bank (Sacramento)
- BARCO LAW (Fresno)
- Berliner Cohen LLP (Merced and Modesto)
- Burton Law Firm (Sacramento)
- Carson & Kyung (Sacramento)
- Carter West (Sacramento)
- Caufield & James (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto and Sacramento)
- Chase Bank
- Citi
- Coleman & Horowitt, LLP (Bakersfield and Fresno)
- Costello Law Corporation (Sacramento)
- Damrell, Nelson, Schrimp, Pallios & Silva (Modesto and Sacramento)
- Dentons (Sacramento)
- DLA Piper (Sacramento)
- Downey Brand LLP (Sacramento)
- F&M Bank (Modesto, Merced, Sacramento and Stockton)
- First Northern Bank (Sacramento)
- Five Star Bank (Sacramento)
- Gianelli/Nielsen
- Golden 1 Credit Union (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Golden Pacific Bank (Sacramento)
- Greenberg Traurig (Sacramento)
- Klein DeNatale Goldner (Bakersfield and Fresno)
- Medina McKelvey LLP (Fresno and Sacramento)
- Merchants Bank of Commerce (Sacramento)
- MOBO Law (Sacramento)
- Neumiller & Beardslee (Stockton)
- Orrick (Sacramento)
- River City Bank (Sacramento)
- Rodarakis & Sousa (Modesto)
- Shore, McKinley, Conger & Jolley, LLP (Stockton)
- Smith, McDowell & Powell (Sacramento)
- Stoel Rives LLP (Sacramento)
- Umpqua Bank (Modesto and Sacramento)
- Union Bank (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- United Business Bank (Sacramento and Stockton)
- US Bank (Bakersfield, Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Weintraub Tobin (Sacramento)
- Wells Fargo Bank
- Wendel Rosen LLP (Modesto)
- Westamerica Bank (Bakersfield, Fresno, Merced, Modesto and Sacramento)
- Witan Law Group (Sacramento)
- Workspace: Co-working and flexible workspaces (note: “official” office space goes in 3.1.a. Infrastructure)
- 25th & Jazz (Sacramento)
- Amen Coworking (Sacramento)
- Broad Room (Sacramento)
- Café Coop (Stockton)
- Capsity (Sacramento)
- Connect at The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield)
- Cowo Campus (Sacramento)
- Folsom Coworking (Sacramento)
- Granite City Coworking (Sacramento)
- Hacker Lab Coworking (Sacramento)
- Hashtag (Fresno)
- Her Space (Fresno)
- Huddle (Stockton)
- I/O LABS (Sacramento)
- Innogrove (Sacramento)
- LAB 7 Coworking (Sacramento)
- Mesh Cowork (Bakersfield)
- Nine3One (Modesto)
- Outlet Coworking (Sacramento)
- Pacific Workplaces (Bakersfield and Sacramento)
- PSWB Workspace (Fresno)
- The Creator's Place (Sacramento)
- The Makers Place (Sacramento)
- The Trade Coffee & Coworking (Sacramento)
- The Urban Hive (Sacramento)
- The Workplace (Sacramento)
- The Workshop (Sacramento)
- ValleyWorx (Modesto)
- Via Ventures (Stockton)
- WeWork (Sacramento)
- WorkFlow Lounge (Sacramento)
B. Develop
- Formalize: Location Forthcoming accounting, development and HR for early-stage startups.
- Acara Solutions (Sacramento)
- Aerotek (Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto and Sacramento)
- Appsvolt (Sacramento)
- Availability Professional Staffing (Modesto)
- Avitek Recruit (Modesto and Stockton)
- BCT Consulting (Fresno)
- Bean Hunt Harris & Company (Fresno)
- Black Flag Creative (Sacramento)
- BOOK$ 4-Profits (Modesto)
- BPM Accounting (Stockton)
- Brecher and Choate Business Advisors (Stockton)
- Cloud Ten Labs (Bakersfield)
- Contrast Media Labs (Modesto)
- Cook CPA Group (Sacramento)
- Dale W Bender CPA (Bakersfield)
- Digital Attic (Fresno)
- EisnerAmper (Sacramento)
- Elwin P. Floyd CPA (Merced)
- Hamilton & Company (Modesto)
- HaneyBiz Accounting (Sacramento)
- Hedy Holmes Staffing Services (Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Incompass Tax (Sacramento)
- JD Tax and Accounting (Sacramento)
- Jill Jacobs, CPA (Sacramento)
- John D. Duffield, CPA (Bakersfield)
- Kemper CPA Group (Merced, Modesto and Stockton)
- Kilgore & Co (Sacramento)
- Lake WebWorks (Sacramento)
- Lindstrom Accounting (Stockton)
- MHD Group (Modesto)
- Monster Design Studios (Stockton)
- Moss Adams (Fresno, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Nelson (Modesto and Sacramento)
- Never Boring (Modesto and Stockton)
- Pacific Staffing (Sacramento)
- Peacekeeper Enterprises (Bakersfield)
- Premier Talent Partners (Sacramento)
- PrideStaff (Fresno, Modesto and Sacramento)
- Reaction Search International (Sacramento)
- Shift3 Technologies (Fresno)
- Star Staffing (Sacramento)
- The Kerr Companies (Fresno)
- Three29 (Sacramento)
- Uniwebb Software (Sacramento)
- Websauce (Sacramento)
- Prepare for Seed: Incubators and advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources for startup TEAMS)
- AgStart (Sacramento)
- Bayer CoLaborator (Sacramento)
- EvoNexus Virtual Accelerator
- Downtown Business Hub Incubator (Fresno)
- Huddle x Launch Pad (Stockton)
- I/O Labs (Sacramento)
- Inventopia
- Launchpad (Bakersfield)
- Sacramento Urban Technology Lab (Sacramento)
- Silicon Bay Partners (Sacramento)
- SJDC Small Business Development Center (Stockton)
- Startup Hustle (Sacramento)
- Stockton Entrepreneur Lab (Stockton)
- The Pi Shop (Fresno)
- UC Davis HM.CLAUSE Life Science Innovation Center (Sacramento)
- UC Davis Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Sacramento)
- UC Davis Venture Catalyst DRIVE Program (Sacramento)
- UC Merced NSF I-Corps (Fresno, Merced and Modesto)
- UC Merced Venture Lab (Fresno, Merced and Modesto)
- Valley Innovators (Fresno)
- WET Center (Fresno)
C. Launch
- Location Forthcoming Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
- Pitch & Demo: Tech events that showcase Location Forthcoming startups for investment.
- 1 Million Cups Virtual Events (Sacramento)
- Pacific Pitch (Stockton)
- Sacramento Kings Capitalize (Sacramento)
- Shift3 Demo Day (Bakersfield)
- StartupSac Warm-Up Pitch (Sacramento)
- SVP Fast Pitch (Sacramento)
- The ¡Pitchazo! (Stockton)
- UC Davis Big Bang! Business Competition (Sacramento)
- Valley Innovators Pitch Contest (Fresno)
- Valley Ventures Accelerator Demo Day (Fresno)
3. Growth Stage
Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.
A. Recognition
- Investor Networking: Connect professional investors with founders. (i.e. events or groups that facilitate connections with professional investors)
- Major Media: Mainstream local business press. (i.e. major local or regional publications that frequently champion local businesses)
- 23ABC (Bakersfield)
- ABC 10 (Sacramento)
- ABC 30 (Fresno)
- Caravan News (Stockton)
- CBS Bakersfield (Bakersfield)
- CBS Fresno (Fresno)
- CBS Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Comstock's Magazine (Sacramento)
- FOX 26 (Fresno)
- FOX 40 (Sacramento)
- FOX Bakersfield (Bakersfield)
- Kern Business Journal (Bakersfield)
- Merced County Times (Merced)
- Merced Sun-Star (Merced)
- NBC Fresno (Fresno)
- NBC KGET (Bakersfield)
- NBC Sacramento (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Business Journal (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Business Review (Sacramento)
- The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield)
- The Business Journal (Fresno)
- The Fresno Bee (Fresno)
- The Modesto Bee (Modesto)
- The Sacramento Bee (Sacramento)
- The San Joaquin Valley Sun
B. Funding
- Location Forthcoming Angels / Micro-VCs: Seed-stage investors (search AngelList, Gust, Crunchbase)
- Alex Chompff
- Ashwin Navin
- Asif Ali
- Ben Brasher
- Bob Crowley
- Chet Eccles
- Chon Tang
- Dave DeMink
- David Chao
- David Chau
- David Kim
- Jack Crawford
- Jeff Fortis
- John Peters
- John Ricci
- John-Paul Lake
- Kai Rossbach
- Ken Tallo
- Kevin McClatchy
- Kevin M. Nagle
- Kham Chanthavong
- Mariah Lichtenstern
- Mark Haney
- Neeraj Rama
- Patrick Bumpus
- Ross Hutton
- Steve Heiskell
- Steve Munich
- Location Forthcoming Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
- AGR Partners (Sacramento)
- Almond Tree Capital (Sacramento)
- Arable Capital Partners (Bakersfield)
- Blacktop Capital (Sacramento)
- CVF Capital Partners (Fresno)
- DCA Partners (Sacramento)
- DiverseCity Ventures (Sacramento)
- Frontier Venture Capital (Sacramento)
- Impact Venture Capital (Sacramento)
- Kern Venture Group (Bakersfield)
- Moneta Ventures (Sacramento)
- Portola Valley Partners (Sacramento)
- San Joaquin Capital (Fresno)
- Silicon Bay Partners (Sacramento)
- Trinity Venture Capital (Stockton)
C. Growth
- Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
- 42Floors
- Advantage HR Services (Bakersfield)
- Arrowhead Insurance Agency (Modesto)
- Castro Property & Commercial Insurance (Sacramento)
- Centralize HR (Bakersfield)
- Consult-it HR (Sacramento)
- CoreHR Team (Fresno)
- Eaton & Eaton Insurance Brokers (Fresno)
- Elmore HR (Sacramento)
- Emplicity (Sacramento)
- Escalon Insurance Agency (Modesto and Stockton)
- Evans HR Group (Fresno)
- Freeway Insurance (Sacramento)
- Hay Insurance Agency (Bakersfield)
- HR Done Right Inc. (Sacramento)
- K.S. Pacific Insurance Agency (Merced)
- Kerr Insurance Brokers (Fresno)
- LaRoe & McDonald Insurance Services (Modesto, Sacramento and Stockton)
- LCK Insurance Agency (Merced)
- LoopNet
- MartinoWest (Sacramento)
- McClatchy Insurance Agency (Sacramento)
- McGee & Thielen Insurance Brokers (Sacramento)
- Nicholson Insurance Agency (Modesto)
- OfficeSpace.com
- Rofo
- Saber Insurance Agency (Bakersfield)
- Sanguinetti & Co. Insurance (Stockton)
- Sobba Group (Fresno)
- Worklogic HR (Bakersfield)
- Workplace Solutions (Modesto)
- Expansion: Location Forthcoming Growth accelerators and consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
- Accenture (Sacramento)
- Aon (Sacramento)
- Athena Consultant Group (Merced)
- Atherton & Associates (Modesto)
- CGI (Sacramento)
- Cognizant (Sacramento)
- Delegata (Sacramento)
- Deloitte (Fresno and Sacramento)
- Dritsas Groom McCormick (Fresno)
- Ernst & Young (Sacramento)
- Evolve Partner Group (Stockton)
- Gartner (Sacramento)
- Grant Thornton (Sacramento)
- Guidehouse (Sacramento)
- Herrera & Company (Stockton)
- ICF (Sacramento)
- KPMG (Sacramento)
- Mercer (Sacramento)
- Protiviti (Sacramento)
- Providence Strategic Consulting (Bakersfield and Fresno)
- PwC (Sacramento)
- The Newport Group (Stockton)
4. Location Forthcoming Startup Success Stories
Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.
- 8minute
- AccuChain
- AgreeYa Solutions
- AirSwap
- Aplos
- As Directed TLC
- BeeHero
- Bitwise Industries
- Blue Tech Water
- Califia Farms
- CarPortal
- Cenergy Power
- Datapath
- DialSource
- EKA Solutions
- Electro Scan
- Gazelle Transportation
- Gluware
- Hot Spot Ag
- Hubux
- Intelligent Wireless Networks
- JimmyAsh
- Kinetic Technologies
- Label Technologies
- Locable
- NeuroVision
- Nivagen Pharmaceuticals
- One
- OnFarm Systems
- Pilates Metrics
- PowerSchool
- Propel Fuels
- Rackwise
- RagingWire
- Readdle
- Requested App
- Riskalyze
- S&W Seed Company
- SkySlope
- Sutter Health
- Sweep Energy
- SynapSense
- TalentEarth
- Upcycle & Company
- Utility Telecom
To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.
1. Location Forthcoming Startup Leaders
Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.
- Andrew Hargadon
- Ann Rogan
- Barry Broome
- Blaine Wasylkiw
- Brenda Tello Horton
- Cameron Law
- Carla Sanchez
- Chris Binfield
- Christy Serrato
- Dan Casas-Murray
- Daniel E. Sabzehzar
- David Darmstandler
- Dominic Morris
- Donna Schwartz
- Donte Morris
- George Parrish
- Gladys Sánchez
- Graham McBain
- Jeff Bennett
- Jeff Macon
- Jennifer Manuel
- John Nogrady
- Jorge Cruz
- Jyoti Das
- Karla Nelson
- Katrin Jakob
- Ken Tallo
- Lance Loveday
- Laura Good
- Louis Stewart
- Maria MacGunigal
- Mariah Lichtenstern
- Mark Beckford
- Mark Haney
- Michael M. Knittel
- Monique Brown
- Nancy Salmeron
- Niki Peterson
- Pam Marrone
- Peter Schuerman
- Rich Foreman
- Rick Spencer
- Sonny Walebowa
- Stefano Foresti
- Steve Barnett
- Tabari Brannon
- Tim Connelly
- Tom Carson
- Venita Sivamani
- Yan Ren-Butcher
2. Location Forthcoming Government Startup Resources
Public organizations that facilitate local economic development
- California Chamber of Commerce (Sacramento)
- California Department of Technology (Sacramento)
- Capital Region SBDC (Sacramento)
- Central California SBDC Network (Merced)
- City of Merced Office of Economic Development (Merced)
- City of Modesto Community & Economic Development (Modesto)
- City of Sacramento: Innovation & Economic Development (Sacramento)
- City of Stockton Economic Development (Stockton)
- CSU Bakersfield SBDC (Bakersfield)
- Downtown Fresno Partnership (Fresno)
- Downtown Stockton Alliance (Stockton)
- Fresno Chamber of Commerce (Fresno)
- GO-Biz (Sacramento)
- Greater Bakersfield Chamber (Bakersfield)
- Greater Merced Chamber of Commerce (Merced)
- Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce (Stockton)
- iHub (Fresno, Sacramento and Stockton)
- Kern Economic Development Corporation (Bakersfield)
- Kern Initiative of Talent + Entrepreneurship (Bakersfield)
- Modesto Chamber of Commerce (Modesto)
- Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce (Sacramento)
- Sacramento SCORE (Sacramento)
- Sacramento Urban Technology Lab (Sacramento)
- San Joaquin SBDC (Stockton)
- Startup in Residence (Sacramento)
- Opportunity Stanislaus (Modesto)
- Valley Community SBDC (Fresno)
- Valley Sierra SBDC (Modesto)
- West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce (Sacramento)
3. Talent
Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.
- Local Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
- American River College (Sacramento)
- California State University Bakersfield (Bakersfield)
- California State University Fresno (Fresno)
- California State University Sacramento (Sacramento)
- California State University Stanislaus (Modesto)
- Cosumnes River College (Sacramento)
- Fresno Pacific University (Fresno)
- Humphreys University (Modesto and Stockton)
- Sacramento City College (Sacramento)
- Sierra College (Sacramento)
- University of California Davis (Davis)
- University of California Merced (Merced)
- University of the Pacific (Sacramento and Stockton)
- Local Employers (Major technical employers, like Microsoft or Google or large local companies, with large local offices)
Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Central Valley Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)