Each week we scour the web for insightful articles to share with the Founder Institute network.
This week's top articles include how to leverage Silicon Valley from wherever you are, the cost of running a startup, why denial can be so dangerous, and more.
Check out our must read articles for the week of October 27 - November 2:
Zombie VC Firms Can be an Entrepreneur's Nightmare | |
If you don't see any activity for, say, the last five years, be wary. You could be looking at a firm that's dying a predetermined slow death. |
Leveraging Silicon Valley - From Wherever You Are | |
How can you build your organization’s ability to sense and respond to rapid improvements in technology? Many large, successful companies are creating offices in California’s Silicon Valley to spot big new trends and learn how they can transform their organization in ways they couldn’t otherwise imagine. It’s no longer good enough to wait for change to come to your industry; you need to be out there where it’s happening. |
The Cost of Running a Startup (Infographic) | |
In this infographic from Staff.com, their data offers a simple overview of the starting cost of launching a startup in eight major cities around the world. Check out their findings - will they change where you decide to start up? |
The Danger of Denial | |
Great leaders tell it like it is. In other words, they focus on reality, no matter how painful or unpleasant it might be, and then figure out what to do about it. In contrast, less effective leaders sometimes avoid hard truths, argue with the data, and delay tough decisions. |
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