So much has been written about the traits and skills one must have to be a successful entrepreneur that it’s easy to forget that sometimes it is the little things in life that lead to the greatest success.
In Entrepreneur Habits, we provide you with simple yet effective habits that any fledgling founder can employ in their daily -- or nightly -- routine. With advice from top entrepreneurs and innovative practitioners, these creative customs can help put you on the path to progress.
For this installment, we take a look at some helpful, and healthful, eating habits that every entrepreneur should implement. Considering the hectic schedule that comes along with launching and running a startup, it’s easy to let a wholesome dietary routine fall by the wayside. However, even the busiest and most successful entrepreneurs make time to effectively fuel themselves. Here are four simple yet effective tips to help you follow suit:
1. Don’t skip breakfast
How often have we heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Cliche or not, there is truth to this advice. An Inc. article by Barbara Mendez titled “7 Healthy Habits for Entrepreneurs” emphasizes the importance of breakfast for entrepreneurs:
Busy entrepreneurs often skip this important meal which can have detrimental effects on focus, concentration, and decision making abilities.”
Don’t have the culinary skill to whip up a gourmet breakfast for yourself? Hayley Brooks, cofounder and CEO of Learn2Earn, recommends making a smoothie for a tasty and healthful meal:
We buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables every weekend and we take turns chopping them up on Sundays. Then during the week we take turns making a green smoothie (kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, green apple, mango, banana, almond milk, coconut oil) every morning for breakfast. It really energizes everyone and keeps us feeling healthy!”
2. Drink more water
Drinking more water is an incredibly easy method for maintaining your health and keeping you feeling healthy throughout the work day. Medical science also backs this up: an Entrepreneur article titled “Your Poor Eating Habits Are Hurting Business” by Adam Callinan mentions a recent study that was published in the Journal of Nutrition that showed that being dehydrated caused:
Headache symptoms, loss of focus, a sense of fatigue and low mood both at rest and during exercise. As an entrepreneur or professional, these issues are bad for business.”
Looking for an easy way to sneak in some extra H2O throughout your day? Here’s what Wendy Kuhn, Principal at Break Through Consulting, had to say on the matter in a 52 Businesses article titled “Healthy Living for Entrepreneurs, cont.” by Jordie Bellé:
A lot of business happens in restaurants and at bars. Decide in advance what and how much you are going to drink and stick to that, then switch to water or club soda. I have been known to drink water out of a martini glass; it looks the same and I get the benefit of the olives.”
3. Prepare your own food
The benefits of preparing your own food are multitudinous and varied, saving you time and money, whick makes this alternative an attractive dining route for entrepreneurs. Just ask Lori Cheek, the CEO of Cheek’d:
Bootstrapping my startup for the past four years has forced me to think lean on every level. I prepare just about every meal at home, which not only saves time and money, it can also save you loads of calories.
[I] keep healthy snacks, such as fruits, almonds, and my favorite low fat afternoon treat string cheese nearby for when I have the afternoon munchies. For my sweet tooth cravings, I keep bananas frozen (tastes like banana ice cream) and fat free jello and diet hot chocolate packets nearby (all less than 100 calories).“
4. Eat healthy
This may be obvious, but your diet has an enormous effect on your mood, concentration, and energy levels. Not convinced? Let’s ask Los Angeles-based leading dietitian and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Lori Zanini:
Consume meals that are largely built around protein and high-fiber carbohydrates. This combination of nutrients will keep you full longer, help you focus and even prevent mood swings related to blood sugar fluctuations.
Easy-to-make examples of this combo include an apple with natural peanut butter or sliced vegetables with a few tablespoons of hummus.”
(Young businessman having dinner dollars on black background image by Shutterstock)