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Diego Román is the Founder & CEO of Pelotea, a Founder Institute San Francisco portfolio company pioneering soccer league management and insurance. Now, the sports technology company has recently begun to provide solutions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmissions between players within leagues. 

Watch the complete interview:

For more info, you can read our just pre-covid (Feb 2020) full profile piece on Pelotea here.

As Román explains in the most recent interview here though, his business in selling insurance and educating recreational sports leagues about the benefits and importance of insurance protection changed somewhat following the onset of the Covid - now, Pelotea is also offering contact tracing features, built directly into the league management application. 

The world came to stop following COVID. The UN predicts over 195 million jobs will be lost which means many players will have no insurance coverage. For soccer league managers, the questions now are: 

  • How can we return to life safely?
  • If a player is sick how can you identify, isolate, and contain the exposure?
  • How to communicate effectively to teams, opponents, coaches and referees without causing a panic?

In this interview, Pelotea offers answers to these questions, and explains how they are setting the bar for safety: giving the necessary tools to the soccer community to stay healthy. Pelotea is collaborating with the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health and Secretary of Sports to make sure their solution is robust and efficient for protecting player health.

Learn how Pelotea is striving to bring innovation and inspiration to every athlete - contact Pelotea for more info or for all the latest offerings and news from Pelotea, visit their website

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