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Urs Rothmayr is Co-Director for the Spain Founder Institute accelerator program chapter, as well as a corporate innovation and intrapreneurship consultant. Recently, Rothmayr joined Virginia Graham, FI HQ's Marketing Associate, for an online interview in Spanish and in English to address some of the most frequently-asked questions among prospective new Founder Institute accelerator program leaders. Watch the full interview English and Spanish portions at the top, or scroll below to jump to hearing Rothmayr's answers en español to each of these FI Local Leader FAQs.

Are you actively advising startup founders, or already working to grow your own local entrepreneurial ecosystem? If so, learn more about joining the Founder Institute to launch a new accelerator cohort in your city, or joining an FI Local Leadership team!

Spanish Interview

English Interview

New & Prospective FI Local Leader - Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. ¿Intro: Puedes decirnos un poco sobre usted? 

  2. ¿Cuánto tiempo dedicas a la gestión de su capítulo?

  3. ¿Cuáles son sus responsabilidades como un líder local?

  4. ¿Cuál es su parte favorito de ser un líder local?

  5. ¿Qué necesitas para tener un equipo "perfecto" de líderes locales?

  6. ¿Cuáles beneficios has recibido trabajando en este rol?

  7. ¿Hay algo más que le gustaría que la gente supiera sobre ser un líder local?

If you are someone who is already actively advising startup founders or working to grow your local startup ecosystem, learn more about joining FI to launch a new accelerator cohort in your city!

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