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Founder Institute, launches the “Leadership Lab,” an exclusive post-graduate program for FI Alumni, in partnership with The Entrelliance Foundation, a global non-profit organization to deliver additional training and mentorship support to our 7,000+ portfolio companies across 100 countries. Starting in March, the collaboration will bring valuable commercial experience into the boardrooms of early-stage companies, providing founders with a clear path to develop the leadership skills they need to attract, motivate, and retain top talent. 

The ‘’Leadership Lab’’ experience consists of 10 weekly modules. Each of them includes self-guided training and live founder-mentor group discussions. The program kicks off in early March and is available for free to all FI Alumni who have raised capital and are operating their companies. 

Since 2009, FI has graduated more than 7000 entrepreneurs from its accelerator programs held in 200 cities worldwide and seen them raise over $1.75B in investor capital. As these companies hire teams and enter markets, they often encounter challenges that founders haven’t faced before.

“We’ve developed a proven system and a powerful global network to help founders go from the concept stage to become real companies,” said Jonathan Greechan, CEO of Founder Institute. “The vast majority of our graduates go on to raise capital and get accepted into other accelerator programs like Techstars, Y-Combinator, or 500 Startups. Even after launching, they often need a bit more help and coaching once they get in-market. We’re delighted to partner with Entrelliance to bring them more effective mentorship and skill development as a new part of our commitment to helping our founders grow and realize their dreams.”

The Entrelliance Foundation opened in 2023 as a global laboratory for injecting more human capital into early-stage companies and improving their odds of long-term commercial success. It applies a non-profit approach that helps entrepreneurs overcome obstacles, increase their likelihood of success, create quality jobs, and become community leaders.

“Entrelliance exists to help founders increase the odds of long-term commercial success,” said Pat LaPointe, Chairman of The Entrelliance Foundation. “Organizations like FI do such terrific work getting companies financed and launched. Our role as a non-profit is to study the things that often cause these companies to later stall in-market and find practical ways to inject more human capital through effective mentorship, stronger boards, and leadership skill training for startup CEOs. Not only does this help more big ideas live to become reality, but it helps ensure the benefits of billions of dollars invested in these companies flow through to communities around the world economically and socially.”

By combining forces with The Entrelliance Foundation, we aim to empower our 7,000+ portfolio companies with the tools and guidance necessary for long-term success. The Leadership Lab experience, focused on effective mentorship, promises to equip founders with the skills necessary to scale their companies. Looking ahead, our shared commitment is to foster a global community of resilient and thriving startups.

Founder Institute Alumni who are interested in learning more and applying to the program can do so here: 

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Graduates of the Founder Institute are creating some of the world's fastest growing startups, having raised over $1.85BN in funding, and building products people love across over 200 cities worldwide.

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