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Faster than ever before (*at least, within the lifetimes of most currently living) industries today are being reshaped around the world. The pandemic has disrupted the norms of regular social and working life for billions of people—and now, an unprecedented scale of consumer needs are emerging, demanding solutions to millions of new problems. Entrepreneurs today, all across the globe, are gearing up to answer the world’s collective call for innovation—are you one of them? 

If you or a founder you know has a revolutionary startup idea to help the world recover, or to build a better #BeyondCOVID future, then the Founder Institute wants to help make it happen. Throughout the month of June, we are working with top startup leaders around the world to award 10 fellowships to any FI pre-seed accelerator programs around the world, for 10 founders each working to create meaningful companies.

If you are an entrepreneur building something that matters, you can apply to the Founder Institute accelerator here. Or if you know another entrepreneur who is working to help build the future, you can also nominate them through this form to apply for a fellowship to a Founder Institute program here

The last few weeks have demonstrated that structural changes across broad swaths of economic sectors across the globe are now inevitable—and much more changes are on the way. Each new problem in need of a solution is a potential opportunity for the right entrepreneur, who is capable of solving that consumer need at scale.

Learn about the Founder Institute’s roadmap to building the #BeyondCovid future here, where you can explore a growing database of startup resources for founders navigating through all aspects of new Covid-19 realities—or, join us for a free online startup event, produced especially for entrepreneurs at home practicing social distancing. 


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Graduates of the Founder Institute are creating some of the world's fastest growing startups, having raised over $1.85BN in funding, and building products people love across over 200 cities worldwide.

See the most recent news from our Grads at, or learn more about their stories at

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