São Paulo Summer 2019

Program Schedule

Our flagship 'FI Core' program combines structured sprints with constant feedback to help you reach the milestones needed for investment and growth.

fev 24

Early Application Deadline

mar 31

Final Application Deadline

abr 10 06:30 pm week 1


During the Accelerator Kickoff, you will meet the Local Leaders and your cohort of Founders, and establish how your startup will use the program to push your business forward.

abr 10, 2019
05:30pm EDT


Your cohort will be split up into the "Validate Track", "Launch Track" or "Growth Track", depending on each Founder's stage and existing progress.

The below deliverables are in addition to any custom "Epic Sprints" you may receive based on your specific challenges, and are just high-level previews of the 10-15 deliverables you'll complete through Working Groups and Office Hours:


Validate Track
  1. Introductions - Prepare concise introductions on your background, skillset, and goals in FI to share with the cohort.
  2. Office Hours - Book your first Office Hours with Local Leaders and Mentors to get guidance on the next steps for your business.
Launch Track
  1. Office Hours - Book your first Office Hours with Local Leaders and Mentors to get guidance on the next steps for your business.
  2. Hotseat Pitch - Prepare a one sentence verbal pitch for the weekly "Founder Hotseat", where you present to Mentors during the Feedback Sessions.
Traction track
  1. Hotseat Pitch - Book your first Office Hours with Local Leaders and Mentors to get guidance on the next steps for your business.
  2. Vision Statement - Create a 3-5 sentence "Why Statement" that tells a cohesive story about why your company exists, in preparation for Mentor Feedback during the next session.
abr 11 06:30 pm week 1

Vision and Validation

abr 16

Refund Deadline

abr 16 06:30 pm week 1

Customer Development

abr 23 06:30 pm week 2


abr 30 06:30 pm week 3

Branding and Design

mai 07 06:30 pm week 4

Mentor Idea Review

mai 14 06:30 pm week 5


mai 21 06:30 pm week 6

Go-to-Market Planning

mai 28 06:30 pm week 7

Product Development

jun 11 06:30 pm week 9

Mentor Progress Review

jun 18 06:30 pm week 10

Hiring and Onboarding

jun 25 06:30 pm week 11


jul 02 06:30 pm week 12

Equity and Funding

jul 04 06:30 pm week 13

Leadership and Graduation

week 14+

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