The FI Network is celebrating 15 Years of empowering entrepreneurs worldwide! Learn more.

Build a Fundable, Global Startup in Japan

The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses.

See other FI Chapters
Virtual First
Program Dates
Nov 18, 2024 Feb 25, 2025
Early Deadline
Jul 28, 2024
Early Entrance Fee
$499 $699
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The Core Experience

You don't have to do it alone. Alongside other like-minded entrepreneurs, you will build your business in a structured, proven process.

Critical Support Network

Join an Equity Collective of helpful startup mentors and founders that are invested in your success.
Get access to a lifetime of support programs and partners that far exceeds any comparable program.

Structured Methodology

Know what to work on, and when, with our proven business-building sprints and structured process.
Build a company with impact by leveraging the world's largest network of startup founders and mentors.

Challenging Process

Less than 40% of Founders make it through the program because we challenge you every step of the way.
Get fast-tracked to our Funding Lab program and Virtual Demo Days, giving you the best chance to get funding.

Session Calendar

Below are the dates for the upcoming program

Nov 11, 2024
06:00pm JST
Accelerator Kickoff
Nov 18, 2024
06:00pm JST
Vision & Mission
Nov 19, 2024
06:00pm JST
View Full curriculum

Featured Grad

FI Grad Company

From our Silicon Valley chapter, Udemy is the global leader in online learning, with nearly 200,000 courses. The company went public on the NASDAQ in October 2021, raising $421 million.

FI Grad

The real question is: can the Founder Institute be game-changing for your business? The answer is yes. Without FI, Udemy may have never raised any money.

Gagan Biyani
Udemy (IPO, 2021)

Join an Online Information Session

Sign up for an upcoming info session to learn more and chat with our team. There are several sessions per week across most time zones.


Our team are experienced and internationally recognized startup experts who know how to walk you through the challenges of your early-stage startup.

Erdinc Image

Erdinc Ekinci

Co-founder, CEO @, inc / Founder Institute Japan
YuLi Image

YuLi Shein

Co-founder, COO @, inc

Japan to Globe, Globe to Japan

powered by the largest international network of collaborative startup supporters.

Get recognition and exposure through thousands of events and contents.
Proactive, friendly collaborator community.
No silos! A truly collaborative network of global chapters.

FI Japan Mentors

Build a business efficiently through video conferences, office hours, and material reviews from a roster of top startup mentors.

Abe Image

Abe Rezai

Vice President & Chief Technology Officer @ H.B. Fuller
Tomohiro Image

Tomohiro Miyake

CEO @ ClubT
Kota Image

Kota Fujinuma

Lawyer @ Kobayashi Yugeta Law Office
Fumiaki Image

Fumiaki Koizumi

CEO @ Fumiaki Koizumi & Associates
Sho Image

Sho Sato

Fion Image

Fion Lee-Madan

Technical Co-Founder, COO and Customer Success @ Fairly AI Inc.

FI Partners

Get special deals and support worth over $3 million from top support organizations and partners.

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The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 7,000 entrepreneurs raise over $1.8BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 100 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.

Copyright © 2024, Founder Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved