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The first step to any new venture is properly researching the market you wish to enter. Do you know who your customers are? What your market size is? What problem you are solving? To help you answer these questions with ease, Chicago Founder Institute mentor, Jason Weingarten, has outlined the recommended steps to getting a solid understanding of what you’re about to dive into.
Jason Weingarten is Co-founder and CEO of RECSOLU, a leading web and mobile recruitment software, services, and consulting company in Chicago.
“Research is easy”, says Jason. “People love to complain. Whenever they complain, they’re complaining about a problem to which there is a solution.” Your job is to identify those problems and find a way to solve them. Watch the video below to learn more.
If you could benefit from expert training and feedback to build a startup, click here to apply to the Founder Institute today.
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