Like most entrepreneurs, Adeo Ressi (the Founder Institute's Founder & CEO) has a pretty interesting story. Our friends at San Francisco-based FounderLY specialize in deep-diving the stories behind company founders, and last week they did just that in a series of video interviews with Adeo.
In the videos below, Adeo describes his first succesful entrepreneurial endeavor (printing ironic t-shirts in high school), his first significant exit ($650mm to AOL), his experience on the board of the X-PRIZE foundation, the industry problems that motivated him to launch, and finally, the beginning and end game of the Founder Institute.
According to Adeo, "The Founder Institute's goal is to build an institution that changes entrepreneurship for the better by looking at data, by being brutally honest, and by helping the right people build the right businesses for the future.
The first video below focuses on Adeo's start as an entrepreneur, his involvement with the XPRIZE Foundation, and the creation of;
Part Two below focuses on the motivation behind, and the beginnings of, the Founder Institute, and the inner mechanics of the Institute's Predictive Admissions Test and data-driven culture;
Special thanks to our friends at FounderLY for the interview. Be sure to check out to see video interviews with other top entrepreneurs, or follow them on Twitter at @founderly.