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Dreading the thought of returning to the office after a restful weekend? You’re not alone; in an international poll, 78 percent of respondents reported experiencing the so-called "Sunday Night Blues,” with 47 percent saying they get it "really bad."

To help combat this pervasive condition, we provide you with the motivation to look forward to the work week. With simple tips and advice from successful entrepreneurs and top experts, “Sunday Night Blues” is sure to cure what ails you.

This week, we focus on the topic of planning. While nobody enjoys working on the weekend, setting aside some time to plan for the upcoming work week can help remove the anxiety of waking up on Monday morning.

In a blog post titled “13 Top Things Successful People Do On Weekends”, Nikki Woods says:

Planning makes people more effective, and doing it before the week starts means you can hit Monday ready to go, and means you’ll give clear directions to the people who work for you, so they will be ready to go, too.”

Check back every week for more useful tips on getting over you Sunday night blues!

(Weekly Calendar image by Shutterstock)

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