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  • Nerdeo has made it possible for BAME, LGBTQA+, and WOMEN-led film and gaming projects to find the right artists online.
  • The platform was originally built to help indie productions find talent online without budget constraints.
  • Its success stories include film and web series that have won several awards and are being distributed by Amazon Prime and Netflix.

London, The UK, October 2020: Nerdeo, an online collaborative marketplace for film and gaming professionals (a London Founder Institute portfolio company) has launched ‘Diversity Filters’ that’s going to give a huge push to diversity in film and gaming industries.

The feature will make it really easy for BAME, LGBTQA+, and WOMEN led projects to be found by the right industry collaborators. The objective is to help diversity-led projects showcase, grow, and develop at a level unthinkable until now.

The filters are for the projects in the film and games industry that are:

    Looking to hire a diverse team

    Are led by a diverse team

    Or have a diversity theme.

If you’re looking to hire a diverse team for a project, you can visit Nerdeo’s platform. On the other hand, if you’re an artist looking to be a part of a diverse team, you can find interesting projects on this platform as well.

Nerdeo was launched to help indie productions to finish their post-production work by finding the right talent at the right cost without budget constraints. That said, the platform is relevant to high-end projects as well.

Caroline Pires, the founder of Nerdeo and experienced visual effects supervisor, realised the need for a space where filmmakers, visual effects artists, and designers could collaborate on projects across various points of the production lifecycle, no matter the budget.

Some of its greater success stories include Troll Bridge, Subverse and Arthur and Merlin, films and web series that were either distributed by the likes of Amazon Prime and Netflix or won various awards.

Troll Bridge was in production for 8 years before it got to Nerdeo, where it finally managed to finish the project, within a year, on a collaboration-only basis through connecting with its artists. It went on to win 12 awards and was nominated for another 8.

We connect the right artist or student to the right budget and get your film or games project completed,

says Caroline Pires, the founder of Nerdeo.

Unlike other creative platforms, Nerdeo also provides an ecosystem of film and design students to post and collaborate on micro-budget projects.

For example, Veronika (director and scriptwriter) has been using Nerdeo to find talented students in 3D and Compositing for her feature film Hellebore and describes Nerdeo as “an amazing platform which brings people together.

Top-rated universities that have started using Nerdeo either for portfolio material or expertise include Filmmakedemie and Escape Studios. Students from NFTS and Bournemouth have begun posting their own projects and collaborating on others.

Nerdeo is looking to expand this list considerably by mid-2021 to include more top-rated global educational institutions linked to film, VFX, and game development.

Nerdeo really has been making waves in the indie sector, so much so that Raindance has joined them as an industry partner, offering Nerdeo members a 50% discount to their membership.

About Nerdo:

Our mission is to provide the best platform to support the organization and the production of creative masterpieces. Our diversity filters will take the game to an altogether new level by enabling diverse creative artists to collaborate like never before.

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