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In this guest blog post, Designli CEO/Co-Founder and friend of the Founder Institute Keith Shields outlines the concerns founders must consider before diving into building an app.

It's a big decision to go from a basic responsive website to a native app. On one hand, mobile-responsive websites are quicker and easier – and, thus, cheaper – to build. On the other hand, a native app can be a boon to your business growth. Not every idea needs a native app, but it's difficult for startup owners to identify when it's time to make the leap. As custom software developers that spend our time building both mobile-responsive websites and native mobile apps at Designli, we thought we’d take the time to lay out some clear, actionable differences in this article. Here are some differences and benefits to take into consideration when you’re looking to make the call.

So, What's the Difference?

Unless you're technically savvy, you probably think any app that displays on a mobile device is the same. They look the same, show similar content, and you don't need to add extra overhead to your development costs if you stick with a responsive web app. It's true that there are many cost-efficient reasons to stick with web applications. They are relatively easy to maintain and don't cost a lot to build.

Cost efficiency isn't always a good reason to stick with web applications, and in many ways they can limit your growth. Your other option? A native app. Native applications are those that run directly on the mobile device rather than the device's internal browser.

Most of the differences are technical, but there are some clear marketing and sales potential benefits from a native app. You do need to maintain a different code based than your web app, which will require some additional overhead, but the sales potential negates this investment as your customers are able to have your branded logo directly on their tablets or smartphones. Native apps aren’t going anywhere, with app revenue expected to top $100 billion by 2020. It also eliminates much of the data connection requirements that are needed with a web application.

Responsive web apps are compatible with any mobile device that has a browser, which is nearly all of them in today’s smartphone-laden world. You don't need to consider operating system aside from basic browser differences. Native apps, on the other hand, must be built specifically for the target platform. Developers can build apps that target both Android and iOS, but remember that they are both uploaded and built for their respective operating systems and thus require essentially being built two separate times from the ground up.

Overall, a native mobile app is more to maintain, but it's also more potential and earnings for the business. These apps can help your business scale online and improve growth potential, but you also need to know when it's time. When do you make the leap from mobile-responsive website to a more expensive but fine-tuned mobile app? Here are three specific considerations:

You Need Granular Location Information

Let's say you have a website that caters to different locations around the globe. You need the user's location to customize the platform's language, location-specific verbiage, and give users options based on their current GPS coordinates. You can't get precise data from a website – at least not quite yet on all mobile operating systems, that is; you only get location information based on IP addresses, which can be hundreds of miles from the user's GPS data.

With a native app, you can get GPS coordinates of the user's location, which allows you to customize your app even when the user is traveling. If precise geolocation data is an issue for you, it's time to convert your web application to a native mobile app.

You Want to Notify Users Immediately Without Using Email

Push notifications are one of the biggest benefits of native applications. Push notifications are those messages you see on your smartphone or tablet specific to an application you've installed on your device. The user must give the application permission to send push notifications, but most users willingly allow them.

For instance, suppose you offer sales at different times of the day based on location. You can use the GPS location you get from the previous section's benefit in order to send push notifications to the mobile device based on the user's time zone. Some clever app owners even send push notifications to mobile devices when the user is close to their business location. These advantages can't be used with a basic web application.

Another example is found in gaming apps. Most of them notify users when they reach a certain state in the game (think: your Clash of Clans village is being raided!). These notifications have been shown to keep users coming back for more. They keep interest in the app, and they engage users more than allowing the app to sit stale on the device.

These are just a few examples of the benefits of push notifications. If you stick to a mobile-responsive website, you are limited to simple email notifications that aren't quite as effective. You have spam filters to fight, non-working emails, and complaints from people who no longer want your emails. With push notifications, you have direct access to messages that display on the device, and the user can remove access if they no longer want them.

Cross-Platform Concerns

Several platforms allow developers to build apps that work cross-platform. PhoneGap and Sencha Touch are just two examples. Your developer can use one of these solutions to ensure that the app is compatible with the two major mobile platforms: Android and iOS.

When you choose a development team, they might prefer to use these cross-platform tools. They have their advantages such as speeding up development time, providing one source for your app's code base (i.e. build it once, deploy it in two stores), and they are easier to use when the team wants to present multi-platform prototypes to you.

These tools have their limitations, however. They can create sluggish code and you're limited to the same interface across platforms. Each platform has its own distinguishable characteristics, and they should be taken into consideration when you think through your app’s design.

So, Is It Time?

If you need a simple solution, a responsive website is probably enough but eventually it's prudent to review your application needs, marketing and sales potential and consider a native app. Native apps give you several benefits that web apps just can't offer.

When you need better visitor options, better details of your users' demographics, and you need to customize text and images based on this information, you should consider an investment into native mobile apps. Ask your team or your chosen software development company for advice; as those who live in this world day-to-day are best equipped to determine which platforms would be best for your particular product.

Creatively Bold. Humbly Priced. Designli offers fixed-price app design and development to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Click here for more information.

(A businessman holding a phone. Help icon. Illustration in vectors. image by Shutterstock)

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