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If you think your startup has developed a great product or service, it's easy to assume that it will sell itself. However, this is rarely, if ever, the case for most startups. This means that you will most likely need to put in some extra work to ensure that your target audience is compelled to buy your offering. Luckily,  of has provided a detailed explanation on how to convince your client that your product is worth their money.

The blog post, "Wow, How, Now: Writing a Killer Sales Pitch", originally appeared on Wrike's Outcollaborate Blog, and has been republished below with permission.

An effective sales-pitch email is really half of a deal. The goal is to explain your client that he needs your product and you to buy it from. It sounds rather difficult, but our “WOW, HOW, NOW” strategy can make a sales pitches expert of you!

WOW: Intrigue and Impress Your Client

Make the beginning of your sales pitch engaging, so that the customer doesn’t close your email after the first sentence. Aim at the emotional side of the client’s mind – not the rational one:

1. Find a creative phrase to start your proposal. That can be a joke, piece of news, or an interesting fact.

“If it saves you $50,000 per year, would you consider spending $1,000 then?”

2. Use Quantitative Indicators. Engage your prospect with figures and relevant statistics.

“More than 75% of your potential clients spend at least 5 hours a day in their smart phones. You can benefit from it! Let me show how.”

3. Consider the “Velvet Loop” Model. Emphasize that your proposal is unique and available only for certain clients. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes: What you are more likely to choose? A product available for everyone, or something delivered exclusively for you? Feel this difference and create customer-oriented messages.

HOW: Show You Know Where It Hurts and How You Can Help

1. Reveal Your Client’s Pain. Show you deeply understand the client’s pain and the problems they deals with.

“You probably think that to arrange a dream wedding, you need the Donald Trump’s fortune. We’ll show you the other way around.”

2. Explain That You Can Help. Provide real solutions to customers’ problems. All the client needs is to purchase your product and put the pain out of his mind.

”We specialize in transforming outdated web-design into user-friendly interfaces it’s pleasure to work with. Our best solutions are attached.”

3. Make the Client Admire the Benefits You Provide. Supplement your product with unexpected options or advantages. For example, if your service is catering, emphasize the unique benefits you provide such as free waiters or a cake created specially for the client’s event. Your customer will be impressed by the bargain.

NOW: Call to Action

1. Repeat the Favorable Conditions and Show What’s Next. Briefly emphasize the best statements of your proposal. Choose the most relevant to the customer’s needs and the most persuasive ones. And then make a clear and concise offer, so you don’t mislead your customer on what they should do next.

2. Set the Time Limit. Explain that a decision should be made quickly and within the time frame. Provide the unique benefit within your proposal that is valid “only 5 days”. That stimulates the client to decide faster.

Deadlines are probably the best motivation to force people solve problems and make decisions. Otherwise, it can take years to negotiate with your customer let alone the fact your mail can be simply forgotten.

“If you decide within 14 days, we promise you the best price with 15% discount.”

3. Mention Your Famous Clients. Prove your experience. Mention your best clients or at least your best solutions and projects. But don’t lie to the customer – he can ask for references straightaway. Don’t forget about real figures to emphasize the results.

“We save more than $300,000 for Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, and Mars per year, let alone their time and efforts.”

4. Explain the Purpose of Your Business. Show you are interested in making your client satisfied and happy. Show the customer is special for you and you really want to solve his problems.

Imagine selling to a big client with thousands offers like yours. Most of salespeople are focused on how great his company is – not on client’s needs and problems. Be the one who cares about the customer!

What’s next for you?

These “WOW, HOW, NOW” tips are just your first steps in making the selling process effective. To help you develop further, we’ve picked the 6 best online courses to learn more for your business, including 2 sales courses — and you can take them completely free. Get your gift and learn more about selling techniques from the world’s sales experts. Redesign your skills. Start selling better now!


Elena Masolova is Founder and CEO at, the international corporate eLearning provider used by Coca-Cola, Heineken, Efes, Schneider Electric, more. As entrepreneur and investor (20+ startups), Elena co-founded Darberry (Groupon Russia), Pixonic, AddVenture Funds, etc. Check out the blog and keep up with the team onFacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.

(Businesswoman presenting her business ideas image by Shutterstock)

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