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In this talk from Seattle Founder Institute, T.A. McCann highlights the importance of understanding both your customers and competitors in depth. He also stresses the value of knowing your influencers, being an expert in your space, and expanding your tribe by trading value for value.
T.A. McCann is the CEO and founder of Gist, a program designed to help you build stronger relationships with contacts from across the web. His past experience includes entrepreneur-in-residence roles at both Vulcan Capital and Polaris Venture Partners, as well as senior positions at Microsoft.
T.A. is also a mentor for the upcoming Seattle Founder Institute, which is currently accepting applications for the Autumn Semester. If you could use expert training, feedback, and support to launch a technology company in Seattle, then apply today. The Final Application Deadline is Sunday, November 10.
If you like the video below, follow T.A. on twitter @tamccann.
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