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On May 18th, 2021, the Founder Institute was pleased to welcome one of the world's foremost authorities on leadership, Four Star General Stanley McChrystal (Ret.), Founder & CEO of the McChrystal Group, for a special live online event. Ryan Micheletti, Head of Global Operations for Founder Institute, hosted General McChrystal who gave a brief presentation focused on the 'Future of Leadership' in a world changing more rapidly than ever due to exponential technologies, as well as took moderated questions from the live audience.

Watch to learn from Stanley McChrystal about how companies across the globe are replacing conventional top-down management structures with faster, flatter, and more flexible ‘teams of teams’:

The McChrystal Group focuses specifically in these areas, helping organizations to optimize their human structures and practices to achieve stronger business outcomes. McChrystal Group research shows that 70% of organizational transformations are unsuccessful, and that organizational diagnoses can often include challenges in unbalanced roles, opaque responsibilities, and tangled operations. Their work demonstrates how structural improvements can be implemented through optimizing time and communication constraints across varying levels of decision-making, for executives (strategic), management (operational), and functional experts (tactical); helping to develop simultaneous information-sharing across key roles that results in smarter, faster decisions.

Especially cogent to the experiences of countless business leaders over the past year of the global pandemic, McChrystal Group also offers strategy and insights for crisis management leadership. They help organizations to prepare for the future by building crisis response plans that employ feedback, so that the current realities are always what develops the organizational prioritization, communication, and ultimate execution of responses.

About the featured speaker Stanley McChrystal, Founder & CEO of McChrystal Group and Bestselling Leadership Author

A retired four-star general, Stanley McChrystal is the former commander of US and International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) Afghanistan and the former commander of the nation’s premier military counter-terrorism force, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). He is best known for developing and implementing a comprehensive counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan, and for creating a cohesive counter-terrorism organization that revolutionized the interagency operating culture.

Throughout his military career, McChrystal commanded a number of elite organizations, including the 75th Ranger Regiment. After 9/11 until his retirement in 2010, he spent more than 6 years deployed to combat in a variety of leadership positions. In June 2009, the President of the United States and the Secretary General of NATO appointed him to be the Commander of US Forces Afghanistan and NATO ISAF. His command included more than 150,000 troops from 45 allied countries. On August 1, 2010 he retired from the US Army.

Stanley McChrystal is a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, where he teaches a course on Leadership. He also sits on the boards of Navistar International Corporation, Siemens Government Technology, and JetBlue Airways. He is a sought-after speaker, giving speeches on leadership to organizations around the country. In 2013, McChrystal published his memoir, My Share of the Task, which was a New York Times bestseller; and is an author of Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, which was a New York Times bestseller in 2015. McChrystal also co-authored Leaders: Myth and Reality, a Wall Street Journal Bestseller based on the epochal Parallel Lives by Plutarch.

A passionate advocate for national service and veterans’ issues, McChrystal is the Chair of the Board of Service Year Alliance. In this capacity, he advocates for a future in which a year of full-time service—a service year—is a common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans.

Stanley McChrystal is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and the Naval War College. He also completed year-long fellowships at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Council on Foreign Relations.

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