Founder Insight gives you feedback from the startup trenches.
Telecure, a virtual medical consultation service, graduated this Summer from the San Francisco Founder Institute.
Below are three simple - yet impactful - lessons, Founder and CEO, Garrick Hismatullin, learned while building his company in four short months:
"We have graduated from the Founder Institute.
It has been an interesting journey which had exceeded all of my expectations. I originally came into the Founder Institute program with an idea for a social media application. Just two months later we have a medical company with a growing user base.
Here are the most important lessons I learned at the Founder Institute;
1. Don't build stuff until you have validated your idea.
2. The only people who can validate your idea are your customers.
3. Dream big, die trying."
If you could benefit from expert training and advice to launch a technology startup in your home town, apply now to the Founder Institute, which is currently accepting applications in over 20 cities worldwide. Click here to learn more.
Those who apply by the early application deadline can save on application fees (typically $50 USD) and qualify for Founder Institute Fellowships. Click here to learn more.
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