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Artificial intelligence and machine learning is changing the world as we know it, and entrepreneurs are just starting to scratch the surface on leveraging its power to upend industries like transportation, security, healthcare, finance, and more.

To help aspiring entrepreneurs better understand the opportunities and challenges of building A.I. startups, we will be hosting a special, interactive online event on Tuesday January 8th, where you can hear from some of the world's foremost experts in the space (and ask questions).

RSVP today for this online event.

On this interactive chat you can learn about the most recent developments, the challenges of building startups based on AI and machine learning, and the growing appetite for investment in such businesses.

This event will be hosted by Adeo Ressi (CEO of the Founder Institute), and feature some of the biggest experts in Artificial Intelligence today.

Speakers include:

Jeff Schneider

Engineering Lead at Uber ATC & Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon

Chris Moehle

Managing Director at Coal Hill Ventures and The Robotics Hub

Bill Gaussa

Head of Advanced Innovation and New Ventures at Philips Healthcare

Even if you can't make the webinar, everyone who registers for the event will receive an audio and video recording a few hours after the event ends.

RSVP to the Webinar.

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