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The Founder Institute, the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Sao Paulo - Brasil Winter 2024 program!

If you could use a structured process and a lifetime of support from Brasil's top investors and entrepreneurs to build a startup, then apply to the Sao Paulo - Brasil Winter 2024 Founder Institute today.

Since 2009, our highly-structured accelerator programs have helped entrepreneurs at the earliest stages grow quickly, know what to do next, and make connections with the largest community of startup advisors.

It all starts with our renowned ‘FI Core’ accelerator, which pushes founders at the idea and pre-seed stages to reach the milestones needed for investment and sustained growth. Alumni of FI Core then receive free access to our advanced ‘Founder Lab’ accelerators for years to come, and can get matched with prospective investors in the FI Venture Network, a collection of global funds actively investing in the earliest rounds of funding. 

To celebrate the launch, the Founder Institute will host several free online startup events in Brasil, where you can learn from top entrepreneurs:

Brasil Events:

  • Meet the Brasil Startup Ecosystem (In-Person Networking Event): 6:00pm, ago 29, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):

Global or Regional Events:

  • Founder Institute Online Information Session:
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas : 2:00pm, jul 29, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Fireside Chat with Rand Fishkin: From Moz to SparkToro: 4:30pm, jul 31, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Ask an Investor Anything: Q&A with a Venture Capitalist: 9:00pm, ago 26, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 9:00pm, ago 28, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Employee to Entrepreneur: How to Make the Transition to Startup Founder: 9:00pm, set 02, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • How Startup Founders Build & Sustain their Competitive Edge in Today’s Market : 2:00pm, set 04, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 9:00pm, set 09, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 2:00pm, set 16, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 2:00pm, set 23, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 2:00pm, set 25, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 2:00pm, out 02, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 9:00pm, out 14, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 9:00pm, out 23, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 2:00pm, out 30, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Employee to Entrepreneur: How to Make the Transition to Startup Founder : 3:00pm, nov 04, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 10:00pm, nov 06, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 10:00pm, nov 18, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 10:00pm, nov 25, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 3:00pm, nov 27, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 3:00pm, dez 02, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • What is the DNA of an Entrepreneur? Insights from 15 Years of Research: 3:00pm, dez 04, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 3:00pm, dez 09, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 3:00pm, dez 16, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 10:00pm, dez 23, 2024 (America/Sao_Paulo):

The Brasil program is led by some of the region's top startup leaders, including Clovis Castelo Junior (Prof , UNIFATEC ), Leo Gmeiner (CEO, School Guardian), Marco De Biasi (Partner, LAAS), Mayra Motta (Sócia Fundadora, Mayra Motta Advogados), Paloma Lecheta (Head of Global Community, Founder Institute).

In addition, some of Brasil's top investors, entrepreneurs, and CEOs will be participating in the program, providing them with expert feedback and evaluation. The list of startup mentors for the Brasil Founder Institute includes:

  • Abdellah Aouf: Chief Executive Officer, GO PLATFORM
  • Adam C Kirst: Founder and CEO, Brev
  • Admar Neto: Founder and Cofounder, Northern and Paraty Brazil by UTMB
  • Alberto Ferreira: Co Founder, Cervejaria Baden Baden
  • Alexandre Veiga: Strategic Innovation Partner, Elephant Ventures LLC
  • Alexandre Dinkelmann: CO-FOUNDER, ONYO
  • Alexandre Bezerra: CEO & Founder, Amachains
  • Alexandre Uehara: Head of Innovation, Innov8 Mindset & Strategy
  • Alexandre Augusto Mosquim: Gerente de Inovação, Hospital Albert Einstein
  • Aline Catiusce: COO, Softsul Sistemas
  • Alisson Mendonça: CEO & Founder, FAARO
  • Altair Emboava de Araujo: Gestor, Hitt - Hub de Inovação Tecnológico de Taubaté
  • Amanda Martins: Founder, ciclou
  • Ana Pires: Head of International Partnerships, Softex
  • Ana Julia Ferreira: Project Management Officer (PMO), Radix Investimentos
  • Ana Paula Zamper: Director, Leading Digital Reinvention program, Saint Paul School
  • Ana Paula Vitelli: President and Chairwoman of the Board, British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil
  • Andre Almeida: Founder, Business Portugal
  • André Costenaro: Head Of Digital & Innovation , Louis Dreyfus Company
  • Andrea Monti: Managing Director Impact and Sustainability, Founder Institute
  • Andrea Cerqueira: Sales, Marketing and Customer Success Director, Space Plan
  • Andries Oudshoorn: angel investor, advisor and board member, varias
  • Augusto Terra, Food Venture Hub
  • Benny Goldenberg: Founder and CEO, La Guapa Empanadas Artesanais
  • Bruna Marchi: CEO & Founder, Descomplicando o Inglês Jurídico
  • Bruna Losada: Vice-Diretora-Geral | Deputy Dean & COO, Saint Paul Escola de Negócios
  • Bruno Dequech Ceschin: Co-founder & CFO, JUPTER & Director, Founder Institute Brazil
  • Bruno Okamoto: Founder, EUNERD
  • Bruno Avillez: Partner, Adsum Business Consultoria
  • Caetano Maffra: Co Founder, Pb Hub
  • Carla De Calvo Dantas: CLV Founder and Lawyer, CLV Advogados
  • Carlos Nogueira: Head of Sales, Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)
  • Carlos Souza: Administrador , CSELOR
  • Carolina Aguiar: Global Scientific Director - Digital Engagement, Specialty Care, GSK
  • CAROLINE FARIA: Sustainability Specialist, Schneider Electric
  • Cesar Thomé: CFO, Levitar
  • Cesar Tureta: Founder, iLTDA (Creativity Unltd)
  • César Morais, iLTDA (Creativity Unltd)
  • Cintia Mano: CEO, COREANGELS
  • Claudio Gianturco Gulisano: Managing Partner, Lean Business Research (
  • Claudio Las Casas Alelaf: CEO, Argenprom Brasil
  • Claudio Santiago: Partner, EscapeTime Brasil
  • Claudio Colucci: Managing Director, FocusMarket R C M
  • Clovis Castelo Junior: Head of Research /Member of the Board /Lecturer, FATEC USA / ClienteSA
  • Cristina Santos: Comunicação e Gestão do Conhecimento de TI, Braskem
  • Daniel Dinelli
  • Daniela Coimbra Swiatek: Especialista em Inovação, Nowy Swiat Pesquisa e Assessoria
  • Daniela Motta: Co-Founder, Clinica Motta & Almeida
  • Daniela Simão: Audit Committee Member, BANCO NACIONAL DE ANGOLA
  • Daniele Cabral: CEO & Founder, DAAD Transformando Pessoas
  • Denise Pereira: CEO, Denise Curi, Phd
  • Diego Perez: Legal, Compliance & Co-Founder, StartMeUp Crowdfunding
  • Diego Simon: Founder & CEO, B2B Master
  • Eder Campos: Mentor e Investidor Anjo | CX | Modelo de negócios | Cultura, FDC - Fundação Dom Cabral
  • Edson Ferro: Diretor de Operações Empresariais, SIMPOSS Assessoria Empresarial.
  • Eduardo Iwai: CPO - Investor, Alice Education
  • Eduardo Martucci: Product Owner, Exactaworks · Full-time
  • Eduardo Mendes: Senior Sales Executive - Financial Services , SAS
  • Elcio Morelli: Founder, Health Angels Br
  • Eliana Miadaira: CEO & Founder, Portal do Sorriso
  • Ely Dirani: Associate Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Emily Coelho: Head da Jornada do Empreendedor , SMU Investimentos
  • Erica Fridman Stul: Managing Partner, Sororité
  • Fabiana Alves: Marketing & Communications Manager, Comgás
  • Fabiano Porto: Executive Director, Global Regeneration Institute
  • Fabiano Rangel: Head : Organizational and Institutional Development , Leão Alimentos e Bebidas
  • Fabio D´Novaes: Co-Founder e CEO, Born Global Partner
  • Fabio Frazão: Founder and Director,
  • Fábio Póvoa: Managing Director, Smart Money Ventures
  • Fábio De Faria: Advogado, N Partners
  • Felipe Brasileiro: co-founder & CEO, Parafuzo
  • Felipe Dos Santos: Co-Founder, Play2sell
  • Felipe Wasserman: PARTNER , BABUXCA
  • Felipe Giannetti: Managing Partner, StartSe
  • Felipe Maruyama: Diretor de Operações, programas e projetos, Centro de Inovação, Empreendedorismo e Tecnologia (CIETEC)
  • Fernando Zago: CEO, Grupo Zago: Banco Afro ; IVUUP ; Levee ; ÉSSE ; Zago Consultoria, Engenharia e Meio Ambiente
  • Flavio Galvão: CEO & Founder, ECP Ambiental / StayEasy / Canal Poluição
  • Francesco Weiss: Co-Founder & CEO, eRa - Retail Analytics
  • Franco Torres: Associate, Brunel Partners
  • Frank Rolim: Frank Rolim, Founder
  • Franklin Ribeiro: Head Startup Ecosystem, Investe Sao Paulo
  • Gabriela Accorsi: CPO e Co- Founder , La Decora
  • Gabriela Marques Teixeira: Head of Digital Solutions, Stefanini
  • Gianfranco Vento: CEO , Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino
  • Giovanna Claro: Founder & General manager, eHeadset
  • Guilherme Cabral: Founder/CEO, Vacalabs
  • Guilherme Yata: Founder-CEO, S3 Projects
  • Guilherme Terrengui: Founder, Sumsub
  • Gustavo Maierá: BizDev, mesttra
  • Gustavo Bakai: CEO, Voit
  • Henrique Macedo: Socio/Partner, GAAP Auditores & Consultores
  • Henry Suzuky: CEO & Founder, Axonal Consultoria Tecnológica
  • Humberto Matsuda: Managing Partner, Matsuda Invest
  • In Hsieh: Empreendedor especialista em Ecommerce
  • Isaque Gabriel Da Silva: Co-founder e CLO , ENERGY REVIEW
  • Jeferson Procopio: CEO & Founder, 37924499000133
  • João Cerqueira: Co-Founder and CEO, 4H Knowledge Management
  • João Gabriel Chebante: Consultor, Sucellos
  • Jorge Azevedo: Angel Investor and Author, Como nasce uma startup
  • Jose Maria Rodríguez Perez: CEO & Founder, CINN
  • Juliana Gavini: Especialista de desenvolvimento industrial, SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial
  • Junior Borneli: CEO e Fundador da StartSe, StartSe
  • Lais Fonseca Alves: Founder & CEO , Precavida
  • Laura Gurgel: Founder, Clube de Negócios
  • Laurent Serafini: CEO
  • Leandro Hernández: Founder, Cuida.Life
  • Leo Gmeiner: CEO e Co-founder, School Guardian
  • Licinio Januario: Co-Founder, WOLO TV
  • Lilian Natal: Head of Communication, DISTRITO
  • Lilian Natal: Co-founder
  • Lucas De Lima Neto: Executive Diretcor MME & ESG / Partner, Empírica
  • Lucas Galvanini: Co-Founder & Sales Director, KnowCode
  • Lucas Oliveira: Portfolio Manager, COREangels Atlantic
  • Luis Felipe Adaime: CEO & Founder, Moss.Earth
  • LUIZ EDUARDO LEAO: Gerente de Tecnologias Educacionais, SENAI - Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial
  • Luiz Fernando Silva: Especialista em Gestão Estratégica, Ltrainning Planejando Ideias e Negócios
  • Marcelo Costa: Owner, Valoração Consultoria
  • Marcelo Vivacqua: Founder and CEO, Startups Global Link
  • Marcelo Bella: -CEO, Mentor e Investidor Anjo, Banco Letsbank
  • Marcio Mendes: CEO & Founder, Marketing Sustentável
  • Marco De Biasi: Managing Partner, Latin American Angels Society
  • Marcos Olmos: Head of VC, VOX Capital
  • Marcos Cacalis: Head of Innovation and Optimization, Kashimir Consultoria e Gestão Empresarial
  • Marcos Avila: CEO & Founder, THERA CONSULTING
  • Marcus Maida: socio, PMM
  • Mariana Guarini: Membro do Conselho de Administração , MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo
  • Mario Rodrigues: CEO , IBNVendas
  • Maurizio Calcopietro: Managing Partner, Core Angels Atlantic
  • Mayra Motta: Sócia, Mayra Motta Advogados
  • Mayra Castro: Ambassador, Seedstars
  • Melquizedeque Macêdo
  • Monica Lobenschuss: CEO, Vendas Exponenciais
  • Nando Gaspar: CEO, Conexão Empreendedora
  • Nara Iachan: CMO, Cuponeria
  • Neusa Andrade: CEO & Founder, Indiip- Intelligent Drug Information and knowledge Integration Platform LLC
  • Nima Kaz: Co Founder, JUPTER & Director, Founder Institute Brazil
  • Odete Afonso Duarte: Corporate Communication Branding , ESG Executive, Consultant
  • Otávio César Cafundo De Moraes: CEO , Brasil Diverso
  • Paloma Lecheta: Regional Director - LatAm, Founder Institute
  • Pâmela Ponce: CEO, IAPRENDI & ELA S/A
  • Pâmela Ponce: Founder e CEO, IAPRENDI
  • Patricia Lacerda: CEO & Founder, FOL Solutions
  • Paula Machado: CEO & Founder, Meister Safe System
  • Paulo Faria: CEO & Founder, OTSE
  • Paulo Carneiro: Manager, Craton-Roche
  • Peixoto Accyoli: Chief Executive Officer, RE/MAX Brasil
  • Rafael Sampaio: Partner, RampUp - Business Transformation
  • Rafael Campos: VC Portfolio Manager, VOX Capital
  • Rafael Angelo Nanis: Coordenador Growth Marketing, Atmosfera Ventures
  • Raquel Molina: CEO, Futuriste Tecnologias Inovadoras
  • Reinaldo Azevedo: CEO, ENERGY REVIEW
  • Renan Basso: CTO | Digital Strategist | Startup Builder, MB LABS
  • Renata Bonaldi: CEO & Founder, Sleep Up
  • Renata Tomazeli: CEO & Founder, Youfeel
  • Renata Marques: CIO Latin America, Natura &Co
  • Renato Simon: Managing Partner, LAAS Latin American Angels Society
  • Renato Alckmin Lombardi: CEO , REAL INTELLIGENCE Consultoria e Gestão Empresarial
  • Ricardo Normand: Venture Partner,
  • Ricardo Oliani: Director, Counselor e Co Founder, ABRAPS - Associação Brasileira dos Profissionais pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentável
  • Ricardo Abiz: CEO & Founder, Sppock | polo di innovazione
  • Ricardo Pinto Martins: Founder, TRIWI
  • Rita Costa: CEO, International Career Consultant & Business Partner
  • Roberto Soria: Head of Professional Services LATAM, Thomson Reuters
  • Robson Del Fiol: Head of Sales & Marketing, Sky.One Solutions
  • Rodrigo Bindes: CEO e Co Founder, Nutrifresh
  • Rodrigo Huback De Azevedo: Founder/CEO, ISBrasil e IBND
  • Rodrigo Oliveira: CRO, StayApp
  • Rodrigo Oliveira: CEO e Diretor de Estratégias, Plástico Virtual, Blob e Álamo Inteligência Comercial
  • Rodrigo Olmedo: Director, uGlobally
  • Rodrigo Bombonati S. Moraes: Deputy Director, Samambaia Technological Park - PTS-UFG
  • Rodrigo Saad Rodrigues: CEO & Founder, Monitoragua
  • Rodrigo Barbosa: Partner, Communications Director, Araucária Ventures & Consulting
  • Rogerio Augusto Cortes: CEO, Catalisar
  • Sanderson Pajeú: Founder & CEO, naPorta
  • Sandra Arango: FMCG International C-Level Executive, Ex-P&G/KHC/Reckitt
  • Semi Kim: Sr. Fintech Business Development Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Sergio Escobar: CEO & Partner, BCF Ventures, Managing Director, Lalotte Ventures
  • Sergio Emanuel Cusmai: CEO and Founder, AIpha-G
  • Simone De Carvalho Soares: Founder & Executive Director, Simone Soares Comunicação e Sustentabilidade
  • Tais Scaroni: Especialista em Inovação Aberta, Cogna
  • TATIANA YOSHIDA: Technology and Innovation Coordinator, Grupo Energia
  • Thiago Pereira: Founder, Advisor BPO
  • Thiago Garcia: CEO & General Partner, 10X Partners
  • Tiago Martins Oliveira: Co-Founder, Lev Gestão Empresarial
  • Tijana Momirov: Startup Consultant - Product Management, StartupSetup
  • Vanessa Abrahão: Head of Customer Success , Groove Marketing de Incentivo
  • Victor Lugli: Managing Partner, Lugli Group
  • Wilian Silva Vieira: CEO , Pitaco Criativo

  • And many more to be announced.

Join us in Brasil to build a great company in 2024. 

Apply to the Sao Paulo - Brasil Winter 2024 Founder Institute today, or learn more at  

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