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The Founder Institute, the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Angola 2025 program!

If you could use a structured process and a lifetime of support from Angola's top investors and entrepreneurs to build a startup, then apply to the Angola 2025 Founder Institute today.

Since 2009, our highly-structured accelerator programs have helped entrepreneurs at the earliest stages grow quickly, know what to do next, and make connections with the largest community of startup advisors.

It all starts with our renowned ‘FI Core’ accelerator, which pushes founders at the idea and pre-seed stages to reach the milestones needed for investment and sustained growth. Alumni of FI Core then receive free access to our advanced ‘Founder Lab’ accelerators for years to come, and can get matched with prospective investors in the FI Venture Network, a collection of global funds actively investing in the earliest rounds of funding. 

To celebrate the launch, the Founder Institute will host several free online startup events in Angola, where you can learn from top entrepreneurs:

  • How to Acquire Your First 100 B2C Customers: 6:00pm, jul 08, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Founder Institute Online Information Session:
  • How to Launch your MVP with No-Code: A Bubble Workshop: 6:00pm, jul 10, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Adam Robinson’s Path to Bootstrapping Success: From Idea to $22 Million Revenue: 5:00pm, jul 12, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 1:00am, jul 16, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Ask an Investor Anything: Q&A with Vinnie Lauria (MP of Golden Gate Ventures): 5:00pm, jul 17, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Innovation Series: Innovations In Startup Fundraising: 5:00pm, jul 18, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 1:00am, jul 23, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Build a Personal Brand: The Startup Founders Guide to Thought Leadership: 6:00pm, jul 24, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • African Founder Showcase: Local Founders Pitch Event: 6:00pm, jul 25, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas : 6:00pm, jul 29, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Fireside Chat with Rand Fishkin (Founder of Moz and SparkToro): 7:00pm, jul 31, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 1:00am, ago 06, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Achieve Product-Market Fit: Insights from Seedstars: 6:00pm, ago 07, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 6:00pm, ago 12, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • The Startup Founder’s Guide to Building AI Products Quickly & Easily : 6:00pm, ago 14, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Pitch Lounge: Practice Pitching Your Business Idea to Startup Experts : 6:00pm, ago 19, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Venture Trailblazers, featuring Warren Packard (Operating Partner at AI Fund): 5:00pm, ago 22, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Ask an Investor Anything: Q&A with a Venture Capitalist: 1:00am, ago 27, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 1:00am, ago 29, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Employee to Entrepreneur: How to Make the Transition to Startup Founder: 1:00am, set 03, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 1:00am, set 10, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 6:00pm, set 16, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 6:00pm, set 23, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 6:00pm, set 25, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 6:00pm, out 02, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 1:00am, out 15, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 1:00am, out 24, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 6:00pm, out 30, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Employee to Entrepreneur: How to Make the Transition to Startup Founder : 7:00pm, nov 04, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 2:00am, nov 07, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 2:00am, nov 19, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is Entrepreneur DNA? Insights from 15 Years of Social Science Research: 2:00am, nov 26, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 7:00pm, nov 27, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Pitch Practice: Share Your Idea and Get Expert Feedback: 7:00pm, dez 02, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • What is the DNA of an Entrepreneur? Insights from 15 Years of Research: 7:00pm, dez 04, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Co-Founder Networking: Find a Business Partner: 7:00pm, dez 09, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • How to Come Up with Great Startup Ideas: 7:00pm, dez 16, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):
  • Startup Fundraising Q&A: Meet Investors from the FI Venture Network: 2:00am, dez 24, 2024 (Africa/Algiers):

The Angola program is led by some of the region's top startup leaders, including Carla Tavares, Dimonekene Ditutala (Founder & Partner, Renascença Digital, Lda), Haymee Perez Cogle (Local Leader , Founder Institute Luanda), Silvio Almada (CEO, Angola Internet Association ).

In addition, some of Angola's top investors, entrepreneurs, and CEOs will be participating in the program, providing them with expert feedback and evaluation. The list of startup mentors for the Angola Founder Institute includes:

  • Adalberto Cawaia: Sócio Administrador, CVM - Sociedade de Advogados RL
  • Airton Lucas: Co-Founder & Investor, Kamba - Sua carteira digital
  • Ana Quintas: Founder & CEO, AngoWaste
  • Andersia Ferreira: Project Manager | Strategic Consultant, Independent
  • Armando Mualumene: Founder and Project Developer & Team Leader, The iDEASLab
  • Armando Teixeira: Southern Africa Investment Manager, Talisman Holding & Investment Funds
  • Aronildo Neto: CIO , Standard Bank Angola
  • Claudia Viana: Head Consumer and High Net Worth Clients, Standard Bank Angola
  • Claudio Lima: Founder & Managing Director, Farmácias de Coimbra, Lda
  • Claudio C Silva: Founder, Managing Partner, LNL, Lda.
  • Daniela Simão: Audit Committee Member, BANCO NACIONAL DE ANGOLA
  • Darwin Da Costa: Senior Business Development , DE-CIX (SEurope, Africa & LATAM)
  • David Cascais Gonçalves: Analista de Negócios , David M.C.Gonçalves(SU) Consultora
  • Decio Silva: Founder & CEO, NARISREC, Lda
  • Dimonekene Ditutala: Founder & Partner, Renascença Digital, Lda
  • Diogo Saraiva de Ponte: Head of Investments, STAG Fund Management
  • Edmar Lopes: CEO, Data Cloud - Contabilidade Digital, Lda
  • Eduardo Sebastiao: Product Manager, bonyfy Germany
  • Eduardo Clemente: Executive Board Member, Standard Bank Angola
  • Eduardo Nogueira: CEO , Cyklone Aceleradora
  • Elcio Morelli: Founder, Health Angels Br
  • Erica Tavares: Co-founder & Counselor, EcoAngola
  • Eva Rosa Santos: Founder, Liderança Feminina em Angola
  • Fatima Almeida: CEO, BayQi
  • Fátima Sobral Fernandes: Founder , Transcenderte Desenvolvimento Humano e Organizacional
  • Filipa Oliveira: Senior Partner - Managing Director, MIRA-Market Research Angola
  • Gilchrist Adolfo: CEO, Dígitos & Numbers Lda
  • Gualter César: CEO, GVA Profile
  • Haymee I. Perez Cogle: Managing Director, Founder Institute Luanda
  • Henriques Ngolome: Líder , Centro de Inovação Social e Incubação da Universidade Católica de Angola
  • Horácio Pedro: Project & Product developer, Ahoura - Consultoria & Software
  • Igor Chaves: Business Development Manager, Portão Agencia Criativa & IP
  • Inene Dos Santos: Business Consultant and Mentor, Ndalauso
  • Itweva Nogueira: Founding Partner, IN - Sociedade de Advogados, R.L
  • JOAO INACIO: CTO Chief Technical Office, GEM-TELCO LIMITED
  • João Pedro Rodrigues: Managing & Commercial Director, Novagrolider
  • Jocelino Malulo: Lawyer, Legis Veritas & Associados
  • Jofre Karymba: Chairman & CEO, KAINVEST - Karymba Investimentos, Lda
  • Jose Silva: CEO, Multipla
  • Jose Ricardo Muñoz: CEO, Usina de Startup Chile
  • Juceline Paquete: Deputy Director, Comissão do Mercado de Capitais (CMC)
  • Juelson Bartolomeu: Innovation & Ecosystems Lead, Standard Bank Angola
  • Katie Mapondera: Founder and Managing Partner, Q L and D LLC
  • Kenneth Hogrefe: CEO and Founder, Tech Africa Pte. Ltd.
  • Leonardo Neto: CEO, Usina de Startup
  • Leonardo Brasil: CEO & Co-founder, StartupHero
  • Lilhan Barbosa: Lecturer & Researcher, ISPTEC
  • Lisa Videira: President, AASED-Association of Startups and Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Lourdes Caposso Fernandes: CEO , LCF -Legal Counsel Firm
  • Lucia Fernandes Stanislas: Social Entrepreneur, Mwika Social Innovation Hub
  • Manuel Pinto de Andrade: Founder & CEO, Business Developer
  • Marco Romero: Carbon Credits Department Coordinator, Otchiva_Mangais_Angola
  • Marco Paulo Carlos: Reservoir Geologist, Total Energies
  • Maria Imaculada Cardoso: IP expert, Instituto Angolano de Propriedade Industrial (IAPI)
  • Maria Nakuayela Capapelo: Mentora de Negócios , Instituto de Gestão de Pessoas - MRG/IGP
  • Marlene José: Founder & CEO, FoodCare Lda
  • Matias Perazoli: Commercial & Project Manager, ETIC - Soluções & Tecnologias
  • Mauricio Cardoso: Corporate Venture Manager, O POVO Communication Group
  • Morato Custodio: Managing Partner, LPE
  • Nadia Catraio: Manager, Katraio Services Lda
  • Paula Almeida: Sustainable Business Development, Independent Consultant
  • Paula Bartolomeu: Founder & CEO, Pitanga & Loengo Lda
  • Paulo Pizarro: Executive Director, Sonangol Sinopec International
  • Paulo Araújo: Co-founder, WiConnect Lda
  • Pedro José Mendes Simões: Desenvolvimento de Negócios Empreendedorismo e Inovação , Economista
  • Renata Pereira: Oil & Gas Executive, Angel Investor, Mentor, Founder Institute
  • Rui Oliveira: CEO at BFA Asset Management, Banco de Fomento de Angola
  • Rui Gouveia: CEO, Build Up Labs
  • Rui Alves: Invited Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal
  • Santiago Castillo: Founder & General manager, Clinica San Miguel ORTOCENTRO
  • Sérgio Ingles: Managing Partner, GP & Associados, Lda
  • Silvio Costa: Consultor Estratégico, Silco Company
  • Stephan Santos Silveira: Founder & CEO, PRO-VEST Lda
  • Suzana Da Rosa: Founder and CEO, CRHESCER Consultoria
  • Tiago Cardoso: Executive Director, Nguzu Project
  • Vanda Oliveira: Co-founder & Managing Partner, Bantu Makers
  • Vanusa Gomes: Co-Founder & Partner, Inconsulting Lda
  • Vilma Rossana Costa: CEO, Emptor, Lda
  • Vivaldo Zacarias: CEO, VD Zacarias, lda
  • Yemi Oluseun: Growth & GTM For FinTechs, The Change Hive
  • Zedilson Almeida: CEO, Simpluz Tecnologias

  • And many more to be announced.

Join us in Angola to build a great company in 2024. 

Apply to the Angola 2025 Founder Institute today, or learn more at  

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