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In this talk from the Silicon Valley Founder Institute, Ziv Gillat gives founders an overview on the best practices for startup hiring and firing. What is often a lengthy and time consuming task, Ziv advises founders to seek out top talent within your internal network when hiring. Doing so, he says, helps ensure loyalty, trust, and a great foundation for a solid team.
Ziv Gillat is the co-founder of Eye-Fi and one of FI’s most popular mentors. Last year Ziv was recognized as one of the Founder Institute’s top mentors and was commended for his hard work and dedication.
Although CEOs and founders try their hardest to build a phenomenal team, it is inevitable that they will be forced to let go a few employees down the road. Contrary to hiring, Ziv recommends that firing be done as quickly and smoothly as possible. He stresses that firing should not be a drawn out process, and if not done all at once, a CEO risks diluting company morale.
To hear more from great mentors like Ziv, join us this Spring as we launch several new and existing chapters. Upwards of 12 locations are currently accepting applications for the 2013 Spring semester. If you could benefit from expert training and feedback to launch a technology startup click here to apply. Those who apply by the early application deadlines get to take the admissions test for free and are eligible for the Female Founder Fellowship.
For more startup news and insights be sure to follow Ziv on Twitter @gillat
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