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Sunday, May 10th, 2009, is the last day to apply for the Summer 2009 Semester of the Founder Institute. The Institute is considering expanding the class size to accommodate the number of high quality applicants. If you are planning to apply, please submit your application into the system by the deadline, and then you will have a couple of days to polish the submission before it is reviewed. Founder training sessions begin just 9 days later with a program about "Vision and Idea Types" on Tuesday evening, May 19th, at Stanford University.

About one third of the applicants that have been reviewed so far have started businesses in the past. Another third of the applicants are currently running startups. There is a wide range in age of the Founders, from recent college graduates to career scientists. All of the Founders reviewed are passionate about a field and eager to make a difference.

The singular goal of the institute is to help Founders build great companies. The program achieves this through training, logistical support, and collaboration. Half of each weekly Session is dedicated to a dialog among peers, and every participant shares in the upside generated from the program. We will work to ensure that everyone involved in the Institute is on your side, from the Mentors to the other Founders.

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Are you ready to apply to the world's largest pre-seed accelerator?

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