Do you want to start your own technology company, but don't know where to get started? You are not alone. Every day millions of people got to jobs they don't enjoy, but few do something about it. At the “Employee to Entrepreneur” event, you can hear the stories, tips, and best practices of those who left their jobs to pursue their own startup company. Listen to the experiences of people just like you that have made the transition, and discuss any questions or concerns that you have. How do you know if you have a good idea? What are the first steps in an entrepreneurial journey? Join us for a fun evening!
どのような人が参加しますか? Who should Attend?
- 起業したい人 Anyone who dreams of launching their own company
- ビジネスアイディアのある人 Anyone with an idea for a new business either launched inside their employer or independently
- いつか起業したいと思っている人 Anyone curious about being an entreprenuer someday
トピックス What are some of the Topics?
- 創業者と従業員の違い What is the difference between being an employee versus being a founder
- 起業する前に検討すべきこと What to consider before becoming an entrepreneur
- 会社を辞めるタイミング How do you know when the time is right to quit
- 起業の最初のステップ What are the first steps in the entrepreneurial journey
- and more...
式次第 What is the Agenda?
- 19:00~ 受付と名刺交換 Welcome and Socializing
ファウンダー・インスティテュートの紹介 Introduction to the Founder Institute
- 19:30~ 会社設立について Talks on Founding a Company
滝田 秀樹(たきたひでき)さん
- Guest speaker: Takita Hideki, CEO of H2 Holdings and Medical Crowd Company. Former CEO and Co-Founder of Searchteria (now named GMO Searchteria)
- 20:10~ 質疑応答 Question and Answer
ネットワーキング(名刺交換等) Discussion
This event is free to attend. Join us for a fun evening! For more free startup events, visit http://fi.co/events.
[Business Leap photo from Shutterstock]