

Londrina-Maringa 2017


O Founder Institute oferece um currículo semanal de sessões de criação de empresas, planejado para ajudar os empreendedores a refletir sobre cada aspecto do seu negócio, desde a ideia central ao modelo de receita. Cada sessão semanal é conduzida por três Mentores CEOs de iniciativas, que partilham as suas opiniões singulares e frequentemente divergentes sobre o tema. Aos Fundadores Participantes são atribuídas tarefas para criar aspectos fundamentais das suas empresas entre as sessões, que são realizadas em Grupos de Trabalho com os seus colegas.


Welcome and meet your peers.

Date: set 21, 2017
Starts at: 05:00 pm (America/New_York)

Visões e Ideias

Develop a set of strong ideas.

Date: set 28, 2017
Starts at: 05:00 pm (America/New_York)

Pesquisa e desenvolvimento de clientes

Teste suas ideias com pesquisas

Date: out 05, 2017
Starts at: 05:00 pm (America/New_York)

Mercados grande e rápidos tem o poder de elevar seu negócio a um próximo patamar de sucesso, este ponto é crucial na hora da escolha da sua atuação. Nesta sessão você irá aprender mais sobre como definir seus mercados alvos, análise da concorrência, definição de clientes e público final. and gain a deep understanding. Assignments incluem competitivo nível de pesquisa para esta sessão, defina os pontos chaves do seu mercado de atuação, identifique, entreviste e converse com potenciais clientes para seu negócio e mais.

Modelagem financeira e modelo de monetização

Escolha sua ideia e modelo de receita

Date: out 11, 2017
Starts at: 04:30 pm (America/New_York)

Modelagem financeira forte é extremamente importante para que negócios sejam bem sucedidos. Nesta sessão você irá conhecer diferentes tipos de modelagem financeira e modelos de monetização através dos noses mentores. Depois você será desafiado a montar seu próprio modelo de monetização bem como a modelagem financeira para seu negócio. Para isso será muito importante você entender quem é seu público-alvo e qual mercado de atuação você deverá seguir.

Marca e posicionamento

Dê uma marca ao seu negócio

Date: out 19, 2017
Starts at: 04:30 pm (America/New_York)

Mentor Idea Review

Present your idea for feedback.

Date: out 26, 2017
Starts at: 04:30 pm (America/New_York)

The Mentor Idea Review is the first major test in the Founder Institute Program. During this session, every founder presents a three minute pitch to a large number of entrepreneur and CEO mentors for evaluation and feedback. These mentors will grade you on many criteria, such as the validity and market potential of your ideas, and your understanding of your target customer. After the session, you will incorporate their feedback into your planning, begin to set up your company and marketing infrastructure, and more.

Startup Legal and IP

Build a legal and IP strategy.

Date: nov 01, 2017
Starts at: 04:30 pm (America/New_York)

Team and Advisors

Recruit your first team members.

Date: nov 09, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

Great companies start with great people. In this session, you will learn how to identify the key hiring needs for your company, how to recruit key hires like Co-Founders (even if you can’t offer any salary), and the best practices for equity allocation amongst a startup workforce. Assignments include identifying and contacting potential advisors, building a hiring strategy and pipeline, starting your first “product sprint”, and more.

Product Development

Plan to build your offering.

Date: nov 16, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

Quickly releasing a product is critical towards getting the feedback you need to build a successful company. This week, top product-oriented entrepreneurs will teach you the basics of product development, and how to advance from an idea to an offering on a budget. Assignments include additional customer development, determining the key features to prioritize with your product, building a product roadmap and “first release” plan, and more.

Mentor Progress Review

Present your progress for feedback.

Date: nov 23, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

Similar to the "Mentor Idea Review", this is the second major test in the program. In the “Mentor Progress Review”, you will present a three minute pitch to a large number of mentors for feedback and evaluation, focusing on aspects like your recent progress and product planning. Afterwards, you will incorporate their feedback into your pitch deck, revenue, hiring, and product plans, begin forming the advisory board for your company, and more.

Sales and Traction

Start generating traction.

Date: nov 30, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

If you can’t get customers to use and pay for your product, then nothing else matters. During the session, you will learn how to “hustle” to identify and close your first customers from entrepreneurs that have done it before. Then, you will put everything you have built to the test, by releasing your first product (if you have not already), securing your first (or new) customers, testing different pricing, and more.

Branding and Marketing

Establish market credibility.

Date: dez 07, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

As new platforms and technologies mature, the rules of marketing for technology companies are constantly changing. This week is all about learning the latest strategies, “growth hacking” tactics, and tools to generate distribution and traction for your product. Assignments include identifying and building relationships with the key influencers in your industry, building a PR and distribution strategy, developing a company blog and social media presence, and more.

Bootstrapping and Fundraising

Capitalize the business.

Date: dez 14, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

Every company needs capital to grow, and it can come from revenue or outside sources like investors. This finance heavy session will educate you on the different strategies, structures, and tactics for getting investment, as well as how to bootstrap and manage your company cash flow to profitability. After the session, you will consult with your Directors and Advisors to form a plan to capitalize your company, and take various steps depending on the strategy you choose.


Graduate from the program.

Date: fev 06, 2018
Starts at: 04:00 pm (America/New_York)

Most people that enter the program do not make it to Graduation, because the Founder Institute curriculum is very demanding. However, the select few that Graduate have achieved several years of progress on their startup in just a few months. We typically celebrate the Graduating class with a small event attended by family members, mentors, investors, and more. Afterwards, Graduates gain access to the Founder Institute network, tools, and ongoing resources… and the real work of building and growing an enduring company begins!

Post Program Resources

The 4 month Core-Program is just the beginning. We have developed extensive support programs and resources for our Alumni that far exceed any other comparable startup program.

Continued Support

FI Alumni
  • Dedicated Alumni Support Team in Silicon Valley
  • Access to the world's largest network of mentors and investors (35,000+)
  • Private Alumni mailing lists
  • $2M+ in partner discounts
  • Invites to FI sessions & network events
  • Potentail introductions to investors


Founder Lab
  • A series of virtual advisory programs where you work with our Silicon Valley HQ team to reach next milestones
  • Funding Lab helps get your lead investor within 6 months
  • P/M Fit Lab (2023) helps you get to Product Market Fit
  • FI Venture Network helps you get intros to investors
  • 100% customized and FREE for Alumni