

Rio de Janeiro 2017


O Founder Institute oferece um currículo semanal de sessões de criação de empresas, planejado para ajudar os empreendedores a refletir sobre cada aspecto do seu negócio, desde a ideia central ao modelo de receita. Cada sessão semanal é conduzida por três Mentores CEOs de iniciativas, que partilham as suas opiniões singulares e frequentemente divergentes sobre o tema. Aos Fundadores Participantes são atribuídas tarefas para criar aspectos fundamentais das suas empresas entre as sessões, que são realizadas em Grupos de Trabalho com os seus colegas.


Welcome and meet your peers.

Date: ago 23, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

This is where it all begins. During Orientation, we will review the Founder Institute program structure, curriculum, tools, and requirements in detail. In addition, you will identify mentors that can help you get the most out of the program, meet the other founders in your cohort, and learn more about their ideas and skillsets. Assignments for this session include creating a plan to complete the program, watching recommended Founder Institute training videos, and more.

Vision and Ideas

Develop a set of strong ideas.

Date: ago 24, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Research and Customer Development

Test your ideas with research.

Date: ago 29, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Large and fast growing markets have the power to elevate mediocre companies into greatness, and conversely, dying markets can doom otherwise solid companies. In this session, you’ll learn how to systematically research your market and gain a deep understanding of your target customer. Assignments include competitive research, defining your key business assumptions, interviewing additional potential customers, and more.

Revenue Models

Chose an idea and a model.

Date: set 05, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Strong unit economics are essential for a strong business. This week, you will learn the components and key metrics of different revenue models from experienced CFOs and Founders. Then, you will build a number of financial models for your ideas, speak to potential customers, select a single revenue model to pursue, and more. In addition, you will use all of the research performed to date to select your final startup idea to build in the program.

Naming and Positioning

Name your business.

Date: set 12, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Your naming and positioning are the starting point for all of your company’s marketing. In this session, you will learn the components of great company names, and how to position your product effectively in the eyes of the consumer. By the end of the week, you will brainstorm and analyze a variety of names, and then select a final name after performing more customer research. In addition, you will build your first pitch deck, and begin interviewing law firms for your company.

Mentor Idea Review

Present your idea for feedback.

Date: set 19, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Startup Legal and IP

Build a legal and IP strategy.

Date: set 26, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Team and Advisors

Recruit your first team members.

Date: out 03, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Product Development

Plan to build your offering.

Date: out 10, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Mentor Progress Review

Present your progress for feedback.

Date: out 17, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Sales and Traction

Start generating traction.

Date: out 24, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Branding and Marketing

Establish market credibility.

Date: out 31, 2017
Starts at: 03:30 pm (America/New_York)

Bootstrapping and Fundraising

Capitalize the business.

Date: nov 07, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)


Graduate from the program.

Date: nov 28, 2017
Starts at: 02:30 pm (America/New_York)

Most people that enter the program do not make it to Graduation, because the Founder Institute curriculum is very demanding. However, the select few that Graduate have achieved several years of progress on their startup in just a few months. We typically celebrate the Graduating class with a small event attended by family members, mentors, investors, and more. Afterwards, Graduates gain access to the Founder Institute network, tools, and ongoing resources… and the real work of building and growing an enduring company begins!

Post Program Resources

The 4 month Core-Program is just the beginning. We have developed extensive support programs and resources for our Alumni that far exceed any other comparable startup program.

Continued Support

FI Alumni
  • Dedicated Alumni Support Team in Silicon Valley
  • Access to the world's largest network of mentors and investors (35,000+)
  • Private Alumni mailing lists
  • $2M+ in partner discounts
  • Invites to FI sessions & network events
  • Potentail introductions to investors


Founder Lab
  • A series of virtual advisory programs where you work with our Silicon Valley HQ team to reach next milestones
  • Funding Lab helps get your lead investor within 6 months
  • P/M Fit Lab (2023) helps you get to Product Market Fit
  • FI Venture Network helps you get intros to investors
  • 100% customized and FREE for Alumni