Lanza una compañía tecnológica de alto impacto desde Caracas

El Founder Institute proporciona una red de apoyo global y una metodología probada para que tu startup consiga tracción y financiamiento.

See other FI Chapters
Virtual First
Program Dates
abr 21, 2025 jul 29, 2025
Early Deadline
Mar 2, 2025
Early Entrance Fee
$169 $199
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The Core Experience

You don't have to do it alone. Alongside other like-minded entrepreneurs, you will build your business in a structured, proven process.

Red de apoyo crítico

Únete al equity collective de mentores y fundadores de startups que están comprometidos con tu éxito.
Obtén acceso a programas de apoyo y aliados de por vida, que superan con creces la oferta de cualquier programa comparable.

Metodología estructurada

Descubre en qué trabajar y cuándo, con nuestros procesos estructurados y sprints probados para la creación de negocios.
Construye una empresa de alto impacto aprovechando la red de fundadores y mentores de startups más grande del mundo.

Proceso retador

Menos del 40% de los fundadores participantes finalizan el programa, porque los desafiamos en cada paso del camino.
Accede a nuestro programa Funding Lab y a los Demo Days virtuales, lo que te brinda la mejor oportunidad de obtener fondos.

Session Calendar

Below are the dates for the upcoming program

abr 14, 2025
06:00pm -04
Accelerator Kickoff
abr 21, 2025
07:00pm -04
Vision & Mission
abr 22, 2025
07:00pm -04
View Full curriculum

Featured Grad

FI Grad Company

From our Silicon Valley chapter, Udemy is the global leader in online learning, with nearly 200,000 courses. The company went public on the NASDAQ in October 2021, raising $421 million.

FI Grad

The real question is: can the Founder Institute be game-changing for your business? The answer is yes. Without FI, Udemy may have never raised any money.

Gagan Biyani
Udemy (IPO, 2021)

Join an Online Information Session

Sign up for an upcoming info session to learn more and chat with our team. There are several sessions per week across most time zones.

Mentores del FI Caracas

Construye un negocio de manera eficiente a través de videoconferencias, mentorías 1-1 y retroalimentación de un equipo de mentores expertos.

Susie Image

Susie Jaramillo

President and CCO @ Encantos
Miguel Image

Miguel Melendez

Customer Support and Sales Representative @ HQ Rental Software
Juan Carlos Image

Juan Carlos Berzins

Co-Founder @ Atienda
Juan Image

Juan Aguilera

CEO - Managing Partner Mexico @ eSourceCapital
Alejandro Ernesto Image

Alejandro Ernesto Romero Saenz

Lotux Ventures
Alexandra Image

Alexandra Delsol

Partner @ A2 Legal, S.C.

FI Partners

Get special deals and support worth over $3 million from top support organizations and partners.

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The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 7,500 entrepreneurs raise over $1.85BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 100 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.

Copyright © 2025, Founder Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved