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Each week we scour the web for insightful articles to share with our Founder Institute network.

This week's top articles include Mitch Kapor asking startups to strive for impact; Manu Kumar saying CEOs should make themselves redundant; how social startups can make impacts; and 5 ways to scare off investors.

Check out the top startup and entrepreneur articles from the week of May 4th.

Why Profits Are Not Enough: Mitch Kapor Asks Startups to Strive for Impact

Do too many startups overlook the potential for generating a positive social impact, as well? Mitch Kapor, the Founder of the Lotus Development Corporation and designer of Lotus 1-2-3, certainly thinks so.

Make Yourself Redundant as a CEO, says Manu Kumar of K9 Ventures

In this special Investor-edition of the Minute, Manu Kumar, Chief Firestarter at K9 Ventures, explains why CEO's should work hard to make themselves redundant. As Manu says, "Eventually if you follow this rule of trying to make yourself redundant, then you've built this amazing team and the company can run by itself."

How Social Entrepreneurs Can Have the Most Impact

According to Katie Smith Milway of Harvard Business Review, "Social enterprise in the U.S. is a fast-growing, but fragmented, movement." She takes a detailed look at why and how this growth is happening in the industry.

5 Ways to Scare Off a Startup Investor Panel

At the Founder Institute we see a lot of pitches. While generally most of our founders eventually knock it out of the park, there are definitely rookie mistakes being made all the time that ultimately scare off investors.

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