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Each week we scour the web for insightful articles to share with our Founder Institute network.

This week's top articles include branding tips for your startup; what personal computing legend Mitch Kapor thinks of the current state of startups; and more.

Check out the top startup and entrepreneur articles from the week of May 25th.

4 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Branding Your Startup

On Fast Company, Triin Linamagi gives early-stage entrepreneurs 4 questions to consider before they brand their startup. As she says, "In the complex and overcrowded startup ecosystem, competition is fierce, and arguably there are no truly original ideas." Therefore, she argues, how your define your goals and work with the right people counts for a lot more.

Starting Is Easier, But Startups Are Harder

In this week's Investor-edition of the Minute, personal computing pioneer Mitch Kapor, Partner at Kapor Capital and Founder of Lotus Development Corporation, speaks with Founder Showcase on-camera host Helen Park about how launching a technology startup has changed over the years and describes the new challenges entrepreneurs must overcome.

Investors don’t want to meet you. They wanted to be introduced to you.

Writing on his blog, Jason Freedman, Founder and CEO of 42Floors, provides a helpful tip for capital-seeking entrepreneurs: Get introduced to investors. He breaks down ways to get those introductions and strategies to maintain and grow relationships.

How Much is Your Startup Worth? VC Tim Chang Reveals What Really Matters

Over on NextShark, the editorial staff details the best way to value a startup and ask venture capitalist Tim Chang what he think really matters in those valuations. Then they compare and contrast Tim's views with those typically considered for startup value.

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