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Each week we scour the web for insightful articles to share with the Founder Institute network.

This week's top articles include tips for how to outwit your competitors, mastering SEO, how to make the most out of coffee meetings with investors, and more.

Check out our must read articles for the week of April 7 - April 14:


How to Outwit Your Competition
By Stephen Key of Entrepreneur Magazine
You don't have to reinvent the wheel to create a winning innovation.The question to ask is: How can the products already out on the market be made better? Here are three ways to help you out-design your competition.
Why People Hate Their Jobs
By James Altucher
A brutally honest post on the realities of the modern day employee and why people hate their jobs.
The Quickest Wins in SEO
From the Analytics Academy
When experts talk about Search Engine Optimization they often talk about zillions of technical tips and tricks, but don't let that fool you into an endless checklist of code tweaks. What you should really focus on are the humans using the search engine.
10 Surprising Assertions From Elite Entrepreneurs
By Martin Zwilling of Startup Professionals
In his new book “The Entrepreneur Mind,” by serial entrepreneur Kevin D. Johnson, he outlines 100 essential beliefs, insights, and habits of serious entrepreneurs. Most of these are predictable, like think big and create new markets, but I found a few, like the ten below, that will likely raise the hackles of many people outside this lifestyle, and many “wannabe” entrepreneurs.
Coffee Meetings
By Len Kendall, founder of CentUp
Meeting someone over coffee is a staple activity of entrepreneurs. It's a cheap way to meet, it's neutral, and it helps sustain your addiction to the caffeine overlords that keep us all working 16 hours a day.

That all said, sometimes meeting someone for the first time at your local coffee shop can be awkward or less productive than you'd like. So let's explore the nuances of these frequent events.
Torn Between Two Start-Up Communities
By Adriana Herrera, founder of Fashioning Change
In her weekly blog posts for the New York Times Small Business, Fashioning Change CEO, Adriana Herrera gives an inside look into the challenges many young startups face. From learning to code to earning a co-founder, she shares insights from her own experiences as the Founder of a fashion-focused social enterprise startup in San Diego.
Pitch Perfect: How to Prepare to Speak in Front of Investors
By Matthew Toren of Young Entrepreneur
Investor and one-time entrepreneur Chris Dixon spoke, late last month, to a room full of entrepreneurs at the Founder Showcase, an event focused on startup pitches and networking.

During his keynote speech, Dixon, who recently joined mega venture-capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, discussed what he looks for when an entrepreneur is pitching him. Important points include: knowing a problem inside out, having the expertise to solve it, being passionate about your startup (even if it gets shot down) and taking your time during the pit

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