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There is no "one right way" to build a company. 

As a result, entrepreneurs seeking guidance will always be given contradictory advice on how to build their business, from both "experts" and the uninformed alike. Ultimately, it is up to the entrepreneur to evaluate the opinions they receive and pursue the path they feel is best for them. 

The Startup Lean presents two differing viewpoints on key entrepreneurial topics for you to decide which way you lean.

This week's topic centers on leadership style;

This Week's Topic:
Which is the More Effective Leadership Style: Strict or Friendly?
"Sometimes a hire just won't cut it in a certain role. It might seem easier to keep an employee in place rather than to resolve the mismatch - but it actually is not. Resist the temptation to prolong confrontation, to see if things will get better."

- Michael Fertik (CEO,
The Problem with Being Too Nice
"Chances are, you won't like every idea brought to the table. But hold your judgment. Successful brainstorms incorporate a diverse group of people collaborating with one another and contributing as much as possible without any arguments, debates or snap decisions on their merit."

- Drew Gannon (Writer, Inc. Magazine)
Should You Reward Bad Ideas?
Which Way Do You Lean?

If you could benefit from expert training and feedback to launch a company, apply to the Founder Institute today. We are currently accepting applications in many cities worldwide

(Yelling megaphone image via Shutterstock) 

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