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A company’s brand can can either catapult them to success or put them on the fast track to failure. In this talk from Chicago Founder Institute mentor, Joe Bezdek, Joe advises founders on brand development, providing them with tips and tricks to establishing an emotional connection with customers. Afterall, its not about being the biggest and the best - its about providing a positive and memorable experience.
Joe Bezdek is a co-founder of DivX, Inc., the creator of the popular DivX video format and technology. While at DivX, he filled a variety of roles in product management, marketing, and brand management, most recently as brand director.
Joe concludes his talk with some lessons in naming; he says that a company’s name is a vessel for the brand essence. A good vessel should reinforce the emotional connection and experience customers have with the product.
If you like the video below, register for the Chicago Founder Institute where Joe will be mentoring this Spring. The early application deadline for the Chicago chapter is Sunday, January 20th. Those who apply by this date will have all application fees waived and are eligible for the Female Founder Fellowship. Click here to learn more and submit your application today.
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