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I've often used the analogy that startup accelerators are like record labels holding "Battle of the Bands" competitions with A&R reps in the audience, record deals in hand. They're all looking for the safe bet on the new hit act. Big fan base, product already out the door, marketing in full swing.

But at the earliest of stages, the effort to create the new rock star is more like Colonel Tom Parker polishing up that young kid from Memphis.

Founder Institute does the hard, dirty work in the startup ecosystem. It's the first-time entrepreneur founder who requires the most coaching. To develop talent takes a passion to mentor and help.

Founder Institute is successful at identifying new, raw entrepreneurial talent, and delivering polished up founders and new companies. This is literally deal flow for the rest of the downstream startup and capital ecosystem. 

Feeding the startup ecosystem value chain from the top puts Founder Institute into a unique position. It can become the proverbial "mortar between the bricks" in what could otherwise be a disjointed regional ecosystem. That disconnectedness can become big partnership opportunities between legacy organizations and institutions when bringing new, entrepreneurial talent into the mix.

Founders are "program managers" in big organization-speak. They are focused on creating and developing something out of nothing. Intentional focus drives things forward. Intrinsic motivation moves mountains. Sometimes they have great ideas that materialize into value, sometimes not. One thing is certain, finding and developing those kinds of individuals is a value of its own - a big one.

Bringing together partnerships around those kinds of individuals is a value on a whole other exponential level. Using Founder Institute as a way to connect smart people, build community, and create value becomes an essential catalyst in regional startup and innovation ecosystems.

Partner with your regional Founder Institute program and start building a stronger ecosystem, launch more startups, grow your regional economy!

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