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Although resources to get started as an entrepreneur in Eastern Europe are available, not everyone has access to them. Startup ecosystems can be fragmented, competitive, and hidden to newcomers, which is detrimental for local startups and community growth.

To help Eastern European entrepreneurs overcome these challenges, we released v1 of the Eastern Europe Startup Ecosystem to help them launch and grow a startup. It was developed by the leaders of the following Founder Institute accelerator programs: Eastern Europe, Romania, Poland, and Hungary.

This first release is an expansive list that includes over 1,690 startup resources across Eastern Europe organized by stage. While we spent many hours on this research, this is just a DRAFT, and more input is needed, so please leave your comments on this collaborative Google document to help us complete the list. There are definitely omissions on this current version

Are you looking to build a startup in Eastern Europe? Then apply to the Founder Institute today!

Text version included below, for ease of searching:

Startup Stages

There is no one right way to build a technology company, but for the sake of simplicity we have outlined a basic, common, sequential framework.

1. Idea Stage

This is where new entrepreneurs get inspired, learn best practices, develop skills, validate ideas, and begin to build their team and product.

A. Inspire

  • Eastern Europe Startup Media: Centralized local information, listings, and news. (i.e. startup blogs/ publications/ lists/ FB groups/ newsletters)
    1. #TechWawa
    2. 150sec Prague
    3. 150sec Sofia
    4. AK74
    6. BGE Budapest LAB
    7. Budapest Business Journal Startup News
    8. Bulgarian Startups
    11. CzechCrunch
    12. CzechStartups
    13. Dziennik Internautów
    14. EU Startups
    15. Hungarian Insider
    16. Insider Blog
    18. Peter Ocasek blog 
    19. Petr Šrámek Blog
    20. ReaktorWarsaw/ OpenReaktor
    21. Romanian Startups
    22. Romania Startup & Tech Events Group
    24. Startup Blink 
    25. Startup Budapest Blog
    26. StartupCafe
    27. Startup Digest Bucharest
    28. Startup Digest Czech Republic
    29. Startup Digest Hungary
    30. Startup Digest Sofia
    31. Startup Hungary Newsletter
    32. Startup Europe News Sofia
    33. Startup Insider
    34. StartUP Magazine
    35. Startup Map 
    36. Startup Navigator
    37. StartupTyping
    38. Startup Vállalkozók
    40. Startupokról Kezdőknek 
    41. TechCrunch Romania
    43. TechHub Bucharest Blog
    44. TEDxWarsaw
    45. TrendingTopics
  • Inspirational Eastern Europe Startup Events: Open, inclusive startup events that often focus on ideation. (i.e. Startup Weekend, idea fairs, and inspirational meetups)
    1. Budapest
    2. Activatorium
    3. Agile Prague Conference
    4. Aula Polska
    5. Bucharest Social Innovation Meetup
    6. Bucharest Tech Week Partner Events
    7. Budapest Launchpad Association
    8. Bulgaria Web Summit 2018
    9. CampusWarsaw/Events
    10. CEE BLOCK
    11. Codette
    12. Colors in Projects - Meetup Group
    13. Day One Meetup
    14. Digital Talks
    15. DIGITAL|K 2018
    16. Entrepreneurs Night Out
    17. FuckUp Nights Warszawa
    18. Future Port Prague
    19. Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 Hungary
    20. Hackathon-in-a-Box
    21. Hello Tomorrow Global Summit
    22. Ideas Worth Sharing
    23. Innovation Explorer
    24. Innovative Enterprise Week Sofia 2018
    25. Innowave Summit
    26. IoT Fest Bucharest
    27. IoT Sofia
    28. ISTA
    29. Java2Days 2018
    30. Machine Learning Prague Conference
    31. Modex Blockchain Labs
    32. Morning Talks
    33. OpenReaktor
    34. Paralelni Polis Bitcoin Meetup
    35. Prezi Tech Talks — #prezitechtalks
    36. Questers Tech Meetups - Sofia
    37. Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers
    38. Sofia Blockchain
    39. Sofia Crypto Meetup
    40. Softbinator
    41. Startup Europe Week
    42. Startup Europe Week Prague
    43. Startup Festival 2018
    44. Startup Grind Warsaw
    45. Startup Hungary
    46. Startup Live Prague
    47. Startup SAFARI
    48. Startup SAFARI Budapest
    49. Startup Weekend Budapest
    50. Startup Weekend FinTech Bucharest
    51. Startup Weekend Prague
    52. Startup Weekend Sofia
    53. Startup Weekend Warsaw
    54. TECH Talks Meetup Prague
    55. Tech Talks Sofia
    56. TechTea
    57. TopMonks Caffè
    58. Warsaw Mastermind
    60. WiseTalks @TransferWise
    61. Women Techmakers Sofia
    62. Women in Tech Budapest
    63. Women Who Code Sofia

B. Educate

  • Best Practices: Beginner knowledge-sharing tech events. (i.e. beginner events that serve to educate more than inspire).
    1. <React.Sofia />
    2. [Pro]Test
    3. Academia Minților Creative
    4. Advancing Ventures Hungary
    5. Agile Coaching and Beyond
    6. Agile Community @ Paysafe
    7. Agilni Open Cafe Praha
    8. Analytics At Speed Budapest
    9. Angular Bucharest (ngBucharest)
    10. Ansible Bulgaria
    11. Asociace UX
    12. Aula Warszawa
    13. Avast Prague C++
    14. Azure User Group Bulgaria
    15. Big Data Prague
    16. Bitcoin Bucharest
    17. Bitcoin Budapest
    18. Bitrise Community Events
    19. Blockchain Romania
    20. Bucharest BI & SQL User Group
    21. Bucharest Big Data Meetup
    22. Bucharest Cryptocurrency Meetup
    23. Bucharest Data Science Meetup
    24. Bucharest DevOps Meetup
    25. Bucharest FP
    26. Bucharest Golang Group
    27. Bucharest Mobile and Web Development Meetup
    28. Bucharest Mobile Development Group
    29. Bucharest Startup Businesses Meetup
    30. Bucharest Tech Week Business Summits
    31. Bucharest WordPress Meetup
    32. BucharestJS
    33. Budapest Agile Meetup Group
    34. Budapest Gamification Meetup
    35. Budapest RegTech Meetup Group
    36. Bulgaria Drupal User Group
    37. Bulgaria PHP
    38. Bulgarian Center for Women in Technology
    39. Business Club
    40. Code Voyagers Sofia
    41. Crossweb
    42. Czech Scala Enthusiasts
    43. CZpodcast
    44. Design Thinking Bucharest
    45. Digitális Nomádok
    46. Django Bulgaria
    47. EIT Digital Budapest
    48. Elasticsearch Bulgaria User Group
    49. Elixir Sofia
    50. ElmPrague
    51. Fintech Meetup@Budapest powered by OTP LAB
    52. Firemní Semináře
    53. FSharping
    54. Future of Data: Prague
    55. GDG Warszawa
    56. Girls in Tech in Poland
    57. Golang Bulgaria
    58. Google Cloud Budapest
    59. Growth Marketing Society
    60. Hive Talks
    61. How to Start a Global Startup in Hungary in 2020
    62. Hyperledger Prague
    63. Hyperledger Sofia
    64. IncQuery Labs Akadémia Csoport
    65. IoT Bucharest
    66. JS Talks
    67. Leanplum Tech Talks - Sofia
    68. Machine Learning Prague 2019
    69. MySQL, MariaDB and MongoDB talks, CZ
    70. Open Innovation: Theory Meets Expertise Meetup
    71. OpenStack Bucharest, Romania Meetup
    72. OpenStack Czech User Group Meetup
    73. PentaBAR Bucharest
    74. Pipedrive Garage Prague
    75. Prague .NET Meetup
    76. Prague Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
    77. Prague Data Driven Enthusiasts
    78. Prague Data Management Meetup
    79. Prague Ethereum Meetup
    80. Prague Mobile Development Meetup
    81. Prague Python Meetup NaPyVo
    82. Prague R Meetup Group
    83. Prague VR & AR Meetup
    84. Prague.rb
    85. Product Design Talks by Ergománia
    86. Product Management Nights Budapest
    87. R-Ladies Bucharest
    88. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Budapest
    89. Security Espresso
    90. SEMrush Prague Marketing Meetup
    91. Skills Up by Smart Space
    92. Sofia HashiCorp User Group
    93. Sofia Kubernetes Group
    94. Sofia Salesforce Developer Group
    95. Sofia WordPress Meetup
    96. SofiaJS
    97. SQLSaturday Sofia
    98. StartUp Art Workshop
    99. Startup Founder 101
    100. Startup Founder 101 Bucharest
    101. Startup Founder 101 Budapest
    102. Startup Founder 101 Prague
    103. Startup Founder 101 Sofia
    104. Startup Grind Bucharest
    105. Startup Grind Budapest
    106. Startup Grind Prague
    107. Startup Grind Sofia
    108. Swift Prague
    109. Symfony Bucharest
    110. Talentera Meetup
    111. Tech Startup School Meetup
    112. Technology Trends
    113. tekom Bulgaria Meetup
    114. UiPath RPA Bucharest
    115. Upgrader
    116. User Experience (UX) Bulgaria
    117. UX Design for Startups
    118. Veszprémi Technology Meetup
    119. Vue.js Prague
    120. Y Soft: Technology Hour Prague
    121. Zuhlke Sofia
  • Training & Feedback: Skill & Idea development events and startup bootcamps for entrepeneurs. (Includes comprehensive training programs, like Founder Institute, General Assembly, Lean Startup Machine, code camps, etc)
    1. #SwiftSofia Meetup
    2. Angular Sofia
    3. AWS Bulgaria User Group
    4. B2B Sales & Growth Meetup
    5. Blockchain Developers Meetup
    6. Bridge Budapest
    7. Bucharest AWS User Group
    8. Bucharest Deep Learning
    9. Bucharest Java User Group
    10. Bucharest Machine Learning Applications
    11. Bucharest PHP Meetup
    12. Bucharest Startup: Idea to IPO
    13. BucharestTech
    14. Budapest Design Thinking Meetup
    15. Budapest Enterprise Software Engineering Meetup
    16. Budapest Growth Hacking Meetup
    17. Budapest Startup Technologies and Businesses Meetup
    18. Bulgaria Cloud Meetup
    19. Bulgarian Agile Community
    20. Bulgarian BI & .NET User Group
    21. Bulgarian SQL&BI User Group "Lets' SQL Together!"
    22. C++ User Group Sofia
    23. CEED Bulgaria
    24. CEUiLab Global Startup Bootcamp
    25. CocoaHeads Bucharest
    26. Code Camp
    27. Codecool
    28. CodeRetreat CZ
    29. Coders Lab
    30. Coding Bootcamp Praha
    31. CryptoLab Paralelni Polis Meetup
    32. Czech & Slovak Hadoop User Group (CS HUG)
    33. Czech PASS
    34. CzechStarter
    35. Data Science Dojo
    36. Data4You
    37. Derrick & Harry Menedzsment és IT Est
    38. Design Thinking Workshop
    39. DesignThinkers Academy
    40. Develop a Successful FinTech Entrepreneur Startup Business Today! - Prague
    41. DevTalks
    42. Digital Factory - Business Incubator Meetup Group
    43. Django Group Budapest
    44. Docker Bulgaria
    45. Docker Prague
    46. Founder Institute
    47. Frontend Meetup Budapest - Design & Tech
    48. Praha
    49. Full Stack Marketers Budapest
    50. Future Makers
    51. Future Tech Institute
    52. GDG Budapest
    53. GDG ČVUT Prague
    54. GDG Prague
    55. GDG Sofia
    56. Global Azure Bootcamp 2019
    57. Global Traction
    58. Google Cloud Developer Community Bucharest
    59. Google Developer Group Bucharest
    60. Graph Database - Czech Republic
    61. Green Fox Academy
    62. Growth Hacking Meetup
    63. Guerilla Camp
    64. Hackathon-in-a-Box
    65. How to Raise Startup Funding in Sofia: Insights from Top Local Investors
    66. HUNAUG - Hungarian Azure User Group
    67. Hungarian Scrum Master Meetup
    68. Igen Debrecen
    69. Innonic Academy
    70. Innovators for Children
    71. Jademy
    72. JSLeague
    73. Kubernetes & Cloud Native Computing Bulgaria
    74. Laboratoř Nadace Vodafone
    75. Lean Startup Bucharest
    76. Lean Startup Circle Budapest
    77. Lean Startup Machine Bucharest
    78. Lean Startup Machine Budapest
    79. Lean Startup Machine Prague
    80. Lean Startup Machine Sofia
    81. Lean Startup Machine Warsaw
    82. Learn to Code - Data4You & Coding Bootcamp Praha
    83. Let’s startup
    84. Level-Up
    85. Liferay Budapest Tech Meetup
    86. Machine Learning Prague
    87. MeasureCamp Bucharest
    88. Meet Top FI Hungary Mentors, including Adeo Ressi (CEO of Founder Institute)
    89. Meteor Bulgaria
    90. Mobile Growth Bucharest
    91. MSD IT Meet Ups
    92. Node.js
    93. Nokia Tech Talks Budapest
    94. Open Blockchain - Workshop Series
    95. OpenStack Bulgaria
    96. Oracle for Startups
    97. prag.ex Elixir & Erlang in Prague
    98. Prague AWS User Group
    99. Prague Blockchain Meetup
    100. Prague Containers Meetup
    101. Prague DevOps Meetup
    102. Prague Full-Stack Developers Meetup
    103. Prague Golang Meetup
    104. Prague Julia Programming Group
    105. Prague Lambda Meetup
    106. Prague PostgreSQL Meetup
    107. Prague Ruby Meetup
    108. Prague Startup Consulting
    109. Prague Startup Idea to IPO
    110. Prague Startup Lab
    111. PragueJS
    112. Product Camp Bucharest Meetup
    113. ProductTank Bucharest
    114. ProductTank Budapest
    115. ProductTank Prague
    116. ProductTank Sofia
    117. PROGmasters Backend Meetup - Budapest
    118. PyData Prague
    119. PyWorking Sessions - Praha
    120. Reactive Meetups Prague
    121. RubikEDU
    122. Ruby Banitsa
    123. SEO Tanfolyam
    124. SharePoint User Group Bulgaria
    125. Sketch & Design - Prague
    126. Skyscanner Budapest Tech and Product Talks
    127. Smart Healthcare
    128. Sofia AI and Machine Learning Meetup
    129. Sofia Cloud Computing Users Group
    130. Sofia Internet of Things Meetup
    131. Sofia Startup Ideation Bootcamp
    132. Sofia Startup: Idea to IPO
    133. Software Development Academy
    134. Software Product Development Bucharest
    135. StartUp Budapest Meetup
    136. Startup Campus
    137. Startup DNA
    138. Startup Idea Bootcamp: How to Evaluate Your Ideas
    139. Startup Leadership & Management
    140. Startup Pitch Bootcamp: Learn How to Pitch from Top Entrepreneurs
    141. Startup Support
    142. StartupBootcamp Bucharest
    143. StepFWD
    144. STRV Meetups
    145. Tech Idea Lab
    146. The Bucharest Agile Software Meetup Group
    147. The Knowledge Academy
    148. Topmonks Caffee
    149. Uber Engineering Events - Sofia
    150. Wild Code School
    151. Wild Code School
    152. Xamarin Developers Group Czech Meetup
    153. Y Combinator's How to Start a Startup

C. Validate

  • Team Formation: Events for Finding Co-founders in Eastern Europe.  (i.e. tech networking events or other resources that facilitate early-stage recruitment and cofounder matching)
    1. ABLE Bulgaria
    2. Agile Kitchen
    3. BESCO - The Bulgarian Startup Association
    4. Bucharest A.D.C.E.S. Meetup
    5. Bucharest AI Meetup
    6. Bucharest Indies & Friends
    7. Bucharest IoT Meetup
    8. Bucharest Tech Startup Cofounder Matchmaking
    9. Bucharest User Experience Design Meetup
    10. Budapest Startup Cocktails
    11. Budapest Tech Comm Meetup
    12. CoFoundersLab
    13. CorINNO Startup Meetup
    14. DevTalks Romania
    15. Endeavor Bulgaria
    16. Enterprise Europe Network
    17. Entrepreneurs in Romania
    18. Entrepreneurs Night Out
    19. Equity Thursday
    20. Food Startups Meetup Sofia
    21. Founder Night Out
    22. Founder2be
    23. FounderDating
    24. Founders Network
    25. FounderX
    26. Freelancers & Digital Nomads in Prague
    27. Global Entrepreneurship Network Hungary
    28. Health Technology Forum: Budapest
    29. Meetup
    30. Legyen Miskolcon Startup élet Meetup
    31. MOVE.BG
    32. NerdDinner CZ
    34. Prague Developers
    35. Prague Entrepreneur Fast Track
    36. Prague Entrepreneurs Meetup
    37. Prague Innovators
    38. Prague Scrum Beer
    39. PWN Romania
    40. Silicon Drinkabout
    41. Sofia Business Networking
    42. Sofia Entrepreneurs Meetup
    43. Sofia Game Dev Meetup
    44. SQL Server User Group Romania
    45. Startup and Innovation Day
    46. Startup Co-Founder Matching: Find the Right Partner for Your Idea in Bucharest
    47. Startup Live Sofia
    48. Startup Matchmaking Event
    49. Startup Milestones Prague
    51. Startup Prague
    52. Startup Works
    53. StartupJobs
    54. StartUs
    55. Tech & Startups
    56. The Budapest New Technology Meetup Group
    57. The Scaleup Fest
    58. Untold Stories Budapest
    59. Warsaw Startup Jobs
    60. Young Makers
    61. Youth Business Club
  • Build First Product: Hackathons & product events in Eastern Europe
    1. 1st Sports Hackathon
    2. ActinSpace Hackathon
    3. adidas Hackathon 2018
    4. AngelHack Sofia Hackathon 2018
    5. Applifting Meetup
    6. Balkan Hackathon 2018
    7. Balkan Ruby
    8. Bucharest DevOps Hackers Meetup
    9. Bucharest Software Craftsmanship Community
    10. Budapest Hackathons
    11. Budapest Makers' Meetup
    12. Bulgaria Innovation Hackathon 2018
    13. CocoaHeads Prague
    14. Code for Romania
    15. Coffee and Code Sofia
    16. Comunitatea Hatch Bucuresti
    18. Devhacks
    19. Elevator Lab
    20. FabLab Bucharest
    21. FabLab Budapest
    22. FutLab
    23. Geek Girls Carrots
    24. Girls Code Fun
    25. GirlsInTech Poland
    26. Global Legal Hackathon
    27. Global Legal Hackathon 2020
    28. H.A.C.K.
    29. Hack4Health
    30. Hackathon-in-a-Box
    31. HackConf 2018
    32. Hackerspace Prague [brmlab]
    33. HackPrague
    34. Hacks/Hackers Prague
    35. Hatch Hackerspace
    36. Hungarian Robot Builders Association
    37. init Lab
    38. InnovationLabs 2019 Hackathon
    39. Innovator CoWorking Space
    40. Inventeaza
    41. jPrime
    42. Junction X
    43. Kitchen Budapest
    44. Lambda Dojo Sofia
    45. Learning by Doing (Programming)
    46. MakersLab
    48. MCE
    49. Meteor Romania
    50. Mobile Warsaw
    51. Modulab
    52. MusicTechBG
    53. NEXT BLOCK Conference Hackathon
    54. Nod Makerspace
    55. Node.js Workshops
    56. Oracle for Startups
    57. Paralelní Polis
    59. Prague 3D Printing Meetup
    60. Prague Game Developers Meetup
    61. Prague INSPIRE Hack 2018
    62. Prague Software Craftsmanship
    63. product.bp
    64. PrusaLab
    65. React-not-a-Conf
    66. ReactiveMeetups Budapest
    67. Single Digital Gateway Hackathon
    68. Smart Health Hackathon Prague 2018
    69. Space Apps Challenge Bucharest
    70. Sponge Lab
    71. Status Hackathon
    72. Storyous DEV
    73. The Cave
    74. Winding Tree Hackathon
    75. Worldpay Hackathon

2. Launch Stage

In this stage, entrepreneurs establish and formalize the company, develop the product, get feedback from customers, and prepare for the next step.

A. Start

  • Establish: Eastern Europe law firms & banks for startups
    1. 1Legal
    2. Air Bank
    3. Aliant Law
    4. Allianz Bank
    5. Alpha Bank Romania
    6. Bakowski Law Firm
    7. Banca Comercială Română
    8. Banca Transilvania
    9. Banfi
    10. Bank Leumi Romania
    11. Bank Pekao
    12. Bank Zachodni WBK
    13. BCPA
    14. BCR
    15. Bird & Bird
    16. Biris Goran
    17. BLOM Bank France
    18. BNP Paribas
    19. BNP Paribas
    20. Boyanov & Co.
    22. BRD
    23. Budapest Bank
    24. Bulboaca & Asociatii
    25. Bulgarian-American Credit Bank
    26. CasePro
    27. CEC Bank
    28. CEE Attorneys
    29. Central Cooperative Bank
    30. CIB Bank
    31. CIBANK
    32. Citibank
    33. Clifford Chance
    34. CMS Law
    35. Commerzbank
    36. Credit Europe Bank
    37. ČSOB
    38. Delchev & Partners
    39. Dentons
    40. Deutsche Bank
    41. Digital2Law
    42. DLA Piper
    43. Domanski Zakrzewski PalinkaEcovis
    44. dr. Dobos István
    45. DRD Law Firm
    46. DSK Bank
    47. Dudkowiak&Kopec
    48. Equa Bank
    49. Erste Bank
    50. Eversheds
    51. F&K Attorneys At Law
    52. First Bank
    53. Fonville Legal
    54. Forgó, Damjanovic & Partners
    55. Georgieva & Dzhutev
    56. Gurcan Partners
    57. Harglaw
    58. HSBC
    59. Idea::Bank
    60. IdeaBank
    61. ING
    62. ING Romania
    63. Innovires Law Firm
    64. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
    65. Investbank JSC
    66. IV & Co. Law Firm
    67. Jjks Adwokaci
    68. K&H Bank
    69. KDB Bank
    70. Kinstellar
    71. Lawyerbudapest
    72. MagNet Bank
    73. Marián Čuprík Attorney
    74. Mavericks
    75. mBank
    76. Milanova & Partners Law Firm
    77. MKB Bank
    78. MONETA Money Bank
    79. New Balkans Law Office
    80. NOVALIA
    81. Oberbank
    82. OTP Bank
    83. OTP Bank Romania
    84. Pavelka Law
    85. Peterka & Partners
    87. Piraeus Bank
    88. PKO Bank Polski
    89. ProCredit Bank
    90. R&R Partners Bucharest
    91. Raiffeisen BANK
    92. Raiffeisenbank
    93. Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria
    94. Reff & Associates
    95. SBGK
    96. Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
    97. Simonovska IP
    98. Snażyk Granicki i Partnerzy
    99. STEINIGER Law Firm
    100. Süle
    101. SWC Group
    102. Szuwara&Szuwara
    103. TaylorWessing
    104. Todorov LLP
    105. UniCredit Bank
    106. UniCredit Bulbank
    107. United Bulgarian Bank
    108. Wardynski
    109. White-Summers Budapest
    110. William Hough & Partners
    111. Wolf Theiss
    112. YeYe Agency
  • Eastern Europe Workspaces: Co-working and flexible workspaces for startups
    1. 1Hub Coworking Space
    2. 360HUB
    3. ANiMiKA HUb
    4. Art Cluster
    5. ARTHUB Bucharest 
    6. aSpace
    7. BAOBAB Coworking
    8. betahaus
    9. Biurco
    10. Business Lab Nowy Świat
    11. CampusWarsaw
    12. Cherryz.Work
    13. ChilliSpaces
    14. City-Hub
    15. Commons
    16. Cont Pracy
    17. Copoint
    18. Coshare HIVE
    19. COSMOS Coworking Camp
    20. CoWo
    21. CoWork
    22. Cowork Expert - Warsaw Coworking Map by Piotr Boulangé
    23. Coworking București 160
    24. Coworking PORT
    25. Coworking Prague
    26. Creative Hub Targowa
    27. Debrecen HUB
    28. Eco-Office
    29. EveryDay Coworking
    30. FabLab
    31. Fantastic Studio
    32. Generator
    33. Grabovsky
    34. hOUR SPACE
    35. HUB55
    36. HubHub
    37. HubHub
    38. Impact Hub
    39. Impact Hub Praha
    40. IN-SPIRO
    41. Ingenius Hub
    42. Innovator CoWorking Space
    43. Inspiration Space
    44. K10 Coworking
    45. KAPTÁR
    46. KOHÓ Coworking
    47. KUBIK Coworking
    48. Locus Workspace
    49. LOFFICE
    50. Malkite 5
    51. Mastilo Coworking
    52. MindSpace
    53. Mosaik
    54. MOVE.BG Coworking
    55. Muse
    57. NETWORKING Premium Co-Working Space
    58. New Work
    59. NGO House
    60. NoaCowork
    61. Nod Makerspace
    62. Node5
    63. Opero
    64. OvertAim Coworking Space
    65. Panstwomiasto
    66. Paper Hub
    67. Pracovna
    68. Prague Startup Centre
    69. ProWorking Debrecen
    70. Pura Vida Hub Bucharest
    71. Puzl CowOrKing
    72. Reaktor Co-Working
    73. Seneca Anticafe
    74. Sensei House
    75. Smart Coworking
    76. Smart Space
    77. Sněmovní 7
    78. SOHO
    79. Spaces
    80. Startup Yard
    81. SVĚT-HUB Coworking
    82. Szikra Coworking
    83. Talent Garden Bucharest
    84. TechHub Bucharest
    85. The Atelier
    86. The Office Hub
    87. The Other Workspace
    88. UP Center
    89. Urban Lobby
    91. V7 Startup Studio
    92. Vine21
    93. Warsaw Hackerspace
    94. We accelerate
    95. We Love Digital Unirii
    96. WeWork (coming soon)
    97. Work & Share Coworking Space
    98. WorkLounge
    99. Xponential Coworking
    100. Yako:doma

B. Develop

  • Formalize: Eastern Europe accounting, development and HR tools for early-stage startups.  
    1. Account
    2. Ackee
    3. Aidos Accounting Services
    4. Alexio
    5. AMA Accounting
    6. Applifting
    7. AVM Consulting Group
    8. Balkan Invest
    9. Biznesspot
    10. Blueberry
    11. BPiON
    12. CATO Accounting
    13. Coding Sans
    14. Computaris
    15. Contabilul Tau
    16. Craft Solutions Software
    17. Creative Web Bulgaria
    18. CuteRecruit
    19. Designatives
    20. Despark
    21. DigiMark
    22. Dorset Recruitment
    23. Ecovis Global
    24. edge soft
    25. Empiric
    26. Exact Solutions
    27. Fidelis Accounting
    28. FRS Bulgaria
    29. George Butunoiu Executive Search Consultants
    30. Grafton Recruitment
    31. HR Spectrum
    32. HR TIMEHRS Romania
    33. Hypersense Software
    34. INNOBYTE
    35. InterEco
    36. IseeQ
    37. JPA Romania
    38. Juicymo
    39. Keez
    40. Kreston BulMar
    41. Leinonen Hungary
    42. LogiNet
    43. LumiNet
    44. Marlin Motion
    45. Mazars
    46. Melon
    47. Mito
    48. mReady
    49. MxB Ltd.
    50. NNDK
    52. Pedersen & Partners Executive Search
    53. People Place
    54. Pixelmate
    55. Poland Zalewski Consulting
    56. Poliglossa
    57. Qubix
    58. RabIT Software Engineering
    59. RoWeb
    60. Sb Accounting & Consulting
    61. SmartBill
    62. Soma Social
    63. Splendex
    64. SSW Solutions
    65. ST6
    66. StangaOne1
    67. STRV
    68. Tech People
    69. TMF Group
    70. Topmonks Startup Studio
    71. Tower Consulting
    72. TPG Group
    73. Trinity
    74. Tuca Zbarcea&asociatii
    75. Under Development Office
    76. V&™
    77. Veda Accounting
    78. Vistra
    79. Von Consulting
    80. WDF
    81. Web Dots
    82. Whiz
    83. Wozify
    84. Zara Consult
    85. Zitemedia
  • Eastern Europe Incubators: Groups that prepare companies for seed investment and provide advanced mentorship. (i.e. advanced knowledge sharing, later stage events and resources)
    1. AI Startup Incubator
    2. AIP
    3. Aquincum Inkubátor
    4. Blockchain Hub Prague
    5. BnLStart
    6. BOLT
    7. Business Link Polska
    8. Campus X
    9. Carbon Incubator
    10. CEU iLab
    11. CleanTech Bulgaria
    12. Colabs Startup Center
    13. DBH SeedStar
    14. Design Terminal
    15. Digital Factory Incubator
    16. Drukka Startup Studio
    17. eClub Prague
    18. ESA Business Incubation Centre
    19. Gemini Solutions Foundry
    20. Hubcelerator
    21. i&i Prague
    22. Impact Hub
    23. Innonic Startup Studio
    24. Innovation Labs 2019
    25. Innovator CoWorking Space
    26. Intellitext
    27. Invenshure
    28. ITACA Business Incubator
    29. Mini Seedcamp Warsaw
    30. Orange Fab
    31. Prague IoT & Smart City Incubator
    32. Prague Startup Centre
    33. Prague Startup Market
    34. RARE Technologies Student Incubator
    35. Risky Business
    36. Smart Coworking Incubator
    37. Sofia Tech Park
    38. Spherik Accelerator
    39. Start it @K&H
    40. Start It Smart
    41. Startarium
    42. Startup Campus Incubator
    43. Startup League
    44. Startup Next Bucharest
    45. Startup School
    46. Startup Spinner Markeathon
    47. Studio1
    48. Tech Ventures Startup Incubator
    49. TechHub Bucharest
    50. The Connect East Incubator Zrt
    51. The Ivanka Group
    52. UP21
    53. Ventures HUB
    54. Virgo Ventures

C. Launch

  • Eastern Europe Seed Accelerators: Seed funding mentor programs (Techstars-style programs that provide funding)
    1. 33 entrepreneurs
    2. BnLStart
    3. Carbon Incubator
    4. CEE Fintech
    5. CleanTech Bulgaria
    6. Data Market Services
    7. DBH SeedStar
    8. Digital Factory
    9. Early Game Accelerator
    10. Fundacja MOST
    11. Global Traction
    12. Health Venture Lab
    13. Hiventures
    14. Innovation Accelerator Bulgaria
    15. InnovX BCR Business Accelerator
    16. MKB Fintechlab
    17. Orange Fab
    18. Orange Fab România
    19. OTP Startup Partner Program
    20. OXO Labs
    21. Platinum Seed
    22. Startup Plastic Surgery Accelerator Programme
    23. Startupbootcamp Commerce
    24. StartupYard
    25. Techcelerator
    26. Technopolis Innovation Center
    27. Traction Tribe
    28. UP21
    29. xPORT VŠE Business Accelerator
  • Pitch & Demo Events: Tech events that showcase Eastern European startups for investment.
    1. BETAPITCH Sofia
    2. Budapest Disruptive Technology : Demo Day
    3. Central European Startup Awards
    4. Changeneers
    5. CHILI Budapest Business Community
    6. Coding Bootcamp Praha DemoDay
    7. Czech Demo Pitch Night
    8. Danube Cup 2021
    9. DigitalK Startup Competition 2018
    10. EIT Food Demo Day
    11. EIT Health InnoStars Awards Demo Day
    12. Get in the Ring! Startup Competition
    13. Global Pitch
    14. Hackathon-in-a-Box
    15. Hello Tomorrow Hungary Global Challenge
    16. How To Web
    17. Innovation Labs 2019 Demo Day
    18. International Video Pitch Competition
    19. Oracle for Startups
    20. Orange Fab Romania Demo Day
    21. Pitch AI Day 2018
    22. Pitch for Purpose Online Demo Day
    23. Pitch Raw Session
    24. PowerUp! Competition
    25. PowerUp! Country Final - Startups Pitching Event
    26. Prague Startup Office Hours: Get Business Advice from Experts
    27. RESTART2020
    28. Seedstars World Prague
    29. Startup Fest Agora
    30. Startup Funding EuroTOUR Prague
    31. Startup Live Bucharest
    32. Startup Live Prague
    33. Startup WorldCup & Summit 2019
    34. StartupYard Batch X Demo Day
    35. Techcelerator DemoDay
    36. UPGRADE100
    37. Women Startup Competition

3. Growth Stage

Here, a startup proves their utility, receives recognition, and scales up. This usually requires funding, angels, VCs, and ways to connect them to startups.

A. Recognition

  • Eastern Europe Investor Networking:  Events and groups that connect professional investors with founders.
    1. 0100 Conferences
    2. Access Silicon Valley Bucharest
    3. Angel Investment Network
    4. BNI Romania
    5. Bulgarian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
    6. Business Angels Romania
    7. Business Circle
    8. CEO Angels Club
    9. China Investment Forum - Prague
    10. Czech Republic Investment Network
    11. Eastern Europe Tech Tour
    12. EBAN Sofia 2018
    13. European Association of Peer to Peer Lenders
    14. Human Finance
    15. Hungarian Business Angel Network
    16. IBForum
    17. Investor's Summit
    18. Keiretsu Forum
    19. OXO Holdings
    20. Platinum Foundation
    21. Sofia Startup Expo
    22. StartUP Bulgaria
    23. Startup Funding EuroTOUR Prague
    24. StartUpStart
    25. TechAngels
    26. TiE 2018 CM Retreat @ Prague
    27. Venture Capital Summit
    28. Venture Days
    29. Venture Summit
    30. Women Business Angels
  • Major Media: Mainstream local business press that often showcase local startups.
    1. ABC
    2. 24 Chasa
    3. AntyWeb Startups
    4. Azi
    5. Balkan Insight
    6. Banker
    7. Biz
    8. bizpoland
    9. Blesk
    10. Brief
    11. Budapest Business Journal
    12. Bursa
    13. Business Review
    14. Capital
    15. Capital
    16. Cotidianul
    17. Curierul National
    18. Daily Business
    19. Daily News Hungary
    20. Dnes
    21. Dneven Trud
    22. Dnevnik
    23. Duma
    24. Euronews
    25. Evenimentul Zilei
    26. F5
    27. Figyelő
    28. Forbes Romania
    29. Hospodářské Noviny
    30. Hungary Today
    31. HVG
    32. iDNES
    33. Jurnalul National
    34. Lidovky
    35. Magyar Nemzet
    36. MamStartup
    37. Manager Magazine
    38. Monitor
    39. Naszemiasto Warszawa
    40. Népszava
    41. Onet
    42. Portfolio
    43. Prague Business Journal
    44. Prague Monitor
    45. Prague Post
    46. Radio Prague
    47. Romania Journal
    48. SeeNews
    49. Sofia News Agency
    50. Standart
    51. The Budapest Times
    52. The New Poland Express
    53. The Sofia Globe
    54. Világgazdaság
    55. Wall Street
    56. Warsaw Voice
    57. Wirtualna Polska
    58. Wyborcza
    59. Ziarul Financiar

B. Funding

  • Eastern Europe Angel Investors: Seed-stage investors and micro-vcs.
    1. Ádám Horváth
    2. Andrej Kiska
    3. Antal Karolyi
    4. Black Pearls VC
    5. Bogdan Atanasiu
    6. Bojil Velinov
    7. Catalina Rusu
    8. Chris Kottnauer
    9. Chris Richardson
    10. Dan Jones
    11. Dénes Szluha
    12. Denys Sabanadze
    13. Dragos Nicolaescu
    14. Eszter Szabo
    15. George Brashnarov
    16. Gergely Németh
    17. Gregoire Vigroux
    18. Gyula Feher
    19. Gyuri Karady
    20. Hedgehog Fund
    21. Jan Hanousek
    22. Jan Urban
    23. János Pereczes
    24. Janusz Krasnopolski
    25. Jaroslav Trojan
    26. John Vax
    27. Josef Hůla
    28. Karel Obluk
    29. Laszlo Kesmarki
    30. Lenard Horgos
    31. Lewiatan Business Angels
    32. Lumus Investment Collective
    33. Lyuben Belov
    34. Martin Tonev
    35. Max Gurvits
    36. Michael Sonenshine
    37. Mihai Guia
    38. Mihaly (Mike) Boris
    39. Mike Costache
    40. Milen Ivanov
    41. Nedelcho Nedelchev
    42. Nikolay Yarmov
    43. Noémi Szabó
    44. Petar Zografov
    45. Peter Balogh
    46. Peter Kadas
    47. Peter Ocasek
    48. Platinum Investors
    49. Platinum Seed
    50. Point Nine
    51. Purcarea Mihai
    52. Radu Atanasiu
    53. Radu Georgescu
    54. Richard Clegg
    55. Saulius Adomaitis
    56. Stetozar Georgiev
    57. Tamas Bohner
    58. Tamas Muller
    59. Tom Newbold
    60. Tomáš Čupr
    61. Vassil Terziev
    62. Viktor Manev
    63. Viktor Szathmáry
    64. Vladimir Stantchev
    65. Zajdó Csaba
    66. Zoltan A. Vardy
    67. Zsolt Szigetlaki
    68. Zsolt Weiszbart
  • Eastern Europe Venture Capitalists: Series A and beyond
    1. 3TS Capital Partners
    2. Absolvo
    3. ARMADA Capital
    4. ARX Equity Partners
    5. Axxess Capital
    6. Black Sea Capital
    7. BlackPeak Capital
    8. Brightcap Ventures
    9. Carpathia Capital
    10. Catalyst Romania
    11. CEE Equity Partners
    12. ConorFund
    13. Credo Ventures
    14. Day One Capital
    15. DBH Investment
    16. Early Game Ventures
    17. Eleven Ventures
    18. Empower Capital
    19. Enern
    20. Entrea Capital
    21. ESPIRA Investments
    22. Euroventures
    23. Experior Venture Fund
    24. FINATECH Capital
    25. Flashpoint VC
    26. Gapminder VC
    27. GB & Partners
    28. Gecad Ventures
    29. HardGamma
    30. Hedgehog Fund
    31. Hiventures
    32. iEurope Capital
    33. Impetus Capital
    34. Innovation Capital
    35. Innovation Accelerator
    36. Innovation Nest
    37. Invenshure
    38. J&T Ventures
    39. LAUNCHub Ventures
    40. Lead Ventures
    41. Mid Europa Partners
    42. Miton
    43. Morning Side Hill Fund
    44. Morphosis Capital
    45. Neo Ventures
    46. NEVEQ
    47. Oktogon Ventures
    48. OXO Ventures
    49. Polish Investment Fund
    50. Portfolion
    51. PostScriptum Ventures
    52. PrimaInvest
    53. Protos VC
    54. Roca X
    55. Rockaway Capital
    56. Rosslyn Capital Partners
    57. RSBC Group
    58. RTAventures
    59. Solus Capital
    60. Sparking Capital
    61. SpeedUp Group
    62. Spinaker Innowacji
    63. Springtide Ventures
    64. Symfonie Capital
    65. Thermopolis Partners
    66. Unity Ventures
    67. Venturio
    68. Verdi Capital
    69. Vespucci Partners
    70. Vienna Capital Partners
    71. Vitosha Venture Partners
    72. VoiVoda
    73. xVentures
    74. Zeyshare Group

C. Growth

  • Infrastructure: Office space, HR, local business insurance. (i.e. office space/ HR/ insurance providers for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. Aegon
    2. AIMS International
    3. Allianz
    4. Amrop
    5. Antal International
    6. Antal International
    7. Asirom
    8. Bain & Company
    9. Bliski Centrum
    10. Budapest Offices
    11. Bulgarian Properties
    12. CEO Search
    13. Cielo
    14. Colonnade Insurance
    15. DCA Insurance
    16. Egon Zehnder
    17. Empark Mokotów Business Park
    18. Equator Ochota
    19. Euroins Insurance Group
    20. F Recruitment International
    21. Fundacja MOST
    22. Generali
    23. Groupama
    24. H-Vision
    25. Hamilton May
    26. Head Hunting IT
    27. Hill Woltron
    28. Horizons Bulgaria
    29. HRS Bulgaria
    30. ImpacT HR
    31. Inchiriere-Birou
    32. Instant Offices
    33. Instant Offices
    34. Instrade Insurance Broker
    35. International Human Resources
    36. International Insurance Broker
    37. Kennedy Executive Search & Consulting
    38. KPMG
    39. Lugera
    40. Manpower
    41. Marins International Ltd
    42. Marynarska Business Park
    43. MatchOffice
    44. MAXIMA Pojišťovna
    45. MDDP
    46. MetLife
    47. MIRELA
    48. Mokotow
    49. Mokotow Marynarska Office Space
    50. Nordic Park
    51. Office Finder
    52. Office Rent Info
    53. Otthon Centrum
    54. Otto Broker
    55. Pedersen & Partners
    56. PERSONALITY Prague
    57. PFG Bulgaria
    58. Pojišťovna VZP
    59. Prague Real Estate
    60. PSF
    61. PwC
    62. Raiffeisen Insurance Broker
    63. Randstad
    64. REALCITY
    65. REED
    66. Regatta Real Estate
    67. Regus
    68. RESPECT Group
    69. SDI Broker
    70. Search Office Space
    71. Sofia Offices
    72. Spaces
    73. SReality
    74. Stanton Chase
    75. Svoboda and Williams
    76. Target Offices
    77. Wisniowy Business Park
    78. Wyser Search
    79. ZBK BALKAN
  • Expansion: Eastern Europe Growth accelerators and consultants. (i.e. programs and business consultants for capital-rich companies to grow and scale)
    1. 180 Degrees Consulting
    2. A.T. Kearney
    3. Accenture
    4. Advisea
    5. Amaris Consulting
    6. Antreprenoria
    7. Aon
    8. Ardency Consulting
    9. Arthur D Little
    10. Atos
    11. BearingPoint
    12. Boston Consulting Group
    13. Capgemini
    14. CEED
    15. Clarity
    16. Cognizant
    18. Consulting Hungary
    19. Deloitte
    20. ENIAC Consulting
    21. Ensight Management Consulting
    22. Ernst & Young
    23. Frenus
    24. Gartner
    25. Grant Thornton
    26. Grant Thornton Bulgaria
    27. Grant Thornton Romania
    28. Hill+Knowlton Strategies
    29. Infosys Consulting
    30. Kantar
    31. Kantar Millward Brown
    32. Kantar TNS
    33. Korn Ferry
    34. KPMG
    35. LOGO Market Research and Consulting Ltd.
    36. McKinsey & Company
    37. Milliman
    38. Next Consult
    39. North Highland
    40. Omega Consulting
    41. PwC
    42. Rödl & Partner
    43. Roland Berger
    44. Tata Consultancy Services
    45. The Connect East Incubator Zrt

4. Eastern Europe Startup Success Stories

Successful homegrown companies that have raised significant institutional funding, employ a large workforce, or have achieved liquidity.

  1. AerinX
  2. Agroninja
  3. AImotive
  4. AlphaBlock
  5. Amber Studio
  6. Apiary
  7. Appsulate
  8. Appvetica
  9. Automater
  10. Avangate
  11. Avast
  12. Avatao
  13. Avocode
  14. Axigen
  15. Balabit
  16. Banzai Cloud
  17. Barion Payment Inc.
  18. Bee Smart Technologies
  19. BioSystems International
  20. Bitdefender
  21. Bitninja
  22. Bitrise
  23. Bittnet
  24. BlockEx
  25. Blugento
  26. BOOKR Kids
  27. Brainient
  28. Brand Embassy
  29. Brand24
  30. Cash Credit
  31. CD Projekt RED
  32. ClaimCompass
  33. Clever Taxi
  34. CloudAgents
  35. ClouDNS
  36. CodersRank
  37. Codility
  38. Cognitive Security
  40. Content Insights
  41. Conversific
  42. Creative Tim
  43. CyberGhost
  44. DailyArt
  45. DeviceHub
  46. Devinity
  47. dicomLAB
  48. Docplanner
  49. DocPlanner 
  50. Dronamics
  51. Druidly
  52. Dynamo SW
  53. Elefant
  54. eMAG
  55. Enhancv
  56. Escreo
  58. FaceRig
  59. Farmhopping
  60. Farmia
  61. FeedCheck
  62. Filmaster
  63. FindMeCure
  64. FintechOS
  65. FintechOS
  66. Forma
  67. GAMEE
  68. Gametrade
  69. Geewa
  70. Growbots
  71. Gtmhub
  72. Heatventors
  73. Homplex
  74. How to Web
  75. Hubgets
  76. HyperScience
  77. Imagga
  78. Imperia Online
  79. Incomaker
  80. Industria Technology
  81. InSimu
  82. Instant Factoring
  83. Invia
  84. IP Fabric
  85. iTaxi
  86. Kanbanize
  87. Leanplum
  88. LegalTrek
  89. Liftago
  90. Liverail
  91. LogSentinel
  92. Lyme Diagnostics
  93. Macoscope
  94. Manubia
  95. Maven Hut
  96. Metrilo
  97. Mondly
  98. MorphL
  100. NetBrokers Holding
  101. Neticle
  102. NOW technologies
  103. Ongo
  104. OptiMonk
  105. Oriana
  106. Payhawk
  107. Playground Energy
  108. PocketGuide
  109. Prezi
  110. Productboard
  111. Quark VR
  112. Questo
  113. Radgost
  114. RAV Antivirus
  115. Recart
  116. Reloyalty
  117. Remix Global
  118. Rifiniti
  119. RiteKit
  120. SEON
  121. Shapr3D
  122. Showroom
  123. SignAll
  124. Skobbler
  125. Slevomat
  126. SmartDreamers
  127. Socialbakers
  128. Software Group
  129. Sotrender
  130. Survicate
  131. SymphoPay
  132. Synetiq
  133. Talentuno
  134. Talk-A-Bot
  135. Telerik
  136. Transmetrics
  137. Tresorit
  138. Trisbee
  139. Turbine AI
  140. Twisto
  141. UberVU
  142. UiPath
  143. Unloq
  144. Vayant
  145. Vector Watch
  146. Viddl
  147. Wearnotch
  148. Xeropan
  149. Zitec


To facilitate the steps, every ecosystem needs strong supporters.

1. Eastern Europe Startup Leaders

Successful local founders who lead the ecosystem & frequently mentor newbies.

  1. Adam Dunovsky
  2. Agnieszka Lewandowska
  3. Ahmad Piraiee
  4. Aleksander Szybilski
  5. Alex M. Dascalu
  6. Alexandra Petruș
  7. Alexandru Paduraru
  8. Alexandru Radovici
  9. Alin Gabriel Zlatescu
  10. Amour Setter
  11. Ana Iorga
  12. Ana-Maria Udriste
  13. Andrei Ostacie
  14. Andrei Pitis
  15. Anna Kaderabkova
  16. Anna Tóth
  17. Anna Walkowska
  18. Anton Titov
  19. Antonio Eram
  20. Artur Kurasinski
  21. Astan Morarji
  22. Balazs Faluvegi
  23. Balázs Horváth
  24. Balázs Slezák
  25. Bogdan Iordache
  26. Bogdan Manoiu
  27. Bohizdar Georgiev
  28. Borys Musielak
  29. Boyan S. Benev
  30. Carlos Meza
  31. Cedric Maloux
  32. Clare Kennedy
  33. Condruz Ionut Catalin
  34. Cosmin Curticapean
  35. Cristian Orasanu
  36. Cristian Patachia-Sultanoiu
  37. Csaba Zoltan Moldovan
  38. Cyril Klepek
  39. Dan Calugareanu
  40. Dan Cearnau
  41. Dan Mihaescu
  42. Dan Stefan
  43. Daniel Marin
  44. Daniel Rosner
  45. Daniel Secareanu
  46. David Costello
  47. David Miklas
  48. David Vrba
  49. Debreczeni LászlóCsongor Biás
  50. Denitsa Simeonova
  51. Diana Dumitrescu
  52. Dobromir Ivanov
  53. Dragos Anastasiu
  54. Dragos Nicolaescu
  55. Dragos Rosca
  56. Evelina Prodanova
  57. Evgeny Frolov
  58. Filip Košťál
  59. Filip Mikschik
  60. Florin Cioaca
  61. Florin Grosu
  62. Gabriel Păunescu
  63. Gergő Gulyás
  64. Gregoire Vigroux
  65. Horia Velicu
  66. Ilinca Paun
  67. Imre Hild
  68. Ioana Frincu
  69. Iskren Krusteff
  70. Ivan G. Ivanov
  71. Ivan Ivanka
  72. Ivo Hristov
  73. Jakub Nabrdalik
  74. Jan Beránek
  75. Jan Kaczmarek
  76. Jan Vohryzek
  77. Jan Zając
  78. Jana Hodbodova
  79. Janet Todorova
  80. Jarek Potiuk
  81. Jasiek Stasz
  82. Jiří Fabián
  83. Juri Drabent
  84. Kalin Tsekov
  85. Karina Karagaeva
  86. Konrad Latkowski
  87. Laszlo Kiszely
  88. Laurentiu Balasa
  89. Leszek Krupinski
  90. Levent Korkmaz
  91. Liviu Dragan
  92. Lloyd Waldo
  93. Magda Ropotan
  94. Magdalena Ostoja-Chyżyńska
  95. Malin Stefanescu
  96. Marius Alexandru Mitroi
  97. Marius Dosinescu
  98. Marius Ghenea
  99. Marius Stefan
  100. Mariola Bitner
  101. Marketa Havlova
  102. Matt East
  103. Matt Harasymczuk
  104. Matt Stasiak
  105. Michael Fehn
  106. Michal Andera
  107. Michał Juda
  108. Michal Sadowski
  109. Michal Zalesak
  110. Mihai Rotaru
  111. Milen Ivanov
  112. Milena Stoycheva
  113. Milena Yankova
  114. Mircea Capatana
  115. MIrcea Criveanu
  116. Natanail Stefanov
  117. Nedelcho Nedelchev
  118. Nikola Rafaj
  119. Nikola Yanev
  120. Oana Craioveanu
  121. Ola Sitarska
  122. Ondrej Dvoulety
  123. Osman Salih
  124. Ovi Negrean
  125. Ozana Giusca
  126. Paolo Lacche
  127. Paraschiv-Pop Elena
  128. Paris Childress
  129. Patrik Kovacs
  130. Patritsiya Kostadinova
  131. Pavel Bartoš
  132. Pawel Czerski
  133. Peter Balazsik
  134. Péter Kovács
  135. Peter Tatrai
  136. Petko Ruskov
  137. Petr Mandík
  138. Petr Šrámek
  139. Petr Vitek
  140. Petra Hubačová
  141. Philip Staehelin
  142. Piotr Boulangé
  143. Piotr Kowalski
  144. Polina Georgieva
  145. Radu Georgescu
  146. Raeed Ali 
  147. Rafal Agnieszczak
  148. Ralph Talmont
  149. Razvan Crisan
  150. Roland Kovács
  151. Rumen Iliev
  152. Sebastian Tamas
  153. Sergiu Negut
  154. Stephane Gantchev
  155. Stoil Stoilov
  156. Tamas Muller
  157. Tomáš Hulle
  158. Tudor Stanciu
  159. Turcsán Tamás
  160. Valentina Zaharia
  161. Veronika Pistyur
  162. Vessy (Vesselina) Tasheva
  163. Viktor Minchev
  164. Virág Forrai
  165. Vladimir Oane
  166. Wojciech Erbetowski
  167. Yassen Stanchev
  168. Zhivko Todorov
  169. Zsofia Kerepesi
  170. Zsolt Kovacs
  171. Zuzanna Stanska

2. Eastern Europe Government Startup Resources

Public organizations that facilitate local economic development

  1. AmCham Hungary
  2. Amcham Prague
  3. AmCham Romania
  4. American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
  5. BESCO - The Bulgarian Startup Association
  6. British Bulgarian Business Association
  7. British Chamber of Commerce
  8. British Romanian Chamber of Commerce
  9. Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  10. Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  11. Budapest Enterprise Agency
  12. Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  13. Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  14. Centrum Przedsiębiorczości Smolna
  15. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
  16. Czech Business Web Portal
  17. Czech Chamber of Commerce
  18. Czech ICT Alliance
  19. CzechInvest
  20. European Regional Development Fund
  21. Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
  22. Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency
  23. INPUT Program
  24. Institute for Digital Government
  25. International Chamber of Commerce Czech Republic
  26. Invest Bulgaria Agency
  27. Invest Romania
  28. Joint Venture Association
  29. Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce
  30. La French Tech
  31. Ministry for Business, Commerce and Entrepreneurship
  32. Ministry of Economy
  33. Ministry of Economy Republic of Bulgaria
  34. Ministry of Innovation and Technology
  35. Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
  36. National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  37. Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency
  38. Smart Prague
  39. Sofia Investment Agency
  40. Sofia Tech Park
  41. Start-up Nation
  42. Startup Poland
  43. Startup Romania
  44. US Embassy Entrepreneurship Program

3. Talent

Major local business or tech universities and employers that attract and retain local talent.

  • Eastern Europe Tech Universities (universities with prominent technical or business programs)
    1. Bucharest University of Economic Studies
    2. Budapest Business School
    3. Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    4. Central European University
    5. Charles University
    6. Corvinus University of Budapest
    7. Czech Technical University Prague
    8. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
    9. Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
    10. Eötvös Loránd University
    11. Hyperion University of Bucharest
    12. International Business School
    13. International Business School
    14. Kozminski University
    15. Metropolitan University Prague
    16. National Academy of Arts
    17. New Bulgarian University
    18. Politechnika Warszawska
    19. Politehnica University of Bucharest
    20. Romanian American University
    21. Sofia Business School
    22. Sofia University
    23. Spiru Haret University
    24. Szent István University
    25. TC Business School
    26. Technical University of Sofia
    27. The Entrepreneurship Academy
    28. Titu Maiorescu University
    29. UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
    30. Universitatea Artifex
    31. University Nicolae Titulescu
    32. University of Bucharest
    33. University of Debrecen
    34. University of Miskolc
    35. University of National and World Economy
    36. University of New York in Prague
    37. University of Pécs
    38. University of Sopron
    39. University of Szeged
    40. Uniwersytet Warszawski
    41. VŠE University of Economics
    42. VŠEM University of Economics and Management Prague
    43. VŠFS University of Finance and Administration
    44. VŠO Private College of Business Prague
    45. VUZF University
    46. Warsaw School of Economics
  • Eastern Europe Tech Employers
    1. 3M
    2. А1 Bulgaria
    3. Adobe
    4. Amazon
    5. Amazon
    6. Apple
    7. Asseco Poland SA
    8. AT&T
    9. Atos
    10. ATOS IT Solutii si Servicii
    11. Avast
    12. Avira
    13. Axway
    14. BOSCH
    15. Bulpros
    16. CA Technologies
    17. Cisco
    18. Cognex
    19. Cybercom Poland
    20. DELL
    21. Dell
    22. Deutsche Telekom
    23. Deutsche Telekom
    24. DXC Technology
    25. Electronic Arts
    26. EmbedIT
    27. Endava
    28. EPAM
    29. Ericpol
    30. Ericsson
    31. Evosoft
    32. Expedia
    33. Facebook
    34. Fitbit
    35. Fortinet
    36. Gameloft
    37. GE
    38. Gemalto
    39. General Electric
    40. Google
    41. Grupa Pracuj
    42. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    43. Hootsuite
    44. HP
    45. HP
    46. Huawei
    47. IBM
    48. Infineon
    49. Infor
    50. Intel
    51. Interoute
    52. Metro Systems
    53. Microsoft
    54. NetSuite
    55. Nobel
    56. Nokia
    57. NXP Semiconductors
    58. O2
    59. Oracle
    60. Orange
    61. Orange Polska
    62. Paysafe
    63. Philips
    64. Playtech
    65. Progress
    66. Red Hat
    67. Samsung
    68. SAP
    69. Seznam
    70. Siemens
    71. SkyScanner
    72. SoftServe
    73. Softvision
    74. SumUp
    75. T-Mobile
    76. T-Systems
    77. Telelink
    78. Telenor
    79. TELUS
    80. Teradata
    81. Uber
    82. Ubisoft
    83. VIVACOM
    84. VMware
    85. Vodafone
    86. Zitec
*  *  *

Learn more about the Startup Ecosystem Canvas here, and leave us your thoughts on the Eastern Europe Canvas on this collaborative Google document (This is just a draft, and more input is needed!)

Are you looking to build a startup in Eastern Europe? Then apply to the Founder Institute today!

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