Curitiba & Parana have a fast growing startup ecosystem, and entrepreneurs here are lucky to have so many resources available to help them in their journey. However, many people don't know about all of the resources available, the differences between them, or what resources are right for them. At "How to Start Up in Parana", we will gather representatives from different entrepreneurial organizations, and top local entrepreneurs, to outline the local resources and provide tips on how to build a startup in Parana.
*AVISO: inscricoes passaram de 200. Entao: primeiros 100-120 a chegarem terao lugares para sentar, proximos 20-30 podem assistir em pe, mas nao podemos garantir vagas para quem chegar mais tarde. Obrigado pela sua compreensao.
Who Should Attend?
- Anyone who is launching or thinking about launching a local startup
- Todo mundo quem quer participar no concurso
- Os lideres do ecossistema de startups
- Anyone who wants to meet local investors, accelerators, co-working spaces, and founders
- Anyone who wants to learn about the resources available for local entrepreneurs
What is the Agenda?
- Welcome and Socializing
- Introduction to Ecosystem Organizations including:
- Startup Grind,
- HotMilk Aceleradora,
- SENAI C2i Incubadora,
- Endeavor
- & more!
- Panel Discussion with Representatives from Top Local Organization
- Question and Answer Session
- Discussion and Drinks at a Local Bar or Restaurant
This event is free to attend. Join us for a fun evening! For more free startup events, visit
[Network photo from Shutterstock]