In-Person Event

Startup Pitch Bootcamp

Practice pitching like a professional

May 07, 2014
08:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Centraal, Zamora 187, Condesa, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, DF, México
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Si tienes una idea que necesitas poder presentar mejor, únete a nosotros en el Startup Pitch Bootcamp. En sólo tres horas, este taller intensivo te ayudará a mejorar tus habilidades de pitcheo y entender los componentes de un gran pitch, proporcionando un montón de práctica hasta que lo hagas increíble. El Pitching es una habilidad clave de todo emprendedor exitoso. ¿Cómo comunicar el negocio claramente a los empleados, los clientes y los inversores? ¿Cuáles son algunos errores comunes de pitcheo que te hacen ver sin experiencia? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de lanzar tu empresa?

Who Should Attend the Pitch Bootcamp?

  • Anyone who needs practice and expert advice on pitching
  • Anyone who has an idea for a startup or an early-stage company
  • Anyone that is interested in joining a new startup or looking for a co-founder


What are some of the Topics?

  • What are the components of a great startup pitch
  • How do you pitch complex concepts in a simple way
  • What are some mistakes to avoid when pitching
  • How do you know when you pitch is good enough
  • and more...


What is the Agenda?

  • Welcome and Socializing
  • Introduction to the Founder Institute
  • Expert Talks on How to Pitch Your Business
  • Pitch Workshop
  • Speed Pitching
  • Discussion and Drinks at a Local Bar or Restaurant

This event is free to attend. Join us for a fun evening! For more free startup events, visit

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The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 7,500 entrepreneurs raise over $1.85BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 100 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.

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