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As part of the Founder Institute's ongoing series of free startup webinars for entrepreneurs practicing social distancing, on April 2nd we hosted an interactive webinar discussion with Sales Strategist Paul D'Souza on the art of the pivot: how to steer your company to revenue.

How has the changed market impacted you? Are your customers buying your product or service? If not, what is your pivot strategy? Watch this video as D'Souza -- who has spent his career helping companies increase their revenue -- reviews a systematic approach you can use to pivot your company and get back to revenue. 

Paul D’Souza has been a leader in growth Startup and Enterprise Sales for more than 20 years, and is also a longtime Go-To-Market and Revenue Mentor for the Founder Institute. D’Souza has experienced multiple market downturns throughout his career, and observed business leaders whose reactions and choices have served them and their employees both well and poorly during economic disruptions. Making the decisive choice to pivot can be critical - learn the considerations entrepreneurs need to make, and how to execute a pivot to quickly re-steer your company towards revenue.

Excerpts from the webinar

Finding your "why" to help with your pivot

The importance of leadership during a startup's pivot

The role of trust in the sales process

Growth-stage startups: how to pivot

Examples of startups that pivoted amidst COVID-19 outbreak

Reinvent yourself!

For more free interactive online startup events from the Founder Institute, visit

For entrepreneurs, now is the time to build your dream company and create the Post Coronavirus world. Apply to the Founder Institute pre-seed accelerator to build something that matters. 

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