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In our experience, many people build a startup for the wrong reasons.

For example, if you are trying to make money, then starting a company is not a practical way of doing that. Similarly, if you are trying to create more free time, starting a company won't help you achieve that either.

Phil Libin, the Co-Founder & Former CEO of Evernote, is one of the Founder Institute highest rated mentors. 

In the video below from the Founder Institute's Founder Showcase event, Phil presents the six main questions all aspiring entrepreneurs should consider before starting up.

  1. Who (are you ready to be an entrepreneur?)
  2. Why (are you doing it for the right reasons?)
  3. When (are you doing it at the right time?)
  4. Where (are you thinking globally?)
  5. What (are you building a viable product?)
  6. Wa-How (are you building something enduring?)

It is highly entertaining, and will make you look at startups and your business ideas in a new light.


If you want even more expert startup mentorship, then join the Founder Institute today!

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